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St George


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Looking at going to Sand Hollow for spring break. How is the area as far as masks? Do I have to wear one? Do people care?
We are not going to burn you at the stake for not wearing a mask... Most businesses will give you a mask if you don't have one. What is fuck up, is all the pretty girls with sweet smile that are hidden behind a crappy mask.
Are you going to bone a 14yo Mormon girl...or boy?

Neither. Family wants to go to Sand Hollow and ride ATVs and relax. Don’t need to be looked at like I am a killer if not wearing a mask. Enough of that in CO. Trying to get away from it. Went to SD before thanksgiving and Florida after Christmas. It was great we were left alone and we enjoyed it. Looking for somewhere warm to ride.
The big bad non-masker is afraid of getting mean looks!

LOL! Who's the snowflake now?
Could care less about mean looks. I spend my money where I agree with and that has similar values. Again, wear all the mask you want, don’t try to force you lack of knowledge from me.
Could care less about mean looks. I spend my money where I agree with and that has similar values. Again, wear all the mask you want, don’t try to force you lack of knowledge from me.

Then just go to the businesses that don't have mask signs up. LOL @ "lack of knowledge".
Then just go to the businesses that don't have mask signs up. LOL @ "lack of knowledge".

You obviously don't live where that's not possible. If I did that, I'd never go into a business.

State is harassing many businesses about mask signs, most have a lot of signs. Even up in the little town I live in. On the flip side, I don't get hassled anywhere local. The next town over is hit and miss.

It get old walking in, wondering if they're going to hassle you or not.
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