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just living the dream
May 28, 2020
Member Number
northern az

had 2 trainings today and got 7 hours of overtime.
just hanging out with the family and having a few brews.


I had grand plans when I got up this morning. I was going to make a batch of Mom’s potato salad (baked the potatoes, and boiled the eggs yesterday). Then I was going to spray some weeds. Re-pot a couple plants. Work on the holes for the new gate (hard pan out here is a bitch). Then once all that was done it should be time to get the chicken going on the rotisserie for dinner.

But Noooo.... It’s been windy AF all day, the north wind makes me cranky :flipoff:

I was able to re-pot the plants, fix a couple things, and make the potato salad :homer:


I’ll put the chicken on tomorrow after work, now I’m going to fix a rum&coke and run the clippers around my head 🤪
In. Worked in Portland all week. Came home to play with the kids and maybe the wife will entertain a guest in her parlor this evening.

We went to launch model rockets at the park today. A guy had a drone and filmed a lot of it. Hoping he sends me the videos.
In. it's a margaritas and left over tacos night for us. Other than walking the dogs we dindunuffin.
in, went shooting with a friend in the morning, csme home and slept for 5 hours.
farking meds knocked me out.
catching up a house plans, 4 sets to do this weekend.
Ran over to my friends shop this morning and changed oil/filters on my daily. With the hoist its a 10 min thing versus playing around with jack stands and what not at my garage.

Adjusted rear brakes and put new rubber on Miata, its off of the jack stands and ready for summer canyon fun.

Since then been relaxing and catching up on my interwebz, looking at drill presses and some other tools I want to get...
In. Migraine all day, nothing accomplished. Hope I can kick it before bed.
In. Spent $325 on one bundle of R19, 4 sheets 7/16 osb, 4-2x6x8', and 5lb of #10 3" screws.
Fuck lumber prices:flipoff:
Just ate some amazing antelope tacos I cooked the meat all day for.
In. Getting a handle on some business admin stuff, and being a space nerd today. Tomorrow should be a long day at the shop trying to get caught up, sucks to be and feel behind on where ya should be
In. Spent $325 on one bundle of R19, 4 sheets 7/16 osb, 4-2x6x8', and 5lb of #10 3" screws.
Fuck lumber prices:flipoff:
Just ate some amazing antelope tacos I cooked the meat all day for.

does not compute
insulation $50
screws $25
osb $160
2x6 $90?

oof guess it does add up to something believable
here and I was mad about spending 90 bucks on a couple 2x10s a few months ago
[486 said:

does not compute
insulation $50 $75
screws $25. $35
osb $160
2x6 $90? $56

oof guess it does add up to something believable
here and I was mad about spending 90 bucks on a couple 2x10s a few months ago

+ Theft
In, wife is still suffering miserably from what I am 90% certain are spider bites. I feel bad for her, some of them are up to 4" around. Did a virtual call with a Dr. 3 days ago, they said take zyrtec and benadryl.

Wife got up at midnight Friday night and went the the ER. They prescribed prednisone and hydrocortisone. Shes still fucked up.

only thing that seems to have helped her I'd an oat flour bath. And my wife is probably tougher than I am when it comes to shit like this. I feel horrible for her.

​​​​​Snowed like an inch overnight then rained til 2pm. Took dawg to local park for walkies.
Actually reading a book on VP Harris...

Local guy who owns a tattoo parlor "Casa DiDolore", he was at the Jan 6 Trump party at U.S. Capital had his shop vandalized last night-

66.5 hours this week, 13 of those today, and I get to go unfuck the hack wiring on my freshly installed fender light tomorrow. Yay. Better not be raining.

Beer and more beer is the plan for tonight.

Scratch that. If that car alarm is still going off after this beer, me and my hammer are going for a walk...
in... Spent the morning prepping to do the final baseboards after installing the surround wiring.

Spent the afternoon looking at houses with a friend... neither were tight for her.

Came home and realized I needed 2" brads to install the baseboards, so back out to Lowes ... picked up some latex caulking while I was there...

Came home again and spent an hour fucking with hoses and connectors to get air in the house and actually working...

FML.... maybe tomorrow..

Bourbon and coke time...
Slept in too late so I did breakfast with the oldest. Pressed carrier bearings on my new locker (Sterlings have MASSIVE bearings), picked up a new to me welder and some tools for attempting to install the carrier, and helped the step dad admire his project car then had pizza with the family and my mother and step father. I FEEL like I did more than this
Just to add, I got a new work truck(tool box) about six weeks ago. Averaging 6.7 mpg in this thing...
I would be scared to death to take that in for an oil change :eek:

Thankfully I don't have to deal with any of that or paying for diesel as I don't own it.
It's fast as fuck, way faster than my 2006 Cummins powered truck but damn it's a complex fuckwad of retadation.
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