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Time for a new phone I guess


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Syracuse, NY
Current phone is a Galaxy S8 Active. Over the past 2 weeks the internet seems to be not working intermittently. I need to be able to browse the web and use outlook / excel etc. for work so I guess I need a new phone.

What's everyone using these days? Only requirement is that it needs to support Outlook and Microsoft. Pretty sure all phones open .PDF's these days so not worried about that. I couldn't care less about cameras or games and I don't use very many apps I use the web browser for everything.
If you're looking for an unlocked phone, I have my kids using Blu phones, the G9 pro is about $200. That's what I would do if I were replacing today.

If you are going through Verizon then then ignore this. (GSM vs CDMA)
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Just Got an s10 to replace my Edge 7. on Amazon for $500. It's literally brand new. Very happy with it so far.

Edit: the vendor I used. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N4GKMH8...roduct_details

I smashed the Edge 7 so hard (flew off my truck around 45 MPH and someone ran it over :laughing:) the screen wouldn't light up. Had to use the google to transfer my data and my pics were thankfully on my chip. I took it apart to try and see it it was just a loose cable. Nope. on power up the samsung logo would light up but the software wouldn't . I thought, oh well. Google worked pretty good other than it forgot a shit load of the most commonly used numbers :confused:

Anywho....I tried to remove the battery to recycle it cuz the phone was going in the garbage. I accidently poked the fully charged battery and where I poked it, the hole turned cherry red. :eek: ....yep it started a mini fourth of july in my hand. Couldn't get outside quick enough before the house filled with smoke. :lmao: Phucking phone was a total loss after that. Wouldn't stop flaming until I submerged it in water.:rolleyes:
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Current phone is a Galaxy S8 Active. Over the past 2 weeks the internet seems to be not working intermittently.
Have you tried rebooting it? My 7 would do that and a reboot would fix it every time. It stopped happening after a while.
I went from an s8+ or whatever the larger one was to a pixel 4 XL and I really like it. It boots in seconds, no bullshit from Samsung loaded on it to slow it down, just pure Android goodness.
S8+, works great browses internet, email and I can see porn just fine on it. Try rebooting your phone and have it search for updates. My wifes s10+ went full retard one day and that fixed it.
I just went from s8+ to note 10. Honestly I've already scratched the glass on this new phone two weeks in. Glass seems fragile on this new phone.
There is maintenance options to do in settings on my J3. They might be on yours too. Memory and App cleanup, and shit like that. A reboot afterwards is good idea.

I was phoneless for 7 years till I got a J3, which lasted 4 years till I sat on it and it smashed. It was issue free all that time and I beat the hell out of it, purposely trying to break it at times to upgrade, but it never would break. When my ass finally managed the feat I told myself what a phone it was and got another.

J3 number two......
I just went through the same thing with my old S8+. I ended up with a Note 10+. The older I get the bigger screen I need. :laughing:
Have you tried rebooting it? My 7 would do that and a reboot would fix it every time. It stopped happening after a while.

Yes I've rebooted it several times, checked for updates, performed "maintenance" all that stuff. It will come back on after a while but nothing seems to cure it.
I just went from s8+ to note 10. Honestly I've already scratched the glass on this new phone two weeks in. Glass seems fragile on this new phone.

Did yours come with a factory screen protector? I just picked up a Note 10 about 2 weeks ago and it has one factory. Looking at mine now and it does have some light scratches already, but no big deal, its just the cover. They also sell a thick version that is applied at the phone store. Ill go with that one once the stock cover gets to fucked.
They repacked the Active series with the Xcover Pro. It is rugged, waterproof, has a large capacity removable battery and cost $500. I like mine a lot.
Did yours come with a factory screen protector? I just picked up a Note 10 about 2 weeks ago and it has one factory. Looking at mine now and it does have some light scratches already, but no big deal, its just the cover. They also sell a thick version that is applied at the phone store. Ill go with that one once the stock cover gets to fucked.

I'll have to check the box but don't recall seeing a screen protector in the box.
They repacked the Active series with the Xcover Pro. It is rugged, waterproof, has a large capacity removable battery and cost $500. I like mine a lot.

I've been looking at those. My S8 Active may be on it's way out (USB won't connect to anything- charges, but zero data connection).

Sadly, the Xcover is slightly worse in every spec than my S8 Active. Well, except the removable battery. No wireless charge, either.


I gave up on my S5 Active a couple years ago when even the reputable Chicom companies weren't selling batteries any more. :( Swappable only helps if you can buy more...

Just like with vehicles, I wish they'd stop "improving" them, and just sell me a new one of what I have.
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I've been looking at those. My S8 Active may be on it's way out (USB won't connect to anything- charges, but zero data connection).

Sadly, the Xcover is slightly worse in every spec than my S8 Active. Well, except the removable battery. No wireless charge, either.


I gave up on my S5 Active a couple years ago when even the reputable Chicom companies weren't selling batteries any more. :( Swappable only helps if you can buy more...

Just like with vehicles, I wish they'd stop "improving" them, and just sell me a new one of what I have.

In what ways is the xcover worse, aside from wireless charging?
I'll have to check the box but don't recall seeing a screen protector in the box.

It comes pre-installed on the phone. Look at the camera lens at the top of the screen. If it has a circle around it and you can feel an edge, the screen protector is already there.
Do a network reset and see if that fixes your issues.

I was having issues with my S8 Edge and that fixed it about a year ago. No issues since
LG V40 with 2TB capacity, I'm damn happy. On my 2nd one because like an idiot, I believed the Sprint lie about great service. Went back to the Verizon phone LG V40 running on US Mobile and use an app to turn off any apps I didn't want that was Verizon bloatware.
In what ways is the xcover worse, aside from wireless charging?

Rereading the link, I guess slightly lower resolution screen is about it. I'd remembered it as more significant stuff.

Are you pretty happy with yours? How do you like the pogo-pin charging? That seems almost as good as wireless...

Where did you get yours? I see you can get them straight from Samsung.
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