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The polio vaccine

Not quoting the troll, they moved the goal posts and claimed a victory for vaccines, in reality they quietly made an administrative change. Fact. Get fucked.

The problem with you Schizophrenia fantasy is that polio has ceased to exist in the US, but everyone who watches TV has seen hundreds to tens of thousands of hours of FDR stumbling around with his Polio symptoms.

But still, you took this article seriously. :shaking: Sad.
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Whats settled science? We produced a vaccine, polio went away. Not exactly settled but its at least testable, reproducible and visible to the observer. Thats a close to science as possible in our earthly existence.

Youre making two claims: #1 The government is evil for changing the diagnostic criteria for polio then claiming that as a win and #2 Pesticides caused polio and when we stopped using them we no longer have polio.

Which both a non-sensible and are clear Facebook anti-vax dogmatism. Because #1 who cares that the government changed its diagnostic criteria? Polio has visibly disappeared from our society and we have the data to prove why it did. #2 There is zero science supporting the theory that pesticides caused polio. This is clear cut correlation/causation observation failures from navel gazing pseudo personas looking to sell whatever snake oil they peddle.

Using both these arguments in place of each other in a discussion shows how pathologically dogmatic you are in your belief of some grand conspiracy regarding vaccines. But please.....please i beg you..... lecture me on "blood brain barrier". I know youre itching to type it out.

Let me pull some snippets from your response:

The government is evil
non-sensible and are clear Facebook anti-vax dogmatism
navel gazing pseudo personas looking to sell whatever snake oil they peddle.
pathologically dogmatic you are in your belief of some grand conspiracy regarding vaccines. But please.....please i beg you..... lecture me on "blood brain barrier". I know youre itching to type it out

You seem to have an emotional reaction to me questioning the effectiveness of the polio vaccine, and pointing out little known factors that may have influenced public perception.

The effectiveness of the polio vaccine is the cornerstone for many or most pro immunization arguments. There is currently a lot of talk, demand, also mistrust of a new immunization. Not a bad time to point out that there's some faults in that cornerstone miracle drug.

I've had a lot of insults thrown my way, because I'm curious, not biased, I only want the truth, good, bad ugly.

What I've found on polio

1) it wasn't all that prevalent, lots of news, lots of talk, but lasting cases of paralysis and fatal cases weren't as prevalent as the newspapers then, and maybe the memories of our older relatives made it seem

2) the criteria for a case of polio was dramatically changed at the same time as the immunizations, and the major reduction of reported cases was attributed to the vaccine

3) There is compelling evidence that polio was related to pesticides, not caused by a virus. The production increases, decreases and eventual banning, correlates closely with polio.

I am skeptical of the polio miracle vaccine.

But you can make all the emotionally charged personal attacks on me you'd like, it is the internet after all.
3) There is compelling evidence that polio was related to pesticides, not caused by a virus. The production increases, decreases and eventual banning, correlates closely with polio.

Then why are there still polio cases currently in the world?
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1) it wasn't all that prevalent, lots of news, lots of talk, but lasting cases of paralysis and fatal cases weren't as prevalent as the newspapers then, and maybe the memories of our older relatives made it seem

Wait, you're not the Holocaust Denier that was hanging around here, are you? Because that sounds like their rhetoric. "Ahh, it wasn't that bad, no matter what some old people say, and the pics are from a bad angle!"

My high-school best friend's Dad had a gimpy leg and a limp from polio as a kid. He'd be 75+ if he's still alive.
Then why are there still polio cases currently in the world?

Gosh, a myriad of potential causes, misdiagnosis in current case, pesticides not wholly responsible for every case diagnosed as polio in the 50s, somebody found some patina barn find pesticides in Guatemala

Wait, you're not the Holocaust Denier that was hanging around here, are you? Because that sounds like their rhetoric. "Ahh, it wasn't that bad, no matter what some old people say, and the pics are from a bad angle!"

My high-school best friend's Dad had a gimpy leg and a limp from polio as a kid. He'd be 75+ if he's still alive.

Is that an insult? A data point? A random comment?
So you admit you have no idea what causes polio, but the unsubstantiated claim that pesticides does serves your pathology so you just run with it? sounds like science to me lmao

He also thinks airliners are big cropdusters spraying us with mind control particles.
I'm sure the vaccine had some effectiveness.

But the data is skewed, as polio was already declining sharply.

Then tweaking the reporting criteria so that say, 3 of 4 cases aren't reported as polio.

Then there's the hype. US population was 166,000,000 in 1955 with 50k cases of "24 hour paralysis" polio. That's 1 in 3,300 by the old metric. Maybe 1 in 10k has long term paralysis, and sharply declining yearly.

Give Saulk some credit, but question the lack of transparency.

Normally you aren’t a retard but this thread is retarded.

I was just talking to a neighbor at my shop about polio. He got it very shortly before the vaccine was created and is partially crippled due to it. The vaccine is real and polio is real. The vaccine worked.
So you admit you have no idea what causes polio, but the unsubstantiated claim that pesticides does serves your pathology so you just run with it? sounds like science to me lmao

He also thinks airliners are big cropdusters spraying us with mind control particles.

So, we don't consider the possibility that the polio epidemic was due to toxins? Zero interest whatsoever? We take the government's 1955 press release as gospel? Us gov had the citizens best interests in mind at this time right?
BTW this was the same era that nuclear fallout from testing was screwing up Kodak's film and causing thyroid cancer, so . Gov secretly shared nuclear testing info with film manufacturers. But not the food industry or the public.

it's all good, keep the insults coming
So, we don't consider the possibility that the polio epidemic was due to toxins? Zero interest whatsoever? We take the government's 1955 press release as gospel? Us gov had the citizens best interests in mind at this time right?
BTW this was the same era that nuclear fallout from testing was screwing up Kodak's film and causing thyroid cancer, so . Gov secretly shared nuclear testing info with film manufacturers. But not the food industry or the public.

it's all good, keep the insults coming

When there are carvings in Egyptian tombs of people with polio symptoms, and the first official western diagnosis was described in 1789 (in England), I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's not caused by pesticides.

Now did rampant pesticide use potentially make people more susceptible to it? That's possible, especially with some of the nastier ones used in the past. But polio is absolutely caused by a virus and the vaccine works.
So, we don't consider the possibility that the polio epidemic was due to toxins? Zero interest whatsoever? We take the government's 1955 press release as gospel? Us gov had the citizens best interests in mind at this time right?
BTW this was the same era that nuclear fallout from testing was screwing up Kodak's film and causing thyroid cancer, so . Gov secretly shared nuclear testing info with film manufacturers. But not the food industry or the public.

it's all good, keep the insults coming

Have you looked into chemtrails? I think they may tie this whole theory together.
I was part of the first kids to get the original polio vaccine in school. I ived near NYC and there were polio scares in the summer. We were never confned indoors but publc pools would close...I knew of a few sshool kids in iron lungs or hobbling on crutches.
lots of reasons to believe or disbelieve vaccination programs, pick one that makes you feel warm inside.....
I have a cousin who has a bad limp because of Polio. She was born in the late 40s or early 50s. Not exactly sure. Pretty sure they said she missed the vaccine by a year.
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It the mark on my arm is from the vaccine?
WTF did they use a needle scaling gun or was that intentional to mark it was done.
It the mark on my arm is from the vaccine?
WTF did they use a needle scaling gun or was that intentional to mark it was done.

If it was for smallpox that's just the nature of the vaccine. It causes a small infection that doesn't spread like regular smallpox does by injecting you with something very similar to smallpox. That little scar is just how your body reacts to it to make antibodies.
My position is that sometimes we get lied to.
Sometimes public perception is manipulated.

This was published today, timely, the information came from FOIA requests. It's pretty self explanatory.

Sure seems like sometimes government funded organizations and scientists intentionally mislead the public regarding pandemics:homer:


Posted on November 18, 2020 by Sainath Suryanarayanan
Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The emails obtained via public records requests show that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak drafted the Lancet statement, and that he intended it to “not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person” but rather to be seen as “simply a letter from leading scientists”. Daszak wrote that he wanted “to avoid the appearance of a political statement”.

The scientists’ letter appeared in The Lancet on February 18, just one week after the World Health Organization announced that the disease caused by the novel coronavirus would be named COVID-19.

The 27 authors “strongly condemn[ed] conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” and reported that scientists from multiple countries “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” The letter included no scientific references to refute a lab-origin theory of the virus. One scientist, Linda Saif, asked via email whether it would be useful “to add just one or 2 statements in support of why nCOV is not a lab generated virus and is naturally occuring? Seems critical to scientifically refute such claims!” Daszak responded, “I think we should probably stick to a broad statement.”

Growing calls to investigate the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a potential source of SARS-CoV-2 have led to increased scrutiny of EcoHealth Alliance. The emails show how members of EcoHealth Alliance played an early role in framing questions about possible lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 as “crackpot theories that need to be addressed,” as Daszak told The Guardian.

Although the phrase “EcoHealth Alliance” appeared only once in The Lancet statement, in association with co-author Daszak, several other co-authors also have direct ties to the group that were not disclosed as conflicts of interest. Rita Colwell and James Hughes are members of the Board of Directors of EcoHealth Alliance, William Karesh is the group’s Executive Vice President for Health and Policy, and Hume Field is Science and Policy Advisor.

The statement’s authors also claimed that the “rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins.” Today, however, little is known about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and investigations into its origins by the World Health Organization and The Lancet COVID-19 commission have been shrouded in secrecy and mired by conflicts of interests.

Peter Daszak, Rita Colwell, and The Lancet Editor Richard Horton did not provide comments in response to our requests for this story.

For more information:

A link to the entire batch of EcoHealth Alliance emails can be found here: EcoHealth Alliance emails: University of Maryland (466 pages)

U.S. Right to Know is posting documents obtained through public freedom of information (FOI) requests for our Biohazards investigation in our post: FOI documents on origins of SARS-CoV-2, hazards of gain-of-function research and biosafety labs.
My position is that sometimes we get lied to.
Sometimes public perception is manipulated.

This was published today, timely, the information came from FOIA requests. It's pretty self explanatory.

Sure seems like sometimes government funded organizations and scientists intentionally mislead the public regarding pandemics:homer:


Posted on November 18, 2020 by Sainath Suryanarayanan
Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Those two papers they link to that is "evidence" of genetic manipulation? The only manipulation reported in those was figuring out what the RNA sequences were so they could identify them and try to figure out how they evolved. No modification was mentioned at all. They also tested these bat viruses against some human and pig cells to see if they could infect them. Again, no genetic modification reported.

These sort of fringe websites prey on the ignorant.
Those two papers they link to that is "evidence" of genetic manipulation? The only manipulation reported in those was figuring out what the RNA sequences were so they could identify them and try to figure out how they evolved. No modification was mentioned at all. They also tested these bat viruses against some human and pig cells to see if they could infect them. Again, no genetic modification reported.

These sort of fringe websites prey on the ignorant.

So why the secrecy? Shouldn't science be transparent?

Why the effort to make it look like respected individuals came to the same conclusion independently?
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