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The Germans are getting restless

Oh boy. A couple of conspiracy theorists, Nazis, and "free citizens" that are bored "stormed" the Reichstag... Sort of. Only the left was missing - bored millennials shouting Antifa were too scared of the Covid to go. But yea. Just looking at the mix of ideologies is enough to say: "They are loud, but not dangerous or even semi-relevant. They are simply stupid."

Ask yourself: why are all these idiots on the street together? That is telling already.

Over here - you can protest freely. But after 2 hours, the police came in and started breaking it up because nobody was following the rules...

In a Democracy, everyone has the right to protest. But these idiots have done everything possible so that nobody listens to them. They are not "the citizens", or as they say "Das Volk". They are a tiny subset, "Ein Völkchen" (the cutsie, teeny tiny form of Volk) of idiots carrying the German version of the south flag (Reichkriegsflaggen), rainbow flag wavers (not gay pride!), meditating crossleggers, "Putin, Putin" callers, drummers with rastas and, well, Nazis (err, I mean people without hair??).

They call themselves "Querdenker" (Cross thinkers), but really, they are QuerFRONT. They are all thrown into the Nazi pot by the 82.000.000 Germans who have zero problems being team players and following some rules for a bit.

Nobody thinks twice, it's like a mosquito that doesn't transmit diseases. A minor disruption. Every village has its idiots.
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I think a German cop is the last fucking person I'd want to argue with. Get cuffed then instructed to get into some boxcar or some shit.
I think a German cop is the last fucking person I'd want to argue with. Get cuffed then instructed to get into some boxcar or some shit.

There is no reason whatsoever to be scared of German cops. They can't even shoot very well. And they never do either.
The SS back in the day, however... holy shit.

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

Technically, about 9,000 more shots were fired at sick and dangerous animals. (Germany, why do you kill your animals?) But since we couldn't watch the end of Old Yeller, we'll look the other way on those humanitarian shootings.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., where the population is little less than four times the size of Germany's, well, we can get to 85 in just one sitting, thank you very much. 84 shots fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, another 90 shot at one fleeing unarmed man in Los Angeles. And that was just April. So we bring you Germany's shot total in case you forgot about America shoots itself in the foot with its manic love of guns.
QANON - the perfect catch-all for the useless losers, idiots and crybabies worldwide. The larger the population of idiots, the more effective this spiel is.
Seems more people have had enough of the covid bullshit


Was at a gunshow in morgantown pa, I was shocked by the number of mask wearers since it wasn't a requirement.

I was a direct and unapologetic "wear the mask" guy on this board.

That is because it was not clear that SARS-CoV-2 wasn't going to mutate and start wiping cities out. I still maintain that was a real possibility as late as July.

We are not 100% out of the clear yet, but it appears now, with the speed of information in this age, that it will not mutate beyond it's present capacity to kill. So I say, it is time for the COVID restrictions to be over.

I absolutely do not think you guys were right for not wearing the mask back in spring/early summer. Just because it turned out this way doesn't mean it was GOING TO turn out this way. Being correct for the wrong reasons is the worst kind of correct, but it's still correct so :flipoff2:
I was a direct and unapologetic "wear the mask" guy on this board.

That is because it was not clear that SARS-CoV-2 wasn't going to mutate and start wiping cities out. I still maintain that was a real possibility as late as July.

We are not 100% out of the clear yet, but it appears now, with the speed of information in this age, that it will not mutate beyond it's present capacity to kill. So I say, it is time for the COVID restrictions to be over.

I absolutely do not think you guys were right for not wearing the mask back in spring/early summer. Just because it turned out this way doesn't mean it was GOING TO turn out this way. Being correct for the wrong reasons is the worst kind of correct, but it's still correct so :flipoff2:

That was a very convoluted way for you to say, "I was wrong, but I get it now" :laughing:
That was a very convoluted way for you to say, "I was wrong, but I get it now" :laughing:

You didn't get it in the first place, and you don't get it now. Neither does any other anti-masker.
You didn't get it in the first place, and you don't get it now. Neither does any other anti-masker.

Bitch, please :rolleyes:

I was never anti-mask; however, I was anti-mandated masks & abso-fucking-lutely anti-lockdown.

You bitch about the .gov saying you can't have guns, but it's OK for them to mandate masks? :homer:

No need to rev up that trolling motor - I'm outta' this thread. Peace out, biotch! :flipoff2:
Bitch, please :rolleyes:

I was never anti-mask; however, I was anti-mandated masks & abso-fucking-lutely anti-lockdown.

You bitch about the .gov saying you can't have guns, but it's OK for them to mandate masks? :homer:

No need to rev up that trolling motor - I'm outta' this thread. Peace out, biotch! :flipoff2:

That's correct.

The ability of a government to prevent epidemics pre-dates iron, much less firearms.

One of the compromises of the Agricultural Compromise was to be allowed to live within a village where a Strongman could expel people who showed signs of disease.

Bad ancient history aside, nobody knew in June or July, and we still don't know, if SAR-CoV-19 will turn into a killer. It's unlikely, and rapidly falling in likelihood, but we still don't know for sure. We won't know until 2022 or thereabouts.


We can probably do away with the masks and resrictions, and keep our 70-90 year old seniors isolated. Not that they already aren't. And I know you fucking care about that, Guy who uses a chimp to appear aloof.

You don't fool me motherfucker you give a shit.
Bump for the twit:flipoff2:

The goal of this thread is to show that doofus that no one here really cares about what goes on over there and he should do the same. 24 hours later it just broke 2 pages, but he wont get the hint.
The goal of this thread is to show that doofus that no one here really cares about what goes on over there and he should do the same. 24 hours later it just broke 2 pages, but he wont get the hint.

Nobody gives a fuck about Germany, not even the little clit. That’s why he’s begging to become a US citizen and constantly talking about the US:homer:
It was a hoax from day one. Not the virus, but the manufactured crisis. Mark my words, sheep are going to be wearing masks for the next three years, at least. The whole intent of this fraud was to gain control over people under the guise of "saving lives". THE fraud of the century. Businesses closed, jobs lost, more on welfare, suicide and depression up, economy decimated......all for a virus that time will reveal to have been no more worthy of panic than the flu. A FUCKING JOKE.
It was a hoax from day one. Not the virus, but the manufactured crisis. Mark my words, sheep are going to be wearing masks for the next three years, at least. The whole intent of this fraud was to gain control over people under the guise of "saving lives". THE fraud of the century. Businesses closed, jobs lost, more on welfare, suicide and depression up, economy decimated......all for a virus that time will reveal to have been no more worthy of panic than the flu. A FUCKING JOKE.

Tinfoil tightens: Make a big deal out of a bullshit virus convince people think they will die if they take off the mask, years later majority realizes it was a scam. then release a legitimately deadly virus but no one takes it seriously half the population gone.

I may have watched V for Vendetta too many times. :lmao:
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