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swing out door bars and buggies


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2020
Member Number
marshalltown iowa
hello all,

what are some ideas for swing out door bars that stay latched during the violet times on the trails and are easy to open and shut. i have used 4x4 invovations Tube Door Slam Latch Kit

and it has worked well and was easy to open and close, rattled some but that ok.
i want a easy in out and still retain safety inside. my thoughts would be just the top bar, the orange one.

swing out ideaI.jpg
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this was a quick down and dirty solution to get out on the trails next weekend, needed something. not sure what i think yet, i mean i do like it, it is easy in and out but just not sure if its enough protection.

just my thoughts i have thought about putting a single bar at an angle from the top of the seat down pic to follow
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