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Suicide by Robinhood, WTFO ?


El Hefe
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Greenwell Springs LA.
So this 20yr old guy commits suicide because he thinks he owes Robinhood money and its Robinhoods fault ? Fuck that. If he's that stupid he needed to be scrubbed from the gene pool.

Clifs: Guys doing trades on RH, RH sends him an email saying he owes 750K. They don't respond to his emails and he's not smart enough to actually understand whats going on and figure it out for himself so he chooses to off himself and it RH's fault.
What's the story behind the $750k? Did he not owe it? Was the email real?
It's called short selling. It didn't go as planned.

Not even that. It was a typical delay in settlement and options getting exercised. The article linked above completely and most likely intentionally leaves out the fact that he owed little to nothing after everything settled.
this is why we need more government control and oversight... and only government sponsored organizations should be allowed in the market.

Didn't a bunch of people start jumping out of buildings in the 30s when the market crashed?

1929, October 25th was black Friday. There really weren't that many suicides related, at least not the wave of them that has been reported in the past.
Robin Hood really fucked a lot of investors. He should have made a suicide vest and went to their HQ.
I used to live next to that yuppie hell hole, makes sense they would sue the company because their baby studying business doesn't know how options work.

gene pool purged IMO

I lived there for under a year in the mid-90's. It was yuppieville at the time. I can't imagine how bad it is now.
Robin Hood really fucked a lot of investors. He should have made a suicide vest and went to their HQ.

They “fucked” investors far less than ever other brokerage house out there. Who knows maybe you didn't pay attention during the dot com days or the market before and after it hit 10,000. But thats when the current round of fucking began.

Wall Street is controlled gambling as there are no sure things. But most people dont seem to be smart enough to realize that and get in over their head because they dont do their homework first. Had stupid kid done his homework on the stock market or had his parents done a better job educating him on investments this would have been avoided. But nope kid sounded very green and apparently had very little financial education as a child regarding market fluctuations.
Not even that. It was a typical delay in settlement and options getting exercised. The article linked above completely and most likely intentionally leaves out the fact that he owed little to nothing after everything settled.

Correct. They sent him an email after he was dead saying never mind.
When all this trading started Robinhood started blocking the trades. Iirc there's a class action suit in the works and an investigation into it.

I thought they only blocked margin and short sell? is that incorrect?
This isn't news. This is just one stupid person doing something terminally stupid. This type of stuff has been going on since the dawn of human history. Mhe.
I'd heard they were not allowing people to buy, but never looked into it further because the stock market confuses me.
I've got a bunch of money into it, and iirc a bunch of it is in a pipeline company. Probably should have sold that a couple months ago. Not even gonna look up the price on that company.
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