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In, work was done by 11am. Almost finished with my work bench that I started last night. It's mostly recycled wood with the only new parts being the four 2x4x8, bolts and screws.
Got up early, worked on truck, made a mess, 'finished' truck, dropped off brand new leaf blower that stopped working, picked up new set of brakes for the trailer, helped Chris move an XJ.... spent $150 in fuel and filling up gas cans, got home 'cleaned' up tools time for a few more beers on the couch and maybe some food
Getting drunk with the wife watching YouTube rednecks while the daughter makes us a surprise dinner... uhoh. Haha
In. All I did was go out and get the snow blowing done, still felt like shit most of the day from that Chinese food yesterday. GF made a big pot of chili for dinner but I am craving beans and wieners like a fat kid at camp. Got some OG Coors on ice and am thinking about watching some KOH thing I found on prime last night.
Drove home from Chicago after getting furloughed for a few weeks, many legos were purchased and assembled with the nephew today.
Kids had basketball practice which we were not allowed to watch. My wife and her super star in-laws butchered 65 chickens today. So she’s out and I’ll watch a few more episodes of the expanse before I doze off.
In. Ran almost 9 miles, Costco to load up on quarantine supplies before it happens, laundry, movies and pizza dinner night. Considered pulling a bunch of 223 bullets apart. Decided again to do it pulling the trigger some time in the spring. Oh and I paid off the credit card because I hate having a credit card balance.
In. 30 hrs into fasting for 42-48 hrs. Sofa King hungry.
Experimenting with getting my body into autophagy to hopefully fix/help whatever bullshit autoimmune problems I'm having. So fun.
Getting drunk with the wife watching YouTube rednecks while the daughter makes us a surprise dinner... uhoh. Haha

Good thing you'll be drunk......LOL

In, went and visited some friends at hunting camp today. Made tacos for dinner, waiting on some turnovers in the oven now.
In. Started priming the beams for the apartment conversion. Fuck oil based primer:mad3: At least its covering the maroon stain on the beams. Hopefully finish the priming and get a finish coat on tomorrow.
In, tinkered on junk while observing the local wildlife (tweakers) rolling by this afternoon. Apparently Sideshow Bob has a miled out Cummins dually and really wants to buy my neighbor's ragged out Astro van. Re-watching The Grand Tour and drinking beers now.
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nursin a glass of 4 roses and drinking some blue moons watching the lopi stove piss off P.G.E!
In like Flynn...

Got up at 6:30 this morning and drove to Waco to pick up my new trailer. Got back to the house at 1pm and then ran errands picking up pad locks and a different drop hitch for the new setup. Loaded some camping gear in the trailer and then parked it for the night. Ate shitty Panda Express and now I'm ready for bed.
In. Ran almost 9 miles, Costco to load up on quarantine supplies before it happens, laundry, movies and pizza dinner night. Considered pulling a bunch of 223 bullets apart. Decided again to do it pulling the trigger some time in the spring. Oh and I paid off the credit card because I hate having a credit card balance.

User name makes total sense now.

I dont think I've run 9 miles in my entire life. :laughing:
User name makes total sense now.

I dont think I've run 9 miles in my entire life. :laughing:

IT's funny because my jeep has a problem running too. Yeah....when I came up with it....it totally made me think I was relative.

I've run 26.2 in less than 3 hours.
I've run/hiked 30, 34 and like 38 on separate occasions. I guess I could say where I'm at with running is the equivalent of being on locked tons and 40s with an Atlas here. I'm not Ultra 4 and if I'm the slowest one in the bunch I can take care of myself.

Today was just a workout in the morning so I could do other things with my day.
Tomorrow is the long run. 14-15 miles (non-stop except for red lights) with maybe a bottle of water. Should be 2-2.5 hours total time. Yes I know how stupid that sounds, BUT watching the sports ball, or race car events takes about as long and gets about as much done. If I had the skill I'd spend that 2 hours welding on my front axle so I could get farther along with the swap. Still learning to weld, welder isn't here, and I'm not ready to do a 1 ton swap yet.
In. Started priming the beams for the apartment conversion. Fuck oil based primer:mad3: At least its covering the maroon stain on the beams. Hopefully finish the priming and get a finish coat on tomorrow.

I fucking HATE painting. I'll do prep work like tape and shit. FUCK PAINTING. This kind of includes staining, but staining doesn't seem to be as bad as painting.
In. 30 hrs into fasting for 42-48 hrs. Sofa King hungry.
Experimenting with getting my body into autophagy to hopefully fix/help whatever bullshit autoimmune problems I'm having. So fun.

What can you drink? water and water only? that sounds fucking miserable.
I fucking HATE painting. I'll do prep work like tape and shit. FUCK PAINTING. This kind of includes staining, but staining doesn't seem to be as bad as painting.

My son's bedroom was pink for 2-3 years after I bought my house because of that. I hate any kind of cosmetic painting. Paint and supplies sat on a shelf in my garage for at least a year before the GF's aunt came over and painted it while I was at work.
My son's bedroom was pink for 2-3 years after I bought my house because of that. I hate any kind of cosmetic painting. Paint and supplies sat on a shelf in my garage for at least a year before the GF's aunt came over and painted it while I was at work.

I told my wife a long time ago I wasn't going to paint anything. My mother comments about "just do it while he is gone."

NO. FUCK THAT SHIT! I HATED coming home to the smell of paint at 10:00 at night because mom decided SHE didn't like the color of MY room and decided to paint it a different color without even asking me. I don't care THAT you paint it. I'm just not going to paint it.

Mom wasn't too happy to hear that. Wife asked about it. Funny for me, probably not for mom. I think she said something like "it was ONE time." yup. that's how much I hated it.
Picked up my new to me 79 f150 today, put the new tire on my project backhoe, straightened up my house

It's my younger daughters birthday, so I have 5 6th grade girls running all over the house, apparently playing tag in the dark, and competitive AF:laughing:

Got the house cleaned up after my visitors this week and heated up a 9# smoked turkey that the brown Santa brought this morning.

Watching Blazing Saddles now. :grinpimp:
In kinda

I ran into town this morning. I picked up some tritip, a case of TP, a case of rum, and a couple boxes of 12 ga shells (Costco TP mountain was a mole hill, something has folks hoarding again)

Then me and Mrs went back to town and pulled the trigger on a little travel trailer we looked at last week. We needed a “guest quarters”, and we’d like to get back out exploring. It gets delivered Monday, and I can pick up the 590

Sippin on a rum&coke surfing Amazon :grinpimp:

Got a call this afternoon from my credit union. Someone managed to skim my card and charged like $20k in bets in Vegas on it. Boy did they pick the wrong account. :laughing:
Not a huge deal, but annoying having to wait for a new card to come in.

Went to my moms/stepdad's house for my nieces 9th birthday, found out about the card on the way there. Planned on picking her up something before I went over there, but obviously that didn't happen. Luckily my mom had bought stuff for Christmas for the kids so she gave me something to give her, which ended up being more convenient anyway.

Stopped at home and grabbed some cash to hit the bar for a couple, but every table was taken and I couldn't stand at the bar because some dumb bitch was in there raising hell about how close people were too each other. :rolleyes: Lame, but not a big deal for me to just leave. Feel bad for the bartender though, he's been there for years and is cool as hell. Sucks he's gotta deal with that shit.

Oh well, need to get up fairly early tomorrow anyway. Picking up a Dell server in the morning for next to nothing.
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