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*The official* "It's a Clown World, after all." thread.

NFL Adds Wokeness to Super Bowl Week, Announces LGBT-Themed 'Night of Pride'​

Football is one of the few sports that Americans can enjoy that has no presence in June, which frees the NFL from turning away fans who do not want the LGBT agenda shoved in their face.

Given that the LGBT lobby has claimed the entire month for itself, other sports that operate throughout those 30 days might feel pressure to make something of “pride” month -- and they do.

The NFL, an August to February sport, could easily avoid the negative feedback from fans but has decided to go another route.

The league announced Monday it will host an event with GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) during Super Bowl week next month in Las Vegas.

Apparently league officials believe nothing goes better with smash-mouth football than rainbows.

Since the NFL’s obsession with Taylor Swift apparently isn’t gay enough, the league announced in a news release it is all-in on celebrating “pride” and will be washing that down with vodka in Sin City.

The NFL said in a statement: “The National Football League (NFL) will host the third annual A Night of Pride with GLAAD presented by Smirnoff during Super Bowl week in Las Vegas, NV on Wednesday, February 7. The event will feature a special live performance with singer-songwriter VINCINT.

"A Night of Pride with GLAAD is an evening of music, cocktails and interview-style conversations with GLAAD, a non-profit organization focused on LGBTQ advocacy and cultural change. The NFL family and partners will gather to spotlight advances in the future of LGBTQ inclusion in professional sports as well the NFL's commitment to LGBTQ former and current players.”

The NFL also said there will also be a red carpet for attendees as well as a Q&A on how “inclusion in sports advances acceptance for LGBTQ people.”

The announcement will probably make league executives some friends on the coasts, but football purists who are sick and tired of having left-wing agendas pushed on them are speaking out on the social media platform X.

Idc if you’re gay or straight but why is this constantly pushed on us

— Cuyler (@iiCuyler) January 22, 2024

NFL being lost to wokeness.

— TurtlePower98 (@sstaedtler98) January 22, 2024

More like a night of watching something else

— Chill Rich Dude (@jakep316) January 22, 2024

Why they trying to push their fans away?🤔 https://t.co/69NBZL2e8t

— 5park (@5park_) January 22, 2024

We don’t want this in sports.

Sincerely, everyone. https://t.co/YWhiD0mxbg

— joey (@BradyGoatTalk) January 23, 2024

Sounds gay

— Alex Jednachowski (@Aye_Jay_Jed) January 22, 2024

It wasn’t enough for the NFL to allow its players to disrespect the country’s national anthem by kneeling, nor was it enough for the league to paint the divisive political slogan “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in end zones following the George Floyd riots of 2020.

The league apparently also felt adding a “black national anthem” would bring about unity in an increasingly divided country.

Now, league officials are celebrating a collaboration with one of the most extreme groups in the country.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by the NFL forcing yet another woke, far-left cause on diehard fans but so much to be lost in the long run.

Lifelong fans of the sport of football can only take so much political posturing and virtue signaling before the game is simply no longer worth watching.
I wonder if shehe sucked Will's cock?

I wonder if Will's wife was upset about him going on a road trip with the tranny?

Presley Ann / Getty Images© The Western Journal

It appears that woke elites have constructed yet another platform from which to harangue the masses.

In what might have passed for satire as recently as ten years ago, establishment-media movie reviewers have waxed rhapsodic over "Will & Harper," a new documentary in which actor Will Ferrell chronicled a cross-country road trip with longtime friend Harper Steele, a man who recently decided to begin masquerading as a trans woman.

The documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on Monday.

According to entertainment reporter Patrick Ryan of USA Today, the 63-year-old Steele "came out as a trans woman in an email to family and friends" in 2022.

For decades prior to that coming-out moment, Steele had maintained a close friendship with Ferrell. They met in the mid-1990s on NBC's "Saturday Night Live," where Steele worked as a comedy writer.

Kevin Fallon, senior editor at Obsessed \-- the Daily Beast's entertainment wing -- noted that Steele and Ferrell have also collaborated on a number of projects beyond SNL.

Ferrell, of course, achieved superstardom by playing likable comedic roles in hit movies such as "Elf," "Anchorman" and "Talladega Nights."

On the surface, therefore, "Will & Harper" amounts to a film in which two longtime friends documented a road trip.
unbranded - EntertainmentWill Ferrell’s Eye-Opening Journey To Understand Trans Community

Of course, modern woke audiences and film critics would never swoon over that kind of film. So the documentary's focus on Steele's "transition" gave them precisely the element they needed to showcase their own moral virtue.

Ryan, for instance, described “Will & Harper” as "a joyous and life-affirming documentary." The reviewer then dutifully referred to Steele as "she" and "her" -- as if writing it made it true.

Then -- and here came the near-satire -- Ryan alerted the reader to "uncomfortable" and "tense moments" in the film.

Ah, there is nothing like the tension that builds during a great drama. One thinks of the legendary courtroom scene in "A Few Good Men," starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson. Audiences could feel the high stakes involved.

So what "tense moments" did "Will & Harper" provide?

"Steele is misgendered on multiple occasions by waitstaff and restaurantgoers," Ryan wrote.

A predictable, parenthetical note followed: "'I am not a bro,' she politely but firmly corrects one man, sitting at a bar adorned with Confederate and Trump flags."

Believe it or not, Ryan's melodramatic claptrap appeared subdued next to Fallon's self-righteousness.

"It’s not just that the project is brave and characteristically unusual," Fallon wrote. "It’s that -- and please do your best to strip this upcoming phrase from all of its corny, eye-rolling earnestness -- the film is an endeavor that could change and even save lives."

One way to "save lives," of course, is to showcase the parts of America whose residents you deem bigoted, so that you and your friends can feel morally superior to them.

"The film is a travelog illuminating where different parts of the country are when it comes to acceptance or having an empathetic curiosity about trans people," Fallon nauseatingly wrote.

In case readers missed the most important point -- implied but unstated -- "Will & Harper" has an educational purpose. Thus, it allows our woke social betters to instruct their backward inferiors.

Fallon, in fact, described the conversations between Steele and Ferrell as "a bit of Trans 101."

The film's broader purpose, of course, will alienate all sensible moviegoers exhausted by wokeness.

As for its apparent preachiness, one need always consider the source.

For instance, in a clip posted last month to the social media platform X, Ferrell exhibited the vacuity characteristic of his Hollywood peers.

"Isn't it just time for women to run the planet?" Ferrell said to female-sounding cheers from an unspecified audience.

Funniest thing he's ever said.

Will Ferrell Says Women Should Rule the World Will Ferrell Says Women Should Rule the World via @YouTube

— CannoliSasquatch (@CannoliSasqtch) December 15, 2023

When a man has said something like that, one need not attend to anything else he might say.

Ferrell's continued friendship with Steele, of course, is admirable.

But "Will & Harper" has not earned early plaudits for its depiction of friendship. It has earned them for its promotion of transgender ideology.

After all, it was not enough for people in "different parts of the country" to treat Steele with kindness. They had to show him "acceptance" as a trans person and "empathetic curiosity" about his transgender claim in order to demonstrate where they "are."
This kind of seems appropriate for this thread..

OKC to get the countries tallest building?

Should have went in fail for the first sentence in the article.

"Whoever had "tallest skyscraper in the U.S. to be build in a midwestern city of less than a million" on their 2024 bingo, please come up to collect your prize!"

To be build? Really? GTFOOH. :laughing:
I guess it's not clowny because they had the balls to do it and claim it works, but a sad state of affairs when it comes to this...

"The middle school has also implemented a new "digital hall pass system" to help track the general whereabouts of students throughout the day.

"The pass allows students to check in and out when leaving class, so we know where students are at all times for safety and accountability," Atkins said."
Ive been wallowing back and forth on if I should put it on or not. I just don't understand what the fuck the movie is supposed to be about.

Apparently it is satire about feminism and why feminists are dumb :rasta:

It actually wasn't that bad, watched it at a relatives house over Thanksgiving, funny in a lot of parts. And Margot Robbie is hot.
This guy is a democrat.

Jamie Dimon’s MAGA warning to Dems is right on target​

The J.P. Morgan Chase CEO had liberals clutching at their pearls when he copped to a simple but (in some circles) unutterable truth: Former President Donald Trump — or the GOP in general — was right about a lot.

“Just take a step back and be honest,” urged Dimon in a CNBC interview at the World Economic Forum confab: “He was kind of right about NATO, kind of right on immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Trade tax reform worked. He was right about some of China.”

Further pushing bleeding hearts into a-fib, Dimon warned liberals off their smuggest pastime: demonizing Trump supporters.

“The Democrats have done a good job with the deplorables, hugging their Bibles and their beer and their guns. I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit? And I do think the economy will affect — I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.”


City of Seattle agrees to huge settlement in BLM protesters' lawsuit​

Seattle, Washington - The City of Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to settle a lawsuit from a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators injured by police during the 2020 uprising in protest of George Floyd's murder.

Among the 50 plaintiffs were a woman who had a heart attack when she was struck in the chest by a Seattle Police Department (SPD) blast ball, a man who was hospitalized in a coma after his arrest, and a veteran who uses a cane and was "gassed and tackled because he didn't retreat fast enough," according to the attorneys.

Others included a teenager whose finger was partially blown off by a blast ball and "dozens of others who suffered permanent hearing loss, broken bones, concussion, wounds, bruising and emotional damage" at the hands of Seattle officers, the plaintiffs' lawyers said.

City Attorney Ann Davison said the settlement "was the best financial decision for the City considering risk, cost, and insurance."

"The case has been a significant drain on the time and resources of the City and would have continued to be so through an estimated three-month trial that was scheduled to begin in May," she said in a statement, noting the settlement involves no city admission of wrongdoing.

Davison said that in defending the lawsuit, her office reviewed hundreds of interactions between protesters and police, including more than 10,000 videos and more than a million pages of records.

The city had argued that protesters "assumed the risk" of being injured by police when they chose to exercise their First Amendment rights to peacefully protest, an argument rejected by Judge Sandra Widlan, according to court records. According to lead plaintiff's attorney Karen Kohler, the protesters "were engaged in a First Amendment speech and activity against the very police brutality which they were met with."

The Seattle Police Department has been sharply criticized for its violent and over-the-top response to the protests stemming from Floyd's May 2020 murder by Minneapolis police. SPD's protest response resulted in a federal judge finding officers had used excessive force and violated the free-speech rights of thousands of residents who legally gathered to demonstrate against Floyd's murder and institutional and police racism.

Seattle officers indiscriminately deployed tear gas, blast balls, and pepper spray into crowds of peaceful protesters. Officers were criticized for targeting the entire crowd, rather than people who were using the protests to damage or destroy property, including burning police cars.

A deep-dive Office of Inspector General review of SPD actions during the protests showed repeated, systemic breakdowns in department discipline and command structure, as well as a lack of accountability.

Kohler said evidence gathered by the plaintiffs showed police "dehumanized" protesters and responded with violence toward them at the "smallest provocation or suspicion." She said evidence showed police violated numerous policies and allowed officers to use weapons they were not trained to deploy.

Officers are required to fill out a form when they use force during an arrest, and Kohler said "hundreds" of these reports were "cut and pasted together months later and rubber stamped" by the department.

Kohler said the city also sought to compel the plaintiffs to attend involuntary psychiatric and medical examinations.

Kohler cited other incidents, including an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the department to scare protesters into thinking armed members of the Proud Boys extremist group were in the area. In another protest at the headquarters of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, officers played music through speakers while they broke up the crowd.

Kohler said the city hired as an expert University of Liverpool Professor Clifford Stott, who's considered among the world's foremost crowd policing experts. Stott reportedly concluded that, particularly during the early days of the Seattle protests, he had not seen the level of violent aggression by police against unarmed protesters "in any democratic state."

Longtime Seattle civil rights attorney Lem Howell, who was hired as an expert by the plaintiffs, concluded the city responded with the "tactics and weapons of war" against a citizenry that was protesting what he called Seattle's "long history of racially discriminatory policing."

The settlement comes on the heels of the city's $2.9 million settlement last year of a lawsuit filed by business owners on Capitol Hill who claimed the city's handling of the protests – including the formation of a police-free Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone – damaged their businesses.

Lawmakers must recognize the transgender-suicide lie — and protect children​

It’s the lie that convinced a thousand parents — and, increasingly, politicians across America.

As a psychologist specializing in child-behavioral issues, I frequently talk with parents misled into believing their child will commit suicide unless allowed to transition genders.

Suicide fears have led medical professionals to threaten to call Child Protective Services if parents don’t affirm their child’s chosen gender identity.

Governors and lawmakers have given in to the same fear.

The mere mention of suicide stops them from enacting laws that protect children from undergoing unproven and experimental medical procedures.

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed such a bill, saying it could lead children to kill themselves.

The Legislature overrode his veto Wednesday.

Good thing, too.

Those who use the threat of suicide to encourage children to go down a transgender path either don’t understand the research or are being deliberately manipulative.

Worse, they may be encouraging the very suicide they want to prevent.

It’s obvious why suicide is front and center here.

It horrifies every decent person, especially the suicide of a child.

Parents have likely heard some variation of “Better a live son than a dead daughter,” and for years, activists and their allies have flogged reports that large percentages of children who identify as transgender are suicidal — more than 50%, according to the Trevor Project.

Trans man who had mastectomy discovered to be 5 months pregnant, making rare ‘seahorse dad’
President Biden has repeated this statistic, and as states have banned medical treatments for trans-identified minors, it has been aired more than ever to prevent reforms.

But this narrative is false.

Biased researchers typically reach their conclusions based on nonrandom, online self-report surveys — not exactly a scientific approach.

What’s more, they conflate suicidal thoughts such as “I wish I was never born” — something many angst-filled adolescents feel — and suicidal behavior, which is categorically different and fortunately far rarer.

And using such low-quality statistics to claim medical procedures will lower suicide is another logical leap, not borne out by evidence.

Any “researcher” who fails to make these distinctions is spreading dangerous misinformation, misleading therapists, parents and politicians on an important aspect of child mental health.

We need to look elsewhere for a more truthful picture.

When Oxford University researcher Michael Biggs examined the scandal-ridden, soon-to-be-shuttered Gender Identity Development Service at the United Kingdom’s Tavistock clinic, he observed four suicides in 11 years among 15,000 adolescent patients.

That’s a tragedy, yet it reflects an annual suicide rate of 13 per 100,000, which is only slightly higher than the US suicide rate of 11 per 100,000 among all 10- to 24-year-olds.

And there’s more.

Of the four individuals who committed suicide, two were on Tavistock’s waiting list while the other two were receiving the medical interventions that were supposed to save them.

This fact casts doubt on the “transition or die” trope, indicating other factors may be at work.

While activists typically pin the blame on society’s ostensible hostility to transgenderism, evidence shows gender-questioning children often have psychiatric comorbidities, such as anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder, along with neurological or developmental disorders, such as autism.

These factors likely contribute to assertions of gender dysphoria as well as suicidality.

Treating these conditions and mitigating suicide risk must be medical professionals’ — and parents’ — top priority, not rushing children to hormones or surgeries after just a single visit.

The falsehoods about child suicide are bad enough, misleading parents and policymakers; perversely, they may also encourage suicide.

Activists and media outlets frequently hold up gender-questioning children who commit suicide as courageous heroes because of their struggle, suggesting a similar fate awaits others whose chosen gender isn’t affirmed and medicalized.

Yet suicidologists warn against attributing suicide to a single factor, which can actually lead to increased suicidality in individuals who relate to the factor.

In online transgender communities, children often receive coaching on using the faulty suicide statistics to persuade their parents to support a transition.

Such actions break the cardinal rule of suicide discussion: Never dwell on suicide or lionize the deceased because doing so can inspire others to take their lives.

That’s especially true since evidence suggests suicide can be socially contagious.

The lies about suicide are a gross disservice to children, parents and society.

Struggling children are being pushed toward lifetime involvement with the medical system in lieu of the true mental-health care they need.

The best way to protect children is to pass common-sense laws grounded in facts, not misleading scare tactics.

Elliot Kaminetzky, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, founder of Serenity Parent Consulting and the Center for Child Behavioral Health and a visiting fellow at Do No Harm.
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