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Trump news conference today...clear path to victory

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Whelp, Facebook et al down graded Biden from President Elect to projected winner...
Trump has refused to accept the results of the election that delivered victory for Democrat Joe Biden.

what the fuck kindof propaganda shit is this?

Neither, but I will keep pointing out that he took the african dictator approach to securing reelection.

"Never conceed!" Thanks Hilary.
"All votes must be counted" unless we think we won.
"Shut down the bars, resturaunts, hair salons and gyms" unless we need to use one.
"Mandate mask and social distancing" not for us elite just the peasants.

No school, no work, no family and no church. Open borders with beniefits, free college, healthcare and $15 an hour mandated minimum wage. No cheap energy and higher taxes. Great plan.
Keep cheering them on, you look as stupid as they do.
I watched the Zoom call from the Election commission last night. The Democrats on that board are running scared and angry trying to change the rules of the recount at the last second. Things like not confirming absentee ballots, luckily that didn't pass.

The Wayne Co MI (Detroit) Election Board rescinded their votes to certify, possibly leading to election results of the State not being certified.

The GA recount is finding votes for Trump, and also finding irregularities like boxes of absentee votes for Biden with perfect filled in circles for him and noone else and no fold lines like they were ever in an envelope.

The PA absentee votes after election day are likely going to be tossed by the SC.

Things are starting to fall into place for the Trump legal team. Like other things involving Trump in the past, things start slow, and pick up steam to become an unstoppable force.

I think Dershowitz may have the end game figured out. Trump doesn't have to prove he won, all he has to do is prove that Biden didn't win cleanly to get to 270 and the vote goes to the House.
Neither, but I will keep pointing out that he took the african dictator approach to securing reelection.

What I hope happens is a complete revamp of our voting system. If the highly unlikely case trump finds enough fraud and to have no faith in the election the both sides take a serious look at our systems. We allready have the irs who does a damn good job of tracking people and making sure they don’t get 2 refunds, dead people having to pay in, catching cheats fining/tossing them in jail. If the government cared as much about the little peoples opinion through voting like they do collecting taxes from us the system would be flawless.
What I hope happens is a complete revamp of our voting system. If the highly unlikely case trump finds enough fraud and to have no faith in the election the both sides take a serious look at our systems. We allready have the irs who does a damn good job of tracking people and making sure they don’t get 2 refunds, dead people having to pay in, catching cheats fining/tossing them in jail. If the government cared as much about the little peoples opinion through voting like they do collecting taxes from us the system would be flawless.

Ensuring security of voting would be great. Sadly party politics are likely to get in the way there as well. I really like the idea that Georgia has where they call up absentee voters with something goofy on their ballot or envelope to verify that the votes on the ballot were what they remember marking. The GOP is throwing a hissy fit over it. ID checks would be great too but the dems whine about it. Add in the prez claiming that it's all corrupt and rigged because he's a spoiled brat and look at the stupidity that is going on now.
What I hope happens is a complete revamp of our voting system. If the highly unlikely case trump finds enough fraud and to have no faith in the election the both sides take a serious look at our systems. We allready have the irs who does a damn good job of tracking people and making sure they don’t get 2 refunds, dead people having to pay in, catching cheats fining/tossing them in jail. If the government cared as much about the little peoples opinion through voting like they do collecting taxes from us the system would be flawless.

I've often thought that election day and tax day should be the same day...
LOL: "In Floyd County in the northwest of the state, 2,600 ballots that were stored on a memory card but not uploaded were found. Those yielded a net gain of almost 800 votes for Trump, who’s behind in the state by fewer than 14,000 votes."

Got 800 for Trump but put him behind a further 1800. I'm not seeing that as a win for the trump side.

Are you trolling, or are you actually that dumb?

This says that it was a net gain, not a gross gain. That means, out of the 2600 ballots, 800 more were cast for Trump than Biden... so roughly 1700 Trump and 900 Biden.
Of course, I say roughly, because some of the totals from either column would be for third party or write-in candidates. either way, its not "800 for Trump but put him behind a further 1800."
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If he wins will you and your androgynous friends be crying in the streets again?

I was more hoping for a mass suicide or a caravan of idiots leaving the country, personally.

How can they live another term with the evil orange man in charge? Things have been so horrible the last 4yrs im not sure how they all dealt with it..... :laughing:
It was roughly 800 for trump, 1600 for biden, and ~15 for jorgensen. So there was in fact a "net gain" of about 800 for trump, and they fail to mention the fact that biden got even further ahead at the same time because it's a propaganda blog piece.

Snap shot from the hermancain.com article, are you saying this is incorrect?

Floyd County.JPG
It's almost amazing at how blind the trump haters pretend to be at this point. You don't like him, fine. But how can you look at all the facts and say this election was totally legit?

Biden way under performed Hillary in every city BUT the swing state cities?

90%+ voter turn out in every swing state city?

Damn near every mail in vote for Biden?


Jesus christ open your eyes, I'm not even concerned if trump wins or not as much as I am about our voting system being on par with countries like Venezuela.

Oh that's right, these modern day liberals don't care how they win as long as they win. I honestly feel bad for regular old school democrats.
It's almost amazing at how blind the trump haters pretend to be at this point. You don't like him, fine. But how can you look at all the facts and say this election was totally legit?

Biden way under performed Hillary in every city BUT the swing state cities?

90%+ voter turn out in every swing state city?

Damn near every mail in vote for Biden?


Jesus christ open your eyes, I'm not even concerned if trump wins or not as much as I am about our voting system being on par with countries like Venezuela.

Oh that's right, these modern day liberals don't care how they win as long as they win. I honestly feel bad for regular old school democrats.

Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in history by a pretty wide margin and you can't possibly believe that he won?

Biden voters were a bunch of scaredy cats that can't bear to go outside and you're surprised that more mail in votes went to biden than trump who actively told his supporters to NOT mail in votes? Come on.
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