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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
shot a doe this morning, 3rd for season.
decided to work on finishing basement instead of going out to stand this afternoon.
well this farker goes walking towards where my stand is. the rutis starting here.
ohhh well maybe i will go out in the morning.

Ran errands in town instead of yesterday. I need to keep the errand run on Friday, to damn many people out on Saturday :homer:

Helped the nephew cut up and load the old spa so he can haul it to the dump for us. Found a few dead frogs, and a couple very alive garter snakes under the base when we picked it up. I discovered the nephew doesn’t like snakes of any kind today :laughing:, I coaxed them to go under the deck

We’re sitting on the couch with the monster, the kid is dealing with a migraine 🙁

I think it’s time for a beer :homer:
Fucking asswhipe in dreadlocks is casing the neighborhood selling cleaning supplies. God damm houses are 1/4 mile apart; I call bull shit on his story. I hope he comes back and I will offer him a job to dig a hole out in the BLM land about 50 miles south of me. I guess it is time to install some outside security cameras. I wasn't home at the time; MOTHER ran his ass off. Funny; called the neighbors to compare notes; he didn't hit any houses flying a Trump flag. :lmao:
Finally in.

Wrapped up the bathroom reno and made a dump run. I decided to hit up some back roads afterwards and the deer were out in force. Strangely enough they were unafraid of me. The bucks came within 30' while the doe walked right up to me.

Gonna start in on some OG Coors and maybe make some Hamburger Helper for dinner 'cause I don't feel like cooking tonight.

In. Never made the morning goose hunt. Pops is asking my advice on getting out of the woods while surrounded by deer. Taped up a tent garage today. Trying to find anyone with a field I can hunt tomorrow, maybe.
Not in. This place is awesome. It’s going to be a great week :grinpimp:

Life is fucking good. Nothing like hitting the trails and have a few brews to top it off. I live the dream! :smokin:

Hit the Sunset grill...Best filet mignon in my book. Call them for reservation and a ride. :smokin:
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Just got done picking up dog poop in the backyard. Wife and I are taking our youngest 15 year old daughter to a friend's for a sleepover. No one home this evening but us two now. Wonder what's going to happen?:idea:
Just got done picking up dog poop in the backyard. Wife and I are taking our youngest 15 year old daughter to a friend's for a sleepover. No one home this evening but us two now. Wonder what's going to happen?:idea:

IDK man, 15 years between kids is a lot

P.S. Do you have two 15 year old daughters? Very confuse :flipoff2:

Went and helped a buddy figure out a customer truck that's been sitting in his way forever this morning, turned out to be as simple as the distributor being stabbed wrong since there were two marks on the balancer.
In, buy beef, save our deer...lol
truth is I don't hunt, I have nothing against it, deer roam my backyard daily.

Finished welding a project up for a buddy of mine this morning. He's happy and will be coming over to help me get some big stuff moved in the shop tomorrow.

Made real mashed potatoes, some gravy and grilled chicken for dinner. Kicking back surfing the web now.
In, just got back from my niece's first birthday. My s.i.l. Held down the fort and reported we didn't have one trick or treater.
We got a grand total of 2 kids, I loaded them right up. Back of house neighbor had an impressive fireworks show and passed the torch to me for New Years. Challenge accepted.

I hear a party up the road got called in for too many people, sounds like a few of us may be giving the snitch a visit tomorrow, we will probably catch him outside when he's cleaning up all the eggs.:mad3:
We got a grand total of 2 kids, I loaded them right up. Back of house neighbor had an impressive fireworks show and passed the torch to me for New Years. Challenge accepted.

I hear a party up the road got called in for too many people, sounds like a few of us may be giving the snitch a visit tomorrow, we will probably catch him outside when he's cleaning up all the eggs.:mad3:

We had over a 100 tonight. Wife pre-bagged a bunch of candy, so we know about how much we handed out. It’s very hit or miss based on the year. Being a Saturday and cool for here, there was a bunch of people out. Someone in another part of our neighborhood said they had over 400.
Just got done picking up dog poop in the backyard. Wife and I are taking our youngest 15 year old daughter to a friend's for a sleepover. No one home this evening but us two now. Wonder what's going to happen?:idea:

*15 year old girls at a sleepover*

Isn't this when they start the "We're sleeping at [friend's house]" at the same time trick? :flipoff2:
In, buy beef, save our deer...lol
truth is I don't hunt, I have nothing against it, deer roam my backyard daily.

We're actually running into over-population problems the last I heard.

I lived in Ann Arbor and it's in crisis mode. They can get a bunch of college students and Professors to halt deer culling, A2 is... well the name is 'Arbor' so they have a lot of trees and near-perfect Whitetail habitat. Plus a lot of people with gardens and raised beds and all that hippy shit.... perfect storm. A2 is like Deer Heaven, except for the overpopulation and getting hit by cars all the time....
Fucking asswhipe in dreadlocks is casing the neighborhood selling cleaning supplies. God damm houses are 1/4 mile apart; I call bull shit on his story. I hope he comes back and I will offer him a job to dig a hole out in the BLM land about 50 miles south of me. I guess it is time to install some outside security cameras. I wasn't home at the time; MOTHER ran his ass off. Funny; called the neighbors to compare notes; he didn't hit any houses flying a Trump flag. :lmao:

Tell us more about this dreadlocked character and how he came to your house and how you didn't manage the Bullshit call in the first place...

Not that I am calling you out, I've often had run-ins with people and later I'm like "That guy was trying to scam me" Because, you know, I don't think like a criminal.
We're actually running into over-population problems the last I heard.

I lived in Ann Arbor and it's in crisis mode. They can get a bunch of college students and Professors to halt deer culling, A2 is... well the name is 'Arbor' so they have a lot of trees and near-perfect Whitetail habitat. Plus a lot of people with gardens and raised beds and all that hippy shit.... perfect storm. A2 is like Deer Heaven, except for the overpopulation and getting hit by cars all the time....

Michigan is overrun with whitetail deer. Ann arbor is is no unicorn in that respect. Hell the zone I hunt, i think I can get 15 tags over the counter.
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