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Song to neel to.


bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
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So everybody affiliated with sports seems to want to kneel to protest racial injustice.

I keep hearing people say “I don’t care if they kneel but don’t do it during the national anthem”. So let’s give them their own song to kneel too. What’s your suggestions?

What song can they play before or after the national anthem and everybody can kneel and get their protest in? I kind of am thinking about the theme song to COPS. Bad Boys. But i know y’all can do better.
FUCK I went to fix the spelling in the topic and accidentally hit post.
So everybody affiliated with sports seems to want to kneel to protest racial injustice.

I keep hearing people say “I don’t care if they kneel but don’t do it during the national anthem”. So let’s give them their own song to kneel too. What’s your suggestions?

What song can they play before or after the national anthem and everybody can kneel and get their protest in? I kind of am thinking about the theme song to COPS. Bad Boys. But i know y’all can do better.

"Kill Whitey" :laughing:
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Ticks and Leeches gets my vote, if they want to kneel they might as well suck it down.
So far, the Barney song has the win.

It's got to be a song that people can perform at every sporting event form here on out over crappy sports PA systems across the country. And you know if the National Anthem is sang live, then the Kneeling Anthem will need to be sang live or you're not showing enough deference to the black community.

TOOL does not fit the bill.

I can't see Bill Belichick & Roger Goodell kneeling to Tool. And make no mistake, if they want to be in the league they MUST BEND THE KNEE!
Perhaps a military diddy called taps???
Phawkers outta be shot.
just my .02
How about "You're so sweet, horseflies keep hangin around your face" by.....

Wait for it...

Neel Diamond. :flipoff2::lmao:
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