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The Chinese are cataloging the entire contents of Irate4x4.com with avid interest.


May 21, 2020
Member Number

Just thought I'd point out that China is crawling this site with spiders that ignore the robots.txt on Austin's server. Not only that, depending on where he hosts his VPS, they either had access before he rented, or they got access as soon as the domain showed delta in hits.


They will use the photos and text on the site to match up to your other social media profiles regardless of name or identity. That is, they'll immediately hit if you use similar usernames or proper names in your posts. Otherwise they will use text-recognition software to match it up to likely pools of other posts elsewhere on the internet.

Nothing I've said is even remotely outlandish.

That is all.
You realize a robot.txt doesn't mean shit right? I've crawled plenty of sites before. Why do you think this is new?
Fuck a bunch of 3rd world loser shitheads. Had one jack up a motorcycle listing I had on ebay years ago. Even though I said no international sales ebay let some China POS fake buyer end my listing by being the high bidder that then never responded to anything. Have fun eating fried intestines and dirty rice Hong Kong phooey.:flipoff2: You can play your stupid computer tricks but not ever have the current American standard of living. Stupid shits don't even have peanut butter.
Not sure what the significance of 5/23 was. The site was up for a month before that, members were registering weeks before that ....

Well, it is the most useless internet metric, which is why it's free from Google and I was able to look it up and copy a photo without logging into an account. But, it's something.

Maybe everyone was registering beforehand and few enough people did a search on google that it didn't even start counting the metric. IIRC there is some disposal of new search terms before it's recognized as significant enough to count. But I don't know I'm not an SEO guy, you are now :D
You realize a robot.txt doesn't mean shit right? I've crawled plenty of sites before. Why do you think this is new?

I literally said

Nothing I've said is even remotely outlandish.

I also said

they will use text-recognition software to match it up to likely pools of other posts elsewhere on the internet.

Which implies, for average readers, that this is nothing unusual because every site gets treated this way by the Chinese.

Therefore, a careful reader would divine that I am in fact talking about the Chinese, not the fact that everything you put on the internet is seen by folks.

Thank you for taking Reading Comprehension 201. Final on Thusday.
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