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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
in early
got hit by lake effect snow today, another 12,
snow blower is having a hard time throwing the snow over the sides now. 4 ft banks on side of driveway.
got ribs on the grill, friends coming over for dinner and drinks.
Got to sleep in today. Changed the oil in the wife's car and my beater. Packing to head to Portland tomorrow.

Kids whipped my ass at Monopoly last night. Time for a re-match.
In. Watched snow melt all day. How people live in real winter land is beyond me.
did all of fuckall today
odd because it's the warmest day in a month, but it feels colder somehow?
In. Kiddo came over and we started welding up a bench/shoe stand for her new place. She had to split about 12:30, so I went at the pear tree with the pole pruner a bit more.

Daughter and MIL will be coming over for corned beef and cabbage later. Then hopefully an early night as I have a ton of shit to do tomorrow before going back to work Monday.
In. Worked 3-8 this morning (one Saturday a month). Came home and checked over wife’s car before she left for her girls trip.

FIL called me, his car wouldn’t start/battery light on - got the battery charging so we will go from there.

No big plans for the evening, perhaps hang out with some friends later on.
It is a pretty nice day out, close to 50*.
Spent the day at the shop fab'n brackets to mount computer and fuse boxes under the dash of my buggy. Have to work tomorrow finishing up projects that did not get done last week. Sitting on the couch now getting ready to crash.
In, I got a call at 21:00 that I had a service call this morning and knocked it out. As I was putting my tools away I got another one, pump had to come out and be replaced. I finished that at 15:00 then my cousin and I moved some furniture for our grandmother. I'm home now trying to figure out what in the hell I'm going to do next:homer:
In. Went to the trouble of cleaning a carb and pressure testing the crank case on one of my bikes this morning before I noticed the little bubbles of water in the fuel line, that'll make it run bad and start like shit. Guess that means I need to ride it more instead of letting it sit and collect condensation in the tank.
about to punch out and head home, 12 today and 12 tomorrow. monday will feel like a day off being only 8. i just work to fucking much anymore.
what do you do, you're always whining on here about your ridiculous overtime
In. Playing with tires this evening....

In. Dindonuffin pretty much. Back and hip are still killing me so I just played chauffeur for the GF. I sure am happy my truck came with the heated massage seats now.:laughing: I managed to get a pork butt rubbed up and cookin' so I got that to look forward to for supper. Right now I'm sipping some tequila while drinking a margarita and wondering what to do with the paper check that arrived from President Trump today.:laughing:
Day 312 of no water...

Lol. We just finished burnin some burgers on the cast iron. I said fuck the grill and being outside.

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In. Dindonuffin pretty much. Back and hip are still killing me so I just played chauffeur for the GF. I sure am happy my truck came with the heated massage seats now.:laughing: I managed to get a pork butt rubbed up and cookin' so I got that to look forward to for supper. Right now I'm sipping some tequila while drinking a margarita and wondering what to do with the paper check that arrived from President Trump today.:laughing:

Move out of Canadia?
In now, might go out to dinner. Worked until noon, put an offer in a house. Now just waiting for a reply.
I figured out what I was doing next. Sitting in a Walmart parking lot in los banos, gonna grab a pizza and head home.
Wait, weren't you in benicia:confused:

Yeah. Refinery turned into a terminal when covid demand crashed. (We already had a disadvantage due to our large layout and therefore much more piping/ equipment to maintain) i could have stayed with the terminal but decided it was a great way to get paid to leave ca (severance) and get a few acres somewhere more relaxed. Taking a year off to decide what ill do next.
Yeah. Refinery turned into a terminal when covid demand crashed. (We already had a disadvantage due to our large layout and therefore much more piping/ equipment to maintain) i could have stayed with the terminal but decided it was a great way to get paid to leave ca (severance) and get a few acres somewhere more relaxed. Taking a year off to decide what ill do next.

Nice. Congrats.

gonna wait fer my sister to roll in at midnight to 0100.

javalina hunt was better since we saw one. chased that bitch all day and saw it twice but no good shot to take.
at least grilled a steak when i got home.

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