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On A Journey
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Jacksonville, FL
Slacker asses.

Helped my Son change oil in his truck. Cooking a pork butt in the air fryer. Drinking Deep Eddies. Listening to AIC.
battled with more piss soaked fiberglass
jesus fuck how does this much piss come from a mouse?

gonna try and toss together a tippy-flippy bucket-o-death trap for miceys to install tomorrow
stupid motherfuckers already use my sump pit as one, but apparently there's one that's smart enough to avoid that hazard

grilled up some steaks fer breakfast. checked the batteries in the f250 and both are toast. by then i was a few too many deep to drive. grilled up another steak. early tomorrow ill be going to walmart to get some neverstart maxxes and some other crap.

ill be relaxing with more brews and grilling another steak later.


grilled up some steaks fer breakfast. checked the batteries in the f250 and both are toast. by then i was a few too many deep to drive. grilled up another steak. early tomorrow ill be going to walmart to get some neverstart maxxes and some other crap.

ill be relaxing with more brews and grilling another steak later.


I like your style. Beer and MOAR steak...:usa:

waiting for vinyl flooring to dry some in the bathroom that i put down last night

I only have one bathroom and i removed the toilet

I havent taken a shit since last night

I think im going to find a bucket to crap in until tomorrow when i put the toilet back. :laughing:

Other than that, leftovers and cowboy movies on tv. :smokin:
Rum in my glass, baby back ribs on the smoker...Togo on the tv...I'm set for the night
14" of concrete snow. No power. Hopefully knock the bottom out of my date, then seek power at my buddies.

Went to bed too late and got up to soon with my head still spinnin' from too much booze. Dindonuffin all day long. I musta been a good boy last week 'cause GF hasn't asked me to do anything. She spent the day cooking and around 1 asked if I wanted her to make more Margaritas, how could I say no? I just hope this isn't like an engine that runs the strongest just before it blows up.:laughing: Currently trying to decide between meatloaf and all the fixins' or bacon wrapped chicken breast and her spicy mac and cheese.

Went to bed too late and got up to soon with my head still spinnin' from too much booze. Dindonuffin all day long. I musta been a good boy last week 'cause GF hasn't asked me to do anything. She spent the day cooking and around 1 asked if I wanted her to make more Margaritas, how could I say no? I just hope this isn't like an engine that runs the strongest just before it blows up.:laughing: Currently trying to decide between meatloaf and all the fixins' or bacon wrapped chicken breast and her spicy mac and cheese.


When life gets too good, something cometh for yo azz to put you back in your place :stirthepot:

Enjoy, Good Luck :laughing:

waiting for vinyl flooring to dry some in the bathroom that i put down last night

I only have one bathroom and i removed the toilet

I havent taken a shit since last night

I think im going to find a bucket to crap in until tomorrow when i put the toilet back. :laughing:

Other than that, leftovers and cowboy movies on tv. :smokin:

A bucket? There's gotta be someone with a sunroof that needs filling.:stirthepot:

Enjoying my last few days as a "bachelor". Wife has been up in RI for the last 6 weeks taking care of her Dad so it has just been me and the pups here at home. Kinda nice, kinda sucks.... She is due back Monday afternoon, so tomorrow im going to have to give this place a good cleaning so i don't hear about it when she gets home. :laughing:

Went to bed too late and got up to soon with my head still spinnin' from too much booze. Dindonuffin all day long. I musta been a good boy last week 'cause GF hasn't asked me to do anything. She spent the day cooking and around 1 asked if I wanted her to make more Margaritas, how could I say no? I just hope this isn't like an engine that runs the strongest just before it blows up.:laughing: Currently trying to decide between meatloaf and all the fixins' or bacon wrapped chicken breast and her spicy mac and cheese.
she’s pregnant. nesting and all that. Congratulations!

Enjoying my last few days as a "bachelor". Wife has been up in RI for the last 6 weeks taking care of her Dad so it has just been me and the pups here at home. Kinda nice, kinda sucks.... She is due back Monday afternoon, so tomorrow im going to have to give this place a good cleaning so i don't hear about it when she gets home. :laughing:

Maid/striper service. :flipoff2:
in the last leg of finishing the new living area.
hung this door i made. will take it down to sand and finish. going to cut out a steel crescent moon and apply it to door.
she’s pregnant. nesting and all that. Congratulations!

Aww hell no she ain't. She's had a hysterectomy so no worries there. The night I took her home from the bar she mentioned it. I actually threw my hands up, looked to the sky and said thank you Jesus.
In. I've been informed we need a blender so I'm shopping for the least shitty on that doesn't cost an arm and a dick since it will most likely sit in a cabinet and never be touched once it's purchased.
In. I've been informed we need a blender so I'm shopping for the least shitty on that doesn't cost an arm and a dick since it will most likely sit in a cabinet and never be touched once it's purchased.

Cuisinart is what i got. my folks got one to.
heck might make a margarita now, wonder if i got all the stuff.


We were going to go to the metal store and look around, and pick up what I need to get a gate project going. Instead we stayed up late, and then slept in. Then made a big breakfast and got lazy. I’ll go to the metal store on Monday after work.

Working on a rum&coke trying to figure out dinner :homer:
Cuisinart is what i got. my folks got one to.
heck might make a margarita now, wonder if i got all the stuff

A few years ago my folks bought a pair of Hamilton Beach commercial blenders (model 908), one for me and one for them. These things are no frills bar blenders. They have two toggle switches, on/off and high/low. They make the best Margaritas :blender: :smokin:

I need to put Margarita fixings on my town run list! :idea:
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