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The two doctors in California


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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The two doctors in California, who were censured from the internet at the beginning of the pandemic... Sounds like they were far more accurate after all than the WHO and the authorities. Yay for censorship.
The two SoCal doctors, that early on called the hype a bunch of BS and told everyone to calm down.
Their videos got pulled from all media sources. They called out Fauci, saying he hasn't seen a patient in over 20 years.
They went against the narrative, therefore they were censored/cancelled. But they were right, and we all knew it.

You either saw the video or you did not. Not sure if there's copies out there being reposted faster than they are deleted.

In countries with cultural norms or government policies supporting public mask-wearing, per-capita coronavirus mortality increased on average by just 15.8% each week, as compared with 62.1% each week in remaining countries. Conclusions. Societal norms and government policies supporting the wearing of masks by the public, as well as international travel controls, are independently associated with lower per-capita mortality from COVID-19.

Masks work, countries worldwide have proven it. Only America has a problem with it, and now has 200000 dead.

In countries with cultural norms or government policies supporting public mask-wearing, per-capita coronavirus mortality increased on average by just 15.8% each week, as compared with 62.1% each week in remaining countries. Conclusions. Societal norms and government policies supporting the wearing of masks by the public, as well as international travel controls, are independently associated with lower per-capita mortality from COVID-19.

Masks work, countries worldwide have proven it. Only America has a problem with it, and now has 200000 dead.

Do you have stock in 3m or something? You're not going to change any minds here.
The CDC released figures showing 94% of covid deaths occured in patients that also had other underlaying and contributing factors (an average of 2.4 additional factors IIRC). The means only around 6% of people who "died from covid" were only infected with covid. This 200k that people love to bring up is largely made up of people who were already in very poor health and would have been taken out by some other bug. The current count by the CDC is about 188k, which equates to about 11k of pure covid infections. Hardly a pandemic.

In countries with cultural norms or government policies supporting public mask-wearing, per-capita coronavirus mortality increased on average by just 15.8% each week, as compared with 62.1% each week in remaining countries. Conclusions. Societal norms and government policies supporting the wearing of masks by the public, as well as international travel controls, are independently associated with lower per-capita mortality from COVID-19.

Masks work, countries worldwide have proven it. Only America has a problem with it, and now has 200000 dead.

We are well under 20k dead due to covid.

If you’re gonna troll, you might wanna get your facts straight.
We sad “fuck mask” and won. :lmao:

We are well under 20k dead due to covid.

If you’re gonna troll, you might wanna get your facts straight.
We sad “fuck mask” and won. :lmao:


Lol from the website that diagnoses everything as cancer.

But seriously, the logic here doesn't really hold up. My grandfather died of pneumonia a while back. But he had underlying conditions stemming from aggressive throat cancer treatment which made the pee-noo-monia worse. By your logic he died of radiation and not pneumonia.
Lol from the website that diagnoses everything as cancer.

But seriously, the logic here doesn't really hold up. My grandfather died of pneumonia a while back. But he had underlying conditions stemming from aggressive throat cancer treatment which made the pee-noo-monia worse. By your logic he died of radiation and not pneumonia.

Nice try dildo. That was simply the first link. It’s been verified by everyone.

And your analogy is retarded. Radiation is not a disease or illness. It’s a treatment. Might wanna do some research before you speak:lmao:
Nice try dildo. That was simply the first link. It’s been verified by everyone.

And your analogy is retarded. Radiation is not a disease or illness. It’s a treatment. Might wanna do some research before you speak:lmao:

That's seriously the best defense you can come up with for your claims? "All the cool kids are doing it, and by that I mean all the kids" and "hurr durr radiation is not a disease"

Radiation may not be a disease but the damage it causes certainly can be. (and it was in his case) If you can't connect those dots no wonder you fall for this qanon/alex jones/random t00ber conspiracy shit. In any case the vast majority of those people would still be alive if it weren't for covid, so what killed them again?
Lol from the website that diagnoses everything as cancer.

But seriously, the logic here doesn't really hold up. My grandfather died of pneumonia a while back. But he had underlying conditions stemming from aggressive throat cancer treatment which made the pee-noo-monia worse. By your logic he died of radiation and not pneumonia.

By the rest of the board he died from covid. May he rest in peace.
That's seriously the best defense you can come up with for your claims? "All the cool kids are doing it, and by that I mean all the kids" and "hurr durr radiation is not a disease"

Radiation may not be a disease but the damage it causes certainly can be. (and it was in his case) If you can't connect those dots no wonder you fall for this qanon/alex jones/random t00ber conspiracy shit. In any case the vast majority of those people would still be alive if it weren't for covid, so what killed them again?

You are reaching so far, it’s pathetic.

Fact-Actual covid deaths are 6%. 94% had 2.6 additional contributing factors. This is directly on the CDC website.

But go ahead, keep rambling about irrelevant bullshit because it goes against the narrative:lmao::lmao:

”cause of death-radiation treatment”:lmao:
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We are well under 20k dead due to covid.

If you’re gonna troll, you might wanna get your facts straight.
We sad “fuck mask” and won. :lmao:


So a sick person gets run over by a bus and the cause of death is a pre-existing condition?
Or a sick person gets a cold and dies from pneumonia actually died from underlying causes?

This thread is great. In the last 4 responses there is so much contradictory BS, I lol.
You are reaching so far, it’s pathetic.

Fact-Actual covid deaths are 6%. 94% had 2.6 additional contributing factors. This is directly on the CDC website.

But go ahead, keep rambling about irrelevant bullshit because it goes against the narrative:lmao::lmao:

So these people died of the beetus instead of the rona? Is that how it works in your mind?
So these people died of the beetus instead of the rona? Is that how it works in your mind?

Keep reaching and talking about irrelevant bullshit.
Face it, these are facts. The CDC even list many of the most common contributing factors for ya.

I couldn’t find medical treatments as causes though, maybe you can?:lmao::lmao:
So a sick person gets run over by a bus and the cause of death is a pre-existing condition?
Or a sick person gets a cold and dies from pneumonia actually died from underlying causes?

This thread is great. In the last 4 responses there is so much contradictory BS, I lol.

It's fun watching trump-tards shit all over themself. Entertainment! (like watching chimps at a zoo)
It's fun watching trump-tards shit all over themself. Entertainment! (like watching chimps at a zoo)

Micheal, Have you been practicing your troll words like we talked about?

You’re worth it Micheal. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but you really gotta work on the insults. “trump-tards shit all over themselves”. C’mon Micheal, you’re better than this. You’ve been spending too much time around dildo and the wallet thief.
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Keep reaching and talking about irrelevant bullshit.
Face it, these are facts. The CDC even list many of the most common contributing factors for ya.

I couldn’t find medical treatments as causes though, maybe you can?:lmao::lmao:

I thought the CDC was bad because they were pushing social distancing and masks a few months ago? Are they good again? Did Donny tweet support or something?

But anyway back to my question, just dumbed down a bit for you: do you honestly believe that those people with preexisting issues would still have died already if they didn't catch the rona?
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I thought the CDC was bad because they were pushing social distancing and masks a few months ago? Are they good again? Did Donny tweet support or something?

But anyway back to my question, just dumbed down a bit for you: do you honestly believe that those people with preexisting issues would still have died already if they didn't catch the rona?

Logic. Get outta here with logic...
I thought the CDC was bad because they were pushing social distancing and masks a few months ago? Are they good again? Did Donny tweet support or something?

But anyway back to my question, just dumbed down a bit for you: do you honestly believe that those people with preexisting issues would still have died already if they didn't catch the rona?

My neighbor had Leukemia. He suffered for 3 years through treatments and his body being wrecked.

He ended up falling and it was simply too much and “the straw that broke the camels back” and he passed away.

Was his cause of death a fall? Would he had died if he didn’t have leukemia?

Edit. This was a minor fall when he missed a step.
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My neighbor had lukemia. He suffered for 3 years through treatments and his body being wrecked.

He ended up falling and it was simply too much and “the straw that broke the camels back” and he passed away.

Was his cause of death a fall?

That's what did him in, so yes. The other issues made it easier to die from a fall than your average person, but that doesn't mean that the fall had nothing to do with his demise.
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