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The Rock Breaker God
May 19, 2020
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Said fuck and decided to take the day off today. Kid had a backwoods little league turny today. Once the kids were done playing they had a tractor pull. Drinking beer and watching old tractors give it hell. Pretty neat to see how badass the Farmall H’s were. Awesome day!

In, drinking whiskey, haven't done much all day. Hot dogs and tater tots for dinner because I'm boring and everything is still locked down.
In. Holding down the couch. I dont know how people can live in climates where the heat and humidity causes instant sweat when you go outside. Worked the puppy in water again today. Trying to get him comfortable with being hosed off afterward. Flies are brutal and my fly poison is still out of stock. May have to say fuck the locals and Amazon it.
Said fuck and decided to take the day off today. Kid had a backwoods little league turny today. Once the kids were done playing they had a tractor pull. Drinking beer and watching old tractors give it hell. Pretty neat to see how badass the Farmall H’s were. Awesome day!

Damn I'm a little jealous , that sounds like a hell of a good time.:smokin:

In , put in my 12 hours at work today and now it's easy chair and beer. :beer:
Said fuck and decided to take the day off today. Kid had a backwoods little league turny today. Once the kids were done playing they had a tractor pull. Drinking beer and watching old tractors give it hell. Pretty neat to see how badass the Farmall H’s were. Awesome day!

Thats an Allis Chalmers WD. Going Orange is Going great!
Thats an Allis Chalmers WD. Going Orange is Going great!

Yeah, the best pulls I seen were the farmalls and the cockshuts. The Deere b’s are also cool, amazing what 12 hp will do. 12 hp at 1200 rpm is a whole world of difference than the modern 12 hp at 3600 rpm.
In, did a little work on the daily driver, hopefully the last time I have to go into the engine the rest of the time I own it.

Probably going to start pressure washing and assembling some of this mess I bought the other night, I need to inventory what I have so I can order new parts and sell extras

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In. Went to help a buddy move some furniture at his moms house. He neglected to tell me the reason was the fucking armoire fell on his 78 year old mom and she was trapped under it for about an hour the other day. I would have brought more tools to ensure it was properly secured to the wall.

I will have to go back over when I have time next week. He lives 2 hours away, I'm only about 20 minutes.

anyway, moved the stuff them came home to locate the fence posts for the fence being rebuilt in our back yard. Pressure washed the back of ththe house and finished pressure washing the patio.

now relaxing having a couple beers waiting for the wife to start dinner.
In. Bunch of buddies are out wheeling today. The kids and I went for a bike/quad ride, launched rockets and played in the kiddie pool.

Smoking some meats for dinner.

Hopefully I ran the kids hard enough that the wife and I can get some quality time this evening.
In n Out. Relaxing after work, getting ready to go to a small Pro Rodeo at our county fair. Went last night too, almost no one wearing masks but the admission is limited so it can't get too crowded. Attendance overall for the whole thing was ridiculously small for a county thats geographically bigger than Rhode Island. Watched an 80s tribute band play after the Rodeo with a total of about 25 people. I had to laugh.
Hopefully I ran the kids hard enough that the wife and I can get some quality time this evening.

Lol if they are anything like mine they will do anything in their power to ruin the quality time ;(. It’s like they have a 6th sense.
In n Out. Relaxing after work, getting ready to go to a small Pro Rodeo at our county fair. Went last night too, almost no one wearing masks but the admission is limited so it can't get too crowded. Attendance overall for the whole thing was ridiculously small for a county thats geographically bigger than Rhode Island. Watched an 80s tribute band play after the Rodeo with a total of about 25 people. I had to laugh.

That’s crazy. There had to be 3-400 people at the turny and tractor pull. This is in a “town” that consists of a church a ball diamond and a bar lol.
Im in, my weekend with kiddo, rode bikes, kayaked, had good time, hes getting to the wore out stage about now, bedtime will be early for him tonite... which works out for me.
in, rode this morning, picked blackberries with the lady, she made 7 pints of jam.
worked on the 1911, adding adding some gooder parts, getting ready to dothe finishing.

Too hot to work outside today .... so I spent the day cleaning in the basement. Got rid of a lot of shit. Threw away stuff I probably could have sold .... but I'm getting tired of the selling/waiting/haggling/ghosting game. Still a long ways to go too. :(

Just went out to look at the sunset ... came in wishing my son was still up and turn the lights on in the kitchen. " You forgot my water for bedtime " :lmao: Told him to put his shoes on, and we went back out to look again.

Otherwise ..... I'm on the computer for the night. Feel free to holla :grinpimp:
Spent the day marking out a trail system at a new property my club just gained access to. 95 degrees, humid, bugs, thick underbrush. It sucked but we found some great looking terrain. Sitting on the couch now thinking every itch is a tick. Fawking ticks.

In. Did sweet fuck all the whole day except for a nap, getting real tired of all the rain we've been getting.
Spent the afternoon at the office, picked up pizza on the way home, currently watching storage wars with my 12 year old and the dogs.
In. New AC system has been giving us issues, had the AC tech out at 12:30 last night when it kept shutting off and turning on. There is some issue with the unit condensation in our attic, the float switch, and the thermostat. They’re supposed to fix it permanently Monday. Did a little work today, and went bar stool shopping with the wife. Ran a few other errands also, and ended up with a bunch of steaks and beer.

This heat sucks so put the boat back together. New U joints, starter, impeller, pumped out old gas, new lights, MAJOR cleaning from 3 years sitting.

Should be firing up before dark.


In. May go comet hunting on the boat tonight. Waiting on it to get a bit later first.

New boat did alright today. The fucking tilt trim acted a fool, it would go down but not up. My inboard never had a problem like that. Currently, it’s working after unplugging some sort of trim control box under the dash. Trouble is, down switch works on the throttle and up only works on the switch behind/below the throttle. Dumb, will probably run a jumper later and bypass all of the TOTALLY FAWKING HACK bullshit that is in there now.

Slept in, then went to town with Mrs. Mrs hasn’t been off the property in a while since she started telecommuting, so she wanted to drive. Almost everyone on the road earned the title of “fucker” by driving like a dumb ass (most of them deserved it too :laughing: )

I spent most of the afternoon putting in a new closet organizer in Mrs closet

Promised the kid we would do Mexican takeout for dinner, so that was dinner. I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow, and gave me an excuse for a margarita or three :homer:

Hanging out with Mrs and the monster on the couch, might move out to the deck when it cools off
In. Accepted offer on the house with an inspection this week. Cleaning up so there are no issues when the guy with the clipboard comes.

Hopefully closing on 136 acres this week! Homeless in two months. Not sure if the better half is going to make it without a mental breakdown.

She’s going on a hike tomorrow morning and I’ll be here working. Whiskey it is tonight!
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