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Spin off: Images of firearms born by protesters in Capital


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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Triangle area NC
I keep hearing from NPR et all that the protesters were armed but I have not been able to find a single image with them in arms. Plenty of Plate carriers and ACH helmets but no arms.

Anyone seen images with them? Or better yet- First hand accounts?
Not a single one.

I honestly expected everyone to be carrying a rifle of some sort.
One of the Dems mentioned "Armed mob" in their speech. I was curious as to what kind of arms she was talking about...

Bear arms.
When I went to DC a couple summers ago I carried a 600 lumen flashlight for defense, :rolleyes:. It was over 4th of July and there were PoPo everywhere.
Just another cog in the propaganda machine making up bullshit lies to drive home a narrative.

last year, they convinced "the right" that protests need to be shut down and people controlled.

this year, they've convinced "the lest" that protests need to be shut down and people controlled.

yes, the 1% of protestors on both sides don't care, but the ~40% of each side who doesn't really give a fuck and is over it can now combine to become ~80% that gives more than enough support for "common sense" things, like submitting to massive growth in federal control "in the name of peace"

somebody shot reagan with a revolver and he survived. what did we do? expanded the ATF to include bombs, shut off the sale of new machine guns to the people, and claim registries won't be allowed, while also allowing and enabling registration schemes :homer: the response will never be proportionate.
Bowser put out that the crowd would likely be armed and was keen to let everyone know that firearms were a no go in her city.

I have not seen one picture of a protestor carrying a gun.
What I did see was masked thugs throwing things at cops.

What kinds of things? Haven't seen that.

I have seen pics with the many carrying flag pole whacking sticks, at least one person with a baseball bat and a lot of bear spray from both sides.
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My understanding is it's basically impossible to carry legally in dc if you're a common man.

I understand where you are going but that is not the information I am seeking. I used to live in the area and already know the confusing mess of ground rules there. Especially with MD, DC and VA right together with different rules. It was not unusual to be all three jurisdictions in one day when I lived there.

What I am still looking for is images of the "Armed Protesters" the media is claiming. To me "armed" is firearms and I have not seen a one visible. Even the FBI website seeking info on persons in the Capitol pictures do not show any.

So far all I have heard is one person was caught with a "long gun" and 11 molotov cocktails. I'd like to know their political leaning. Another cooler was found with a long arm in it. But so far that is it. The pipe bombs appear to be equal opportunity Anarchist planted since the RNC and the DNC got them.

I'm sure there were concealed personal defense firearms present but I do not care about them. Just trying to find evidence of this "Armed Protester" narrative.
I understand where you are going but that is not the information I am seeking. I used to live in the area and already know the confusing mess of ground rules there. Especially with MD, DC and VA right together with different rules. It was not unusual to be all three jurisdictions in one day when I lived there.

What I am still looking for is images of the "Armed Protesters" the media is claiming. To me "armed" is firearms and I have not seen a one visible. Even the FBI website seeking info on persons in the Capitol pictures do not show any.

So far all I have heard is one person was caught with a "long gun" and 11 molotov cocktails. I'd like to know their political leaning. Another cooler was found with a long arm in it. But so far that is it. The pipe bombs appear to be equal opportunity Anarchist planted since the RNC and the DNC got them.

I'm sure there were concealed personal defense firearms present but I do not care about them. Just trying to find evidence of this "Armed Protester" narrative.

msn and cnn said their were armed protesters. you're a terrorist if you dont just take their word for it
msn and cnn said their were armed protesters. you're a terrorist if you dont just take their word for it

Then I would think they would have pictures! :mad3:

Sad but true. I know you are being funny on at least one level but the T word is being thrown around way too much right now. Same with Coup. It is not the way to get 70 million people to go along with things right now. Biden claims to want unity but out of the other side of his mouth he is talking smack.
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