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Triggered! I made a fat boy cry on the interwebs


Amateur Viking
May 20, 2020
Member Number
North Bend WA
"I'm surprised the other guy made it, I wouldn't have pegged him as being in that sort of condition.....great job guys!"

One of my wife's friends and now kind of my friend and a guy I just met who's in my wife's friend group summited the highest mountain in their state the other day and posted about it on social media. The guy I know well is a super fit little dude, the guy I met once is a short chubby, little bitch apparently. I made this comment on their picture because I'm a half drunk asshole and I was actually impressed they made it.....

Little did I realize that in this day and age a 40ish year old white guy from Utah, who's not a Momo and seemed cool, is really a 13 year old girl who's feelers got hurt. Obviously the situation devolved from there a bit, not too much I was still trying to be what I think if as nice. Then my wife got involved because bitch boy complained to his wife. Huge fight ensues I dig in, and eventually cave and am forced to write an apology post and delete my original comment.

Then self reflection ensues, am I a huge raving asshole? Am I over the line? Did I get indoctrinated by the Irate4x4 culture too early and now can't go onto social media? Is because I've been in the trades and working on jobsites since I was 18 and now can't be in polite company?

Unless I'm way out of line, this is why America is going down the shitter. :confused:
You both sound like 13 yo girls, particularly if it happened on FB. You either immediately apologize--hey sorry, I was just joking, meant no offense. Or, you say "get over it, Nancy" and accept you lost a fake FB friend and stay off FB. You don't write an insincere apology because your wife makes you.

Your post is nothing that should offend a 40 year old adult who carries some extra pounds.
Shouldn't have pegged him...:laughing:

This is why I am not on facebook. I would have a hard time mustering an apology other than " sorry I pissed you off" if the guy is visually out of shape.
I got banned from a forum by comparing riding a particular motorcycle to banging a fat chick; it was boring, but it got the job done. Forum mod came forward, claiming to be a fat chick that was offended, and I got the boot. :laughing:
An internet fitness evaluation? You are in fact an asshole. If you knew him that's one thing, but just out of the blue to bang him like that, fully asshole territory. OTOH, he should have just chalked it up to you being an asshole.

Oh, and me evaluating your ass-holiness is only because you asked. :flipoff2:
You both sound like 13 yo girls, particularly if it happened on FB. You either immediately apologize--hey sorry, I was just joking, meant no offense. Or, you say "get over it, Nancy" and accept you lost a fake FB friend and stay off FB. You don't write an insincere apology because your wife makes you.

Your post is nothing that should offend a 40 year old adult who carries some extra pounds.

^^ that.

My wife laughs all the time when I tell her I'm fixing to get in an internet fight. Shes not on social media whatsoever but she is VERY active in our community, so my online actions get back to her all the time. She'll come with stories her people have told her about how I'm a raving asshole, or that I'm spot on, or that I'm funny. She would never not stand up for any of my actions. She knows I can be an asshole, and if i was being one to someone, they deserved it.
Probably told him there were cookies at the top of the mountain....🤷‍
deleting a post and putting up an apology is a pretty bitch move. but my first thought would be more in line with emiller and arickvan

don't remove history, leave it there for others to learn from
I can't get on FB and not be an OG to morons. I pretty much treated it as such and lit a lot of folks up. I now don't to FB because I cannot behave myself... especially Libtarded news page's comments.
Telling a blue haired genderless screecher to gargle razors and drink bleach evidently gets 30 day vacations EVERY time.
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"I'm surprised the OP made a successful post, I wouldn't have pegged him as being smart enough to internet.....great job guy!"

Here, you can expect folks to talk shit - just to fawk w/ you :flipoff2:
​and you get zero butthurts.

But to someone you don't know at all, implying that he's a piece of shit could be "taken wrong". :laughing:
As a fellow asshole, I really try not to NOT post on social media.

Between the military, construction jobsites, and hanging out with rednecks, my 'civility filter' is seriously fucked. I find it truly astonishing how big of pussies most of the world is.
And then you come here and fuck up posting about it by no screenshots!

We all like some sweaty man-chub, right? Right?
Fat dude who climbed a mountain should agree with you. I am the same, but can hike all day. I don't get offended if someone is surprised by that, but I am not all that self-conscious. If I was, I'd lose weight.

OP, however, is a pussy because he apologized. From the little you posted here, OP didn't mean any ill will, and to me that would be a complement. If someone is easily offended that is not the OP's problem. Don't apologize for congratulating someone.

This is why I do not Facebook
You're a bitch for apologizing. You caved to a candy ass snowflake and that just empowered him to continue that behavior in the future.
You're not an asshole, you're a bitch for deleting it and caving in to your wife.

A real asshole owns his shit and keeps it up until everyone is fully offended.
You're not an asshole, you're a bitch for deleting it and caving in to your wife.

A real asshole owns his shit and keeps it up until everyone is fully offended.

THIS! Make the wife regret being friends with butthurt twats in the first place. OP got pegged with a road cone to the base.
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