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Triggered! I made a fat boy cry on the interwebs

"I'm surprised the other guy made it, I wouldn't have pegged him as being in that sort of condition.....great job guys!"

One of my wife's friends and now kind of my friend and a guy I just met who's in my wife's friend group summited the highest mountain in their state the other day and posted about it on social media. The guy I know well is a super fit little dude, the guy I met once is a short chubby, little bitch apparently. I made this comment on their picture because I'm a half drunk asshole and I was actually impressed they made it.....

Little did I realize that in this day and age a 40ish year old white guy from Utah, who's not a Momo and seemed cool, is really a 13 year old girl who's feelers got hurt. Obviously the situation devolved from there a bit, not too much I was still trying to be what I think if as nice. Then my wife got involved because bitch boy complained to his wife. Huge fight ensues I dig in, and eventually cave and am forced to write an apology post and delete my original comment.

Then self reflection ensues, am I a huge raving asshole? Am I over the line? Did I get indoctrinated by the Irate4x4 culture too early and now can't go onto social media? Is because I've been in the trades and working on jobsites since I was 18 and now can't be in polite company?

Unless I'm way out of line, this is why America is going down the shitter. :confused:

This is a good-faith post.

I used to tutor English Comp and write term papers for money, will you take a Protip?

Don't write like you speak, or think. When you write, read each sentence or every couple of sentences back to yourself. You are writing in a Stream of Consciousness.

You have to make the effort to break that habit.

I wouldn't make this post if I thought you were unable to do this. You're just not making the effort. Write each sentence and read it back, and make sure it makes sense.

You are making the assumption that we know who and what you're talking about, because you over-use pronouns. You are writing like you are talking to us with facial expressions and hand gestures and tone of voice.

Text doesn't have those things. So you have to re-read each sentence, and go back and fix them. You are assuming we know things that we don't know.

I wouldn't make this post to Forrest Gump. You are smart enough to do it, so stop with the diarrhea.

You will also be a LOT more effective socially and professionally. If you're in the Trades, at some point you're going to have to write. You better not be making bids the way you wrote above, I'd shitcan that immediately.
Can you copy paste what his response actually was?

So far all I'm hearing is you claiming his feelings got hurt. How do you know his feelings got hurt, we need those words to see whether he went full "whaaa" or "hmm, that guy's a jerk".
This is a good-faith post.

I used to tutor English Comp and write term papers for money, will you take a Protip?

Don't write like you speak, or think. When you write, read each sentence or every couple of sentences back to yourself. You are writing in a Stream of Consciousness.

You have to make the effort to break that habit.

I wouldn't make this post if I thought you were unable to do this. You're just not making the effort. Write each sentence and read it back, and make sure it makes sense.

You are making the assumption that we know who and what you're talking about, because you over-use pronouns. You are writing like you are talking to us with facial expressions and hand gestures and tone of voice.

Text doesn't have those things. So you have to re-read each sentence, and go back and fix them. You are assuming we know things that we don't know.

I wouldn't make this post to Forrest Gump. You are smart enough to do it, so stop with the diarrhea.

You will also be a LOT more effective socially and professionally. If you're in the Trades, at some point you're going to have to write. You better not be making bids the way you wrote above, I'd shitcan that immediately.

You wasted your time writing this. He doesn't care.
Out of all of the people bitching about internet snowflakes on this thread, how many of them have me on ignore?

Out of all of the people bitching about internet snowflakes on this thread, how many of them have me on ignore?

You used to re-write shit and correct fecal fights. and get paid you say. And you used the word "smart" and deye Ah Rhea in a complete sentence. How the fuck would anyone that has you on ignore know what you say ?? More to the point, why would any of them care ??
This is a good-faith post.

I used to tutor English Comp and write term papers for money, will you take a Protip?

Don't write like you speak, or think. When you write, read each sentence or every couple of sentences back to yourself. You are writing in a Stream of Consciousness.

You have to make the effort to break that habit.

I wouldn't make this post if I thought you were unable to do this. You're just not making the effort. Write each sentence and read it back, and make sure it makes sense.

You are making the assumption that we know who and what you're talking about, because you over-use pronouns. You are writing like you are talking to us with facial expressions and hand gestures and tone of voice.

Text doesn't have those things. So you have to re-read each sentence, and go back and fix them. You are assuming we know things that we don't know.

I wouldn't make this post to Forrest Gump. You are smart enough to do it, so stop with the diarrhea.

You will also be a LOT more effective socially and professionally. If you're in the Trades, at some point you're going to have to write. You better not be making bids the way you wrote above, I'd shitcan that immediately.

Protip: Do less posting and more shutting the fuck up. Cvnt.

Stupid fucks need a lol or ha or some other thing so they do not get butthurt. Fuck them. Feed em fish heads.
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