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Time ragazine


Should have ended it there.
Nobody reads that stupid magazine.

Time person of the year

1938 Adolf Hitler
1939 Joseph Stalin
2020 joe biden
this is the first time the VP has been on the cover for person of the year instead of the president, so that's fun :laughing:
I wonder if they will receive their Nobel prizes before or after the inauguration.
Makes you wonder if the results turn into Trump's favor (HAH!) and they issue new rags.
Makes you wonder if the results turn into Trump's favor (HAH!) and they issue new rags.

No. If the supreme court flips it, time would probably name the court as the people of the year in 2021. It's just an attention getting move that works year after year. Name somebody controversial and people flip out and pay attention to them either out of hate or adoration.
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