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southern ca has to burn, right?


Don't Re Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
San Mexico
2020 or not, she'll burn.

Apple fire, Stagecoach fire, and now the Lake fire. Lake has 0% containment, started yesterday in the Angeles Forest, 10,000 acres and growing with some residences / structures burned.

Heat warnings in effect for the next 2~3 days, not good. Stay safe...
I’m waiting for Arizona to become the next west coast ocean front.
I’m waiting for Arizona to become the next west coast ocean front.

The bridges on the Colorado are rigged with explosives, Helps with keeping the disease and vermin* out, Mexicans don't swim much so bonus.

*noun, people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
"the vermin who ransacked her house"
Yes fire sucks but why do Californians act surprised when these things start every single year?

We are never surprised. Especially if we pay for homeowners insurance. Sad, unhappy, scared, cautious, hopeful that it gets contained fast, and sometimes prepared, but never surprised.
2020 or not, she'll burn.

Apple fire, Stagecoach fire, and now the Lake fire. Lake has 0% containment, started yesterday in the Angeles Forest, 10,000 acres and growing with some residences / structures burned.

Heat warnings in effect for the next 2~3 days, not good. Stay safe...

10,000 acres in a couple of hours? That's a bad one.
why dont calif thin and maintain the forest and whatnot. EVERY year theres fires, why not try to prevent them or at least limit the devastation.

i rake up and burn all the pine needles and yard waste on my chunk of dirt once a year, prob could/should do it more often. of course not all fires are caused by lightning and other natural crap. there is irresponsible campers, cig butts, chain draggers and arson.

Not sure where they were coming from but on my way home from work this morning around 2am I passed a decent sized convoy of fire engines headed southbound on the 5 in Anaheim. Spotted rigs from Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Camp Pendleton.
why dont calif thin and maintain the forest and whatnot. EVERY year theres fires, why not try to prevent them or at least limit the devastation.


it is a 100 year old problem that cannot be fixed in a year or two. I am in the Sierra foothills at 4000 feet, I hear at least 50 log trucks go by a day that are coming from up the hill on thinning projects. this has being going on for years and will continue for years. it will take decades to do it all.

even on just my property, it is a never ending job. I have 9 acres, I have 24 more trees that I have marked to be removed, that will take me 2 years ( 12 need to be taken from the top down). we focus on the low brush, things that will cause a fire to get up into the trees. its never ending and I work on it alt all times of the year.
If they got off at harbor Blvd they could have been headed to Disneyland.

Not sure where they were coming from but on my way home from work this morning around 2am I passed a decent sized convoy of fire engines headed southbound on the 5 in Anaheim. Spotted rigs from Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Camp Pendleton.
trampas;n101256 Mojado; make my burrito "mojado" :flipoff2:[/QUOTE said:
Here go, Socal style Avocado, turkey and black beans... mmmm yummy.:grinpimp:
I was under the impression anything south of the Monterey Aquarium is Socal.
A l=ot of So Cal NF is not "forest" no canopy, etc. A lot of it and the enti-re area is brush. Get the logging thinning ideer out -of your skull. I)t is a burn fire ecosystem. Dont make it Wuhan hysteri0a o-r a Lakers highlight thread. :flipoff2:
stay safe irates in CA! Have they blamed trump yet?

Every time there is a wildfire, Trump is blamed. It’s his fault because he hasn’t stopped global warming/cooling/climate change, etc. whatever catch phrase they’re using:lmao:
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