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State Attorney General


Iron Sharpens Iron
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Is very interested to read about how the Canadians stole my copyright and are enforcing Canadian law here in New Hampshire.

Your state Attorney General may also be interested. It's free to you.

I met with them for an hour. They are filing next week on behalf of all of the NH citizen's impacted by the unlawful actions of VS.

They estimate it's over 20k NH citizen's.
This is an interesting approach. Since damages are arguable, this approach is overall harm created with the post-assignment of copyright

I ‘ve been on pirate for nearly 20 years and am cognizant of legal issues by virtue of my business, but I never received any legit notice identifying such a significant changes in the terms of service
This is an interesting approach. Since damages are arguable, this approach is overall harm created with the post-assignment of copyright

I ‘ve been on pirate for nearly 20 years and am cognizant of legal issues by virtue of my business, but I never received any legit notice identifying such a significant changes in the terms of service


Then someone posted this:


Which my AG agrees with. They're researching how many NH citizen's are impacted by VS's acquisition of various boards.

Then someone posted this:


Which my AG agrees with. They're researching how many NH citizen's are impacted by VS's acquisition of various boards.

Defacto assignment? The right to use someone else’s copyrighted material does not convey ownership of that material by which the user can place unlimited demands on the copyright, especially since no compensation was paid and no agreement was had
Defacto assignment? The right to use someone else’s copyrighted material does not convey ownership of that material by which the user can place unlimited demands on the copyright, especially since no compensation was paid and no agreement was had

Yep... and can be revoked or modified at any time.

They lean on that we give them a unbreakable license to the copyright... but that can be revoked. They claim that anonymization is enough to fulfill that, but if you look at how the board does quotes and such, it's never really anonymized... and what of pictures of our projects and such? Folks relate <Jim> to Grendel... and it's referenced in people quoting "Grendel" which is of course, me.
Yep... and can be revoked or modified at any time.

They lean on that we give them a unbreakable license to the copyright... but that can be revoked. They claim that anonymization is enough to fulfill that, but if you look at how the board does quotes and such, it's never really anonymized... and what of pictures of our projects and such? Folks relate <Jim> to Grendel... and it's referenced in people quoting "Grendel" which is of course, me.

Yeah, if someone writes a book under a pseudonym, another can claim an unbreakable license to copyright? Nah, didn’t think so.
This is pretty awesome! Props to Grendel for fighting the good fight. I'm really hoping you figure out a way to royally screw over VS the way they did us. Worse would be even better.....

Fucking with the members of PBB is a bad idea. Didn't anybody at VS read the Wenzel thread? :laughing:
Do you mind going into more detail about what you wrote them and how you determined the number of affected citizens?

I feel like we could get a pretty decent lawsuit going.

Not that we'd get out communities back. But perhaps we would set a new precedence that would allow new communities to grow organically again?
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Yep... and can be revoked or modified at any time.

They lean on that we give them a unbreakable license to the copyright... but that can be revoked. They claim that anonymization is enough to fulfill that, but if you look at how the board does quotes and such, it's never really anonymized... and what of pictures of our projects and such? Folks relate <Jim> to Grendel... and it's referenced in people quoting "Grendel" which is of course, me.


all those times that people said "you should never use your real name on the internet".....and yet, here i am. finally lost the right to use my own damn name :lmao:

keep us updated :smokin:
Do you mind going into more detail about what you wrote them and how you determined the number of affected citizens?

I feel like we could get a pretty decent lawsuit going.

Not that we'd get out communities back. But perhaps we would set a new providence that would allow new communities to grow organically again?

You realize how not sound that is, right?
Would appreciate including those within California in this endeavor.



Yep... and can be revoked or modified at any time.

They lean on that we give them a unbreakable license to the copyright... but that can be revoked. They claim that anonymization is enough to fulfill that, but if you look at how the board does quotes and such, it's never really anonymized... and what of pictures of our projects and such? Folks relate <Jim> to Grendel... and it's referenced in people quoting "Grendel" which is of course, me.
One business associate I know has an amazing story. I tell whenever I can. I'll summarize.

(Circa 50s) Born a poor, blue baby, has a lisp, teachers called him retarded.

So he used that lisp to sell key chains to local bars as a kid. Bought a bike to get to more bars to sell more. He said patrons thought he was retarded and felt bad, so theyd always buy one.

Ended up paying his way through the catholic school in townn.

He said because he was told he couldn't, hedecided to prove them wrong.

Fast forward, he owns/ runs a +$100m construction company.

One day a union plumbing company (in a neighboring large city) who wouldn't move on an estimate, exchanged some not nice words towards him.

This associate decided to open up a union plumbing company, a local union hall for said company/ plumbing, and unionize his company.

I asked him why, when he got to that part of the story.

"Because he told me I couldn't, so now im going to run him out of business"

You remind me of him. God bless you, if you're ever in any part of Iowa, it's on me.
Do you mind going into more detail about what you wrote them and how you determined the number of affected citizens?

I feel like we could get a pretty decent lawsuit going.

Not that we'd get out communities back. But perhaps we would set a new providence that would allow new communities to grow organically again?

Set a new what :confused: You mean you want your own Rhode Island ?

Yet, just in your "Test" thread you are pointing out to somebody about the use of Your and You're.

Ain't that some shit :laughing:
so what's the point of this? I guess that's what I'm not clear on? If your sucessful in whatever is this, what's the end result?
so what's the point of this? I guess that's what I'm not clear on? If your sucessful in whatever is this, what's the end result?

I protect my intellectual property... and yours if you want to use it.
so what's the point of this? I guess that's what I'm not clear on? If your sucessful in whatever is this, what's the end result?

Regaining the rights to our own intellectual property. I'm fully on board with that.

Very Grendelistic of you, Jim. I'M IN 100% SUPPORT OF THIS EFFORT. Fight the good fight. :beer:
Set a new what :confused: You mean you want your own Rhode Island ?

Yet, just in your "Test" thread you are pointing out to somebody about the use of Your and You're.

Ain't that some shit :laughing:


I don't go around telling people they're stupid.

Then someone posted this:


Which my AG agrees with. They're researching how many NH citizen's are impacted by VS's acquisition of various boards.
Had to laugh ast this one "now we don't technically need a TOS, since the internet is an open forum and when you post on the internet you automatically give that place the rights to that content. Larger companies needs more protection then that. This is a privatly owned forum, so by signing up and posting you gave that right to the old owner without a TOS, If that wasnt the case, we couldnt buy sites."

Yep... and can be revoked or modified at any time.

They lean on that we give them a unbreakable license to the copyright... but that can be revoked. They claim that anonymization is enough to fulfill that, but if you look at how the board does quotes and such, it's never really anonymized... and what of pictures of our projects and such? Folks relate <Jim> to Grendel... and it's referenced in people quoting "Grendel" which is of course, me.
Or your son's new truck build, the "VW Bug" project, the tour bus to RV project, DozerDan's backhoe or any of a thousand other unique and interesting builds.

Aaron Z

He loves to show us how smart he is while looking like a complete dumb ass.... Its a very special gift of his.

I ignore it, mostly.

Not dumb, Actionfap is Autistic, I have pointed this out a number of times. Ain't nice to poke fun at the developmentally disabled. (even if he/she deserves it)
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