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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
had a nice ride today, will do the same tomorrow.
in for the night. do some beers and fall asleep. :grinpimp:
I smoked 18 lbs of pork butt, mowed the lawn and made a side table for the deck. Time to sit back and sip some Kraken Black Roast.

Was up at 5:45 to get some spraying done before the wind kicked up. Mowed the lawn, rotated my tires, and changed the oil in my truck after that. Now, drinking coffee and catching up on paperwork. Have some prime ribeyes marinating and beer getting cold.

Finishing up some homework for a class. Drinking beer and waiting on cousin to get here to replace floor pans in his Jeep.
Wife cooked up all the haddock I caught on the charter the other day. Turned out good.

Kiddo to bed soon and I fired up my World of Warcraft account again. Call of Duty wasn't doing me any favors before bed. :laughing:
In. Cleaned up around the house today. Tinkered with an 08-10 bumper I will be putting on my obs F350 at some point.
In. Worked with chunk today. Hes doing well with retrieving but I know we have a long way to go. Fired up the farmall and went mowing/mudding. Rain gave me a reason to do dishes. Should really start looking for implements and attachments for the cub again.
In... sitting in my single wide, drinking... regretting things.
Austin… you should be proud of what you have done here! Place rocks!
In. Picked up a cheap compressor so I can finally have air at the house this morning.

GF's friend dropped off a fuckin' minty little Snapper riding mower they didn't need. I don't need it either but it's something to tinker on. Should be ok for dragging shit around the back yard and cutting when the grass is too wet for my little push mower to get through if I do decide to put the deck back on.
In , been getting the new to me trailer ready for it's maiden voyage to PA in a few days. Got the wife all the supplies for her deck garden, cukes and tomatoes in buckets, should keep the deer out of them!
In. Wife's birthday. The kids and I made her a cake this morning. Then I made some progress on my FSJ project. Ordered the wife dinner from her favorite restaurant and picked it up.

Beer and movie night. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Drinking some Highwest American Prairie, smoking swineapple (pork tenderloin stuffed inside a whole pinedale then wrapped in bacon) and pork burnt ends.
Life is rough :flipoff2:
In. Changed oil, lubed, and washed the engine/engine bay on my Jeep then had a nice New York Strip & baked potato for dinner. Now its time to just chill with the wife.
In. Watching the 3rd movie in the series, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest with the Mrs. Boomers and cool now. Moving cow/calf pairs tomorrow.
In. Relaxing , have the newer Red Dawn on for background noise, waiting for the wife to get home with some KFC for an easy late dinner.

Got up way too early at quarter to four had a few Baileys and coffee and went for a nap. With that out of the way I went out and picked up the camp trailer and brought it home and made sure everything worked. GF spent the day out with the dogs walking the FSR and puttering in her greenhouse.

Currently just finished up grilling and smoking some sirloin and making a big batch of steak fries. Time to put my feet up and polish off some OG Coors and surf the interweb.
In. Simple hose change and radiator flush turned into a busted heater core. I have a love hate relationship with the bronco. As I get closer to 50, it's more hate. I am not a contortionist and have a bad back. Things take a bit longer than they used to.

I will say its awesome to have my daughter home to help.
Worked until 1, got home patched up the radiator in the tractor, started mowing, blew out the quickie solderpatch, over heated the tractor, and have been drinking away the evening waiting to give it another attempt in the morning.
Insulated a bunch of floor joints. Laid down 3 sheets of subfloor. Removed the last corner of the old flooring. Tired, but satisfied.

Tomorrow, I want to clean up the remaining floor joists/spaces and lay the rest of the insulation down. And then see how many more sheets I can finish up with. The rest of the sheets will not require any special cuts, holes, or nonsense. Just cut to length and then glue/screw.
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