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The *Official* Trials Bike Thread.

Start of a play area. I have a shit load of downed trees I can drag over/make trail to plus pretty much unlimited pallets from work. They are some rocky areas out there also but it is so overgrown right now I can't get in there.

Also have some big chunks of concrete from cleaning up the lot here where a mobile home burnt down


Played on it a bit. I thought I was a decent rider, mid B guy and I've done some hard enduros but man, this is already eye opening on how much I suck :laughing:
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Played on it a bit. I thought I was a decent rider, mid B guy and I've done some hard enduros but man, this is already eye opening on how much I suck :laughing:

Fook yeah!

Find a local club and go ride with them before you pic up any (more) bad habits.

Putzing around in the yard is fun and all but you need to get taught some fundamentals. Everything goes out the window when there's tape and gates on the ground.
Dee and David @ D-Squared trials can likely get you any parts you need.

DEEP knees, full lock turns steering with your pegs. Roll them ankles. Let it fall into the turn then bring it back.

I haven't touched my singletrack bike in 3 years since I got real serious about trials. :beer:
Fook yeah!

Find a local club and go ride with them before you pic up any (more) bad habits.

Putzing around in the yard is fun and all but you need to get taught some fundamentals. Everything goes out the window when there's tape and gates on the ground.
Dee and David @ D-Squared trials can likely get you any parts you need.

DEEP knees, full lock turns steering with your pegs. Roll them ankles. Let it fall into the turn then bring it back.

I haven't touched my singletrack bike in 3 years since I got real serious about trials. :beer:

Local forum has a handful of trials guys I need to hang out with. A lot of them have weird schedules and ride during the week unfortunately.

I worked a trials event locally last year, need to get some contact info for the guys who own the property and see how often they get out.

Currently attending YouTube university while I cool off between sessions :laughing:
New Mexico Trials Association July event at one of our most accessible and spectacular venues. Ride the ski area, sit at the bar and have a drink and a burger and watch us (hopefully not) crash in the river. Amazing disk golf course too that intermingles with the sections.
Hell of a weekend. 134 riders showed up to our biggest event of the year. It was nuts.
I rode great on Sat over the nastiest terrain I have ever ridden. Broke my brake pedal off on the first loop Sunday. Luckily I found one to borrow in the pits and continued at least. Was going to end the weekend with no 5's and then I crashed in my last section. โ˜น๏ธ Oh well.

I kinda know a guy who knows Nate Hassler. What happened there? 2 DNFs is pretty out of character for him from what I understand. Looks like your Dad and Jake Scarb are out there kicking ass as well :grinpimp:
I kinda know a guy who knows Nate Hassler. What happened there? 2 DNFs is pretty out of character for him from what I understand. Looks like your Dad and Jake Scarb are out there kicking ass as well :grinpimp:
Dunno what happened to Nate. The Champ lines were insane though.

Yeah dad is on track to podium his class this year. Jake is progressing very well for his 2nd season.
Glorieta this weekend sounds like uppers is gonna have a long Saturday. 5.25 mile loop * 3 loops + 1.25 mile ride to the loop and back. :eek: I hope the sections are easy. :laughing:

Got the bike prepped last night.
Glorieta this weekend sounds like uppers is gonna have a long Saturday. 5.25 mile loop * 3 loops + 1.25 mile ride to the loop and back. :eek: I hope the sections are easy. :laughing:

Got the bike prepped last night.
So my homie just recently bought a TRS One 250 and we had a ton of fun dicking around on it in the badlands at the Cuba race a few weeks back. That thing only had like a .8gal tank or something though :eek:
Are you having to carry gas in and out to be able to to do 20ish miles on it?
So my homie just recently bought a TRS One 250 and we had a ton of fun dicking around on it in the badlands at the Cuba race a few weeks back. That thing only had like a .8gal tank or something though :eek:
Are you having to carry gas in and out to be able to to do 20ish miles on it?
I can run 23ish miles trail riding before it hits reserve. 1 gallon tank.

Anything over 10 or so in competition I'll stop back in the pits and top off.
I think that really depends on how much time it spends upside down:flipoff2:
:laughing: That too.

Sunday section 1, loop 3.
See Sceep ride. Go Sceep go!

See Sceep start to crash! NO Sceep, NO!

See Sceeps bike disappear upside down into a crevasse. Well shit, Sceep. :laughing:


What a bitch. Took 4 of us to lift that thing back up outtah there.
What a bitch. Took 4 of us to lift that thing back up outtah there.

Thats awesome.:lmao:

Got the 300 stuck in a madrone tree on the edge of a cut bank awhile back. Took alot of heckling before I could get help from anybody:homer:
Down outside of Roswell NM for a Mountan West Vintage Trials event this weekend. We're allowed to ride modern bikes in the Modern Support class. I rode A class which is their 2nd to highest and kicked the shit outtah one of my clubs Expert class riders Sat, and then he came back and got me today.

19 points total for the weekend and a 2nd place.



Dad rode so well he decided he deserved a new bike so he traded his 2013 and some $$$$ for a 2021 4t factory 300. :grinpimp:
Down outside of Roswell NM for a Mountan West Vintage Trials event this weekend. We're allowed to ride modern bikes in the Modern Support class. I rode A class which is their 2nd to highest and kicked the shit outtah one of my clubs Expert class riders Sat, and then he came back and got me today.

19 points total for the weekend and a 2nd place.



Dad rode so well he decided he deserved a new bike so he traded his 2013 and some $$$$ for a 2021 4t factory 300. :grinpimp:
How to 4strokes compare to 2s in the trials world? Is a 300 4t a high displacement model or is there still a defecit in performance to the smokers? Ive onyl ever ridden a 250 2t trials bike so i know nothing haha
How to 4strokes compare to 2s in the trials world? Is a 300 4t a high displacement model or is there still a defecit in performance to the smokers? Ive onyl ever ridden a 250 2t trials bike so i know nothing haha
Sameish power but delivered to the ground differently. It's hard to describe. 4t can tractor up things, where the 2t you have to attack early then coast up to avoid the twitchy wheelspin. 300 4t is the largest displacement you'll find in a trials bike. 250 2t largest as well.

4t has massive engine braking on coast which can be good.... and bad.

I actually bought his 4t and my old 2t at the same time like 4 years ago to figure out which I liked better. The engine braking of the 4t put too much strain on my wrists all day long so I kept the 2t and sold him the 4t.
He loves it.
Hair of the Dog New Years trials with High Plains Trials Association can be risky. We've seen near zero temps and snow, wind chills that make us question our own sanity. We're a special bunch that just shows up to ride and party and celebrate the end of another year, weather be damned. We were graced this weekend with what might be the best riding conditions you could ask for. No wind, hero sand, sunny and mid 50s. Spectacular!

A record 29 riders showed up this year in Roswell NM representing 4 states that I counted (WY,CO,TX,NM)! 3 virgin riders brought new bikes to learn on and meet the club (s).

Saturday fun trials I managed to nab 3rd place out of 21. Sunday real trials I came in 6th in class. Little lower than I had hoped but being within 2-3 points of some guys who typically ride 1-2 classes higher than me tells me I rode like a badass (as does the multiple accolades that people gave me).
Dad killed his class for a 2nd place podium knocking out a few veterans that "haven't put a foot down in years" according to some.

Memories were made by all. Knowledge was spread, lies were told, much laughter erupted from all corners of camp. History was recorded on the walls.

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Holy crap. That was a brutal season opener with New Mexico Trials Association. I won high score in my class though!
Yeah, No bueno. 4 sections to go on my last loop and I was out of gas (physically). Attempted to ride dads section and was just all over the place and going to fail. Decided to just punch the remaining ones before I got injured. Hurts the pride to do that but injury hurts more.
Every part of me is sore. I'm in one piece though which is more than can be said for others.
Imma go pass out in the spa now. Ooof.
You gonna get out this season Gots_a_sol ? I can't be the only one here feeding this thread!

TBD. I'm having a hard time getting in to it. None of my buddies in my immediate area ride trials. One of the clubs I'm in does have some trials guys but they haven't done much riding lately.

I made a little play area on my property but honestly the rare moments I have free time to ride I just rip around on my dirt bike.
Today was the most fun I've had in my 6 year career with New Mexico Trials Association. Holy shit what a great fun trial. Weather was insanely perfect. I got to mind with dad for 1.5 loops this morning and take some pics and stretch out. Then go back to camp and pre-hydrate before my ride. Horn blew for Uppers to ride and I came out of the gate on point. The sections were awesome. Bike stalled twice on my first loop and pissed me off. Adjusted the idle up to make sure that was done with. Then just rode. And rode. Smile on my face all afternoon for a 2nd place finish. My first podium in Uppers (Sportsman class).
Dad rode great for a 6th place finish his 2nd day in Intermediate. He was killing it and it looks like he'll continue on in that class. Hell yeah! Go us!

Dad making this climb his bitch.
1st round of Nationals is in a few weeks. If you are near Kingman AZ, you should definitely go.

Took 2nd in Sportsman yesterday. At loop 2.5 I was sitting on an 8 point card. Then a bush reached out and slammed me to the ground for 5 points. :mad3: Ended the day with my lowest card ever, 13 points. 1st had 11. Damn that bush! :flipoff:
3rd place was an ex-Expert rider who has stepped down into my class. Excited that I finally beat him. :grinpimp:
Fun FB memory today. 8 years ago, my first comp, riding the novice line.

I've won the state championship in 3 different classes since then and am working on my 4th. On my 5th bike since then now too. :laughing:

Ha. That chair is getting pretty rugged but its still holding on! :grinpimp:
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