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The beverly hills trump/blm fight aftermath for the reporter.


Jul 8, 2009
Member Number
Gatesville, TX
evernoob or anybody else, this is a long video that really needs to be clipped down to a reasonable length


This is from Josh Friedman who covers all kinds of stuff, lately it has been protest stuff. he is as neutral as can be, a week or more ago he was filming a protest at "beverly hills" when a scuffle broke out, below

back to the first video, at about 46 minutes in, the crowd moves over to the "press area" in response to the police letting people out of the parking lot. @ 54:32 a guy in the crowd recognizes josh as the camera man who filmed the scuffle, the same one that breitbart picked up and ran with.

@1:01:07 is when the nazi comments start (josh is pretty obviously jewish) and the crowd pretty well intensifies

@1:06:00 is the "we gave you a chance to leave, you should have taken it"

this continues until about 1:51:00 when a couple people come up (other press?) and he actually leaves @1:53:30, gets into a car and a few people decide it is a good idea to start hitting the car.

Now, obviously this isn't as dramatic as somebody getting shot or anything like that, but it is pretty interesting to see just what it takes for a truly neutral broadcaster to get the mob turned on him. There has got to be a way to boil this down to a shorter couple minute clip or some such, for purely propaganda reasons. channel isn't monetized so i HIGHLY doubt he'd have complaints, but hell it's easy enough to email and ask before 'publishing'

yeah yeah, i know 4chan hates jews and such and whatnot
that dude did pretty well after being sucker punched by what seemed to be a fairly large guy.

yeah the full video is much more entertaining than the short snippet that got around :laughing: he was also talking shit pretty much the whole time against the guy that punched him
yeah the full video is much more entertaining than the short snippet that got around :laughing: he was also talking shit pretty much the whole time against the guy that punched him

The guy that punched him is an crybaby. He let mere words affect his feelers. A real man would have laughed and walked away.
In the BH sucker punch video at the 20 sec. mark what is the chicken shit guy have on, soft body armour? He lost it before he was talking to his handler at the end of the video.
In the BH sucker punch video at the 20 sec. mark what is the chicken shit guy have on, soft body armour? He lost it before he was talking to his handler at the end of the video.

lots of soft body armor type vests and such being worn around. no it won't save you from a rifle, yes it will help from a handgun or a knife
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