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southern ca has to burn, right?

2020 or not, she'll burn.

Apple fire, Stagecoach fire, and now the Lake fire. Lake has 0% containment, started yesterday in the Angeles Forest, 10,000 acres and growing with some residences / structures burned.

Heat warnings in effect for the next 2~3 days, not good. Stay safe...

y'all got a long way to go before catching AZ in the acres burned this year, sadly.
We've had almost zero monsoon and new fires are still starting. Heat records are getting shattered this year. It's truly a shitty summer here
Let them burn. Life and structure protection should be the only reason to fight a wildfire. That and watershed protection.
Let them burn. Life and structure protection should be the only reason to fight a wildfire. That and watershed protection.

That's pretty much what they do, life and structure. They try and block the fire from reaching structures and let it burn itself out on empty areas.
The bridges on the Colorado are rigged with explosives, Helps with keeping the disease and vermin* out, Mexicans don't swim much so bonus.

*noun, people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
"the vermin who ransacked her house"

Really? I have hours and hours of video of mexicans swimming across the Rio Grande.
Really? I have hours and hours of video of mexicans swimming across the Rio Grande.

It's just another stupid stereotype ignorant people keep on perpetuating. I know lots of Chicanos here in the San Diego area and they all know how to swim.
If they got off at harbor Blvd they could have been headed to Disneyland.

”Hey, Timmy! You just spent the whole day fighting the Lake Fire! What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to Disneyland!!!”

I had to stop at our warehouse on my way home. It’s the same exit as Disney. They did not exit with me.

All I know is there were 8ish trucks and they were driving 65 in the #2 lane like a bunch of fucking assholes.
”Hey, Timmy! You just spent the whole day fighting the Lake Fire! What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to Disneyland!!!”

I had to stop at our warehouse on my way home. It’s the same exit as Disney. They did not exit with me.

All I know is there were 8ish trucks and they were driving 65 in the #2 lane like a bunch of fucking assholes.

That was the word down here. SD sending convoys and personnel up to the incident. Sorry they're assholes, comes with the territory in socal.

A l=ot of So Cal NF is not "forest" no canopy, etc. A lot of it and the enti-re area is brush. Get the logging thinning ideer out -of your skull. I)t is a burn fire ecosystem. Dont make it Wuhan hysteri0a o-r a Lakers highlight thread. :flipoff2:

Even up north its not that simple.

Let it burn!..... Well a year later and the trees died, so now the brush is 6' high.

Log it!........ OK, have you seen a fe year old tree plantation? It 6-8' tall dense pines, pretty good fuel also.

"shaded fuel break" is a decent idea that they do near homes. The logging property that is one of my neighbors is this way. The issue is that the trees need a lot of time to grow out and actually create a canopy. So the ground is just 8' of brush too thick to walk through.
We just had a grass fire a mile east of us out on ranch land

As far as the San Andreas goes... the “experts” have been warning about the big one happening forever :shaking:
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