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thee i'm lit thread


another toyota from P.R.K
May 19, 2020
Member Number
First 50 club
I started this on another site...
post up yer cross-eyed rant, fun stories, incoherent babble ect...

I typed this with one eye open and one finger...
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Just hit the gf's kid (8) in the head with an empty(ish) in the back yard for rubbing my dogs back with his crotch and saying "I'm touching Bruce with my privates!!!"
Been waiting for like 3 years to hook up my 220v welder, and haven’t welded in like 20 years.

1 hour of practice and fixing all the broke shit on the 220v Lincoln 180 HD, 4 Chico Summerfests and and an unknown number or Vodka/Arnold Palmers and it’s game on...

Been waiting for like 3 years to hook up my 220v welder, and haven’t welded in like 20 years.

1 hour of practice and fixing all the broke shit on the 220v Lincoln 180 HD, 4 Chico Summerfests and and an unknown number or Vodka/Arnold Palmers and it’s game on...

I've done worse. For some reason I always weld the most noticeable parts of whatever I'm working on when I have to close one eye to see straight. The A pillar cage tie-ins on my 85 runner remind me of what a dipshit I am every time I look through the windshield.
I've done worse. For some reason I always weld the most noticeable parts of whatever I'm working on when I have to close one eye to see straight. The A pillar cage tie-ins on my 85 runner remind me of what a dipshit I am every time I look through the windshield.

I'm the same way, but the welding isn't the problem so much even multiple beers in, it's the cutting/fitting while drinking that always screws me. It seems after 6-7 beers I forget shit has 2 sides and if I'm gonna weld on them both, that both need to fit. There's a decent size gusset in plain sight on one of my motorycycle frames that suffered this fate, right side fit mint, perfect prep, left side was a gap that ran from 1/8" to about 3/16" on an inch wide part, and it looks like I burned it in with both eyes closed because of it.
I've done worse. For some reason I always weld the most noticeable parts of whatever I'm working on when I have to close one eye to see straight. The A pillar cage tie-ins on my 85 runner remind me of what a dipshit I am every time I look through the windshield.

I always tell people I get twice as much done when I'm drinking. I always wake up the next day and see how shitty I did it, so I have to do it again.:laughing:
Just hit the gf's kid (8) in the head with an empty(ish) in the back yard for rubbing my dogs back with his crotch and saying "I'm touching Bruce with my privates!!!"

Bottle or can? If it was a can he wont think you were serious.
I always tell people I get twice as much done when I'm drinking. I always wake up the next day and see how shitty I did it, so I have to do it again.:laughing:

Couple of my buddies split a 1/4 of mushrooms years ago and built the exo on his toyota. Totally different designs on each side:laughing: welding wasn't that bad though.
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