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The Curse of Oak Island

May 19, 2020
Member Number
3 hour recap!

This is the year they find billions and prove the USA actually belongs to Canada:flipoff2:
Yeah...but who won the election, when did the riots start, which way is up, is Boyd really dead?
I gave up on them ever finding anything of value. How could/would pirates dig 200' down to bury treasure? I'm surprised the .gov up there has let them pretty much completely destroy that part of the island. I guess they (the show) must be raking in all the big bucks from people who are drawn in. I will admit I liked the first couple of years but gave up with the over rated drama of it all. No thanks!
Recap this week new show next week.
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are they going to tell me the railroad spike they found is a deck nail?
or the harmonic balancer they found was a rope pulley?
Watching, still fuck hate the narrator. A metal spike, could it be? An old coin, could it be? A hole in the ground, could it be?
Love the show, the chase and their passion but I cant fucking stand the narration.
The metal detector guy is the best.
Seriously? This is like every other made up reality show! If there was some sort of treasure they would have found it long ago. They’ve had enough time and spent enough to dig that whole island up and move it a mile away. The millions they are making are off of continuing the show. Same with ice road truckers and stupid made up shit like that. At least on gold rush they are actually digging up money. I’m sure the producers are paying them well too.
The real curse is that people haven’t given up on that literal hole in the ground they dump money into. The actual story was cool 200 years ago. Everything since the tv show is sad and pathetic.
Watching, still fuck hate the narrator. A metal spike, could it be? An old coin, could it be? A hole in the ground, could it be?

Damn it... now I can hear that guy talking in my head.. could it be. LMFAO!! Thanks.. thanks for putting that in my head for the rest of the day. :flipoff2:
Damn it... now I can hear that guy talking in my head.. could it be. LMFAO!! Thanks.. thanks for putting that in my head for the rest of the day. :flipoff2:

Could it be, an annoying voice stuck in my head for the rest of the day?:flipoff2:
Could it be, a beverage on my keyboard that was previously in my mouth?:barf:
I don't like my reality shows filled with burly workingmen and heavy equipment.

I like my reality shows filled with booty and big tiddies.

Saw a commercial that they now are starting to hunt other treasures across the US. The real treasure they have found is revenue from viewership.
That hole is a money pit alright. At least it's aptly named.
Saw a commercial that they now are starting to hunt other treasures across the US. The real treasure they have found is revenue from viewership.
Yup, Butch Cassidy’s treasure here in Utah! There is no fucking Butch Cassidy treasure. Never was.
Yup, Butch Cassidy’s treasure here in Utah! There is no fucking Butch Cassidy treasure. Never was.

But there's going to be lots of tense moments when they aren't sure about that shiny piece of metal that is perfectly in view of the camera and just barely covered with a little bit of freshly moved dirt.

I don't know how you people watch that sort of shit.
I watched it for until last season because I liked the history of the island. I got tired of them never finding anything. I used to record it, then watch the 60 minute show in about 15 minutes fast forwarding through all the bullshit. One of the final things that got me to quit was when they were calling a broken hand drill bit a cross bow bolt.
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