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The official I've been assimilated (Vaccinated) thread

The official I've been assimilated (Vaccinated) thread

  • Pfizer

    Votes: 44 21.7%
  • Moderna

    Votes: 38 18.7%
  • Johnson & Johnson

    Votes: 13 6.4%
  • I'm an anti-vaxer and I don't want to be a part of The Borg

    Votes: 108 53.2%

  • Total voters

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
Just got my first dose today, of the Moderna flavor, going back in 4 weeks for a second dose. The Pfizer is a 21 day time period between doses, while the J&J is single dose, but is less effective at producing useful antibodies as the Pfizer or Moderna, (85% vs 95% [after two doses]).

The differences are;

The COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson uses existing technology that involves a virus called adenovirus, a common cause of respiratory infections. The DNA in the adenovirus is modified so that it produces a key part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus particle to which the body then develops an immune response. The adenovirus that delivers the SARS-CoV-2 DNA particle cannot multiply, so it does not cause infection. Because this system is based on stable DNA molecules, it does not require ultracold storage, making it easier to distribute.

The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine technology uses genetic material (mRNA) that code for parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus protein. This mRNA is protected by lipid nanoparticles (fat bubbles) that, when injected, cause a person’s own cells to make pieces of viral particles to which the body develops immunity. Because the genetic material is broken down quickly, it stays in a person’s cells for only a short period of time. For this reason, these vaccines must be kept in very cold environments until they are ready to be given.

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I'm in a low on the priority list category. My wife and I aren't going to seek out the vaccine, especially while my parents have been fighting to get vaccinated and still can't get on a list
also whats the point if you still have to wear a mask?

if you're high risk, old/fatbody i guess it makes sense, but that doesn't make me an anti vaxer:flipoff2:
I got my second Pfizer shot last Thursday. Everything is fine, except my wife can instruct Alexa to give me an erection. Weird.

I actually felt a little rough for half a day after the second shot but I’m glad I got it...my oldest son currently has COVID.
Can't wait until the "vaccine" turns the people....
Got my first dose of Modera about a week and a half ago. A bit of arm soreness about like a tetanus shot but that was it. I'm not in an at risk group but I got put on a list to be called if the vaccine clinic had extras. Well, actually I got my parents on the list but when they went down to get theirs they still had extras so the wife and I went down and got jabbed too. They were calling people like crazy trying to get people to come in. One of the perks I guess if being in a county that went 70% for Trump. :laughing:
I got both rounds of the Moderna vaccine in January. Felt a little under the weather after the second shot for half a day but otherwise no issues.

Not Anti-Vaxer, I just don't trust something rushed through so fast, so I'll wait to see how effective it is.
Dibs on your stuff if you Zombie out! :flipoff2:

If I zombie out, I'm taking my stuff with me. :flipoff2:

The shot itself was literaly the least painful shot I've ever had, I think they use a 28ga needle and you can hardly feel it going in. Ours was administered by an Equine Vet, I'm glad she didn't want to take my temperature.
Well they don't use oral thermometers on horses. So there's that.

For the record, I've never had a flu shot, only tetanus and the standard childhood stuff.

I only got the flu shot when my daughter was an infant.
I got the pfizer vaccine as did my wife. I fell under first responder and she was in 1B. I waited 2 weeks so we could go together. My son got it (he's 1B) last week. My daughter and son in law got it yesterday, it is seems like it is available in OK for anyone.

My other daughter already had and recovered from Covid, but won't be able to get shot til next month. She is going to get it and her boyfriend. It will free us all up which will be great. Heard that Texas opened up today! Great!
I have had several tetanus shots over the years, working construction it's just good sense to get one. Had my first and only Flu shot in 2019, went in for a blood test and got stuck. That was in November, kind of makes me wonder what they suspected then
I'm not getting the witch doctor potion that's less effective than the survivability of the virus without it
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What some people are forgetting or not wanting to recognize is that they weren't starting from scratch with this thing. Corona viruses have been around a long time, and RNA process as well. They put a yuge effort into isolating the actual virus and took it from there. There were some serious fuckups in the handling of this pandemic for sure, the ventilator debacle and unnecessary closures come to mind, but they were able to get what looks to be an effective vaccine out in record time.
What some people are forgetting or not wanting to recognize is that they weren't starting from scratch with this thing. Corona viruses have been around a long time, and RNA process as well. They put a yuge effort into isolating the actual virus and took it from there. There were some serious fuckups in the handling of this pandemic for sure, the ventilator debacle and unnecessary closures come to mind, but they were able to get what looks to be an effective vaccine out in record time.
STOP! Just stop with all the logic. IRR wants to remain illiterate, isolated, and ignorant.

FWIW, there's talk that the mRNA tech will lead to vaccines for Cancer, AIDS and other crap that'll kill.
FWIW, there's talk that the mRNA tech will lead to vaccines for Cancer, AIDS and other crap that'll kill.

You realize how much money there is in cancer treatment/reaearch, why would you cure something you can milk for trillions?
Not going to happen. I've already had that pussy virus and kicked its ass.
Pfizer for me. Never caught the the Rona, wasn't terribly fearful of it either. Just eager to get back to normal and to ensure I'll have the vaccine "passport" to travel internationally.
You realize how much money there is in cancer treatment/reaearch, why would you cure something you can milk for trillions?
You forget your history. It was only a generation ago that we had Polio, and there was $$ up the kazoo for polio treatments. Yet here we are, with it all but forgotten. Cancer sucks. EVERYBODY hates cancer.
Not Anti-Vaxer, I just don't trust something rushed through so fast, so I'll wait to see how effective it is.
Dibs on your stuff if you Zombie out! :flipoff2:

Same here. I'll wait for a while and see if there are adverse affects.
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