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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
in, work is nonstop right now, rats are escaping nyc for pa, my builders in pa cannot keep up. i got six sets of house plans this week....all on rush, plus have to my 40 that pays for my health care.
in, work is nonstop right now, rats are escaping nyc for pa, my builders in pa cannot keep up. i got six sets of house plans this week....all on rush, plus have to my 40 that pays for my health care.

Ahem , it's Friday brah . :rolleyes:
Ahem , it's Friday brah . :rolleyes:

I honestly thought I lost a day somehow...:homer:

Convinced my mom to come visit her granddaughter for the 1st time since the Covid stuff started. Wife and I were a little concerned our daughter might scream like she does at some of our friends. Turns out she just doesn’t like red heads.
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Did very little today, doing very little tonight. GF made a big tray of meatballs so it's gonna be spaghetti after this beer and off to bed.
In. My ass is whooped from work. Relaxing on the patio with a coffee listening to the cadydids in the trees.
Reads thread title, starts to post...

One of the voices in my head says, “Dumb ass... you just prepared Mrs favorite FRIDAY dinner (filet, baked potato, veg, sautéed mushrooms )

Waiting for tomorrow to post SNLC :flipoff2:
In, after work installed trailer brakes and a 7 prong on a '12 xterra. Just ate dinner and ain't doin nuttin.
In, we decided to lay low this weekend.
Took care of some things in and around the house. Reorganized some tools and garage layout as well, l like clean and organized space to work out of.

Washed wife's car and Miata after, aiming to make it to my local Cars and Coffee for a bit. It has been a month or better since I was there last, there are some people I like to catch up with.
Earlier in the week we had 90mph winds blow through the area, happy to say no visible damage that I could spot.
In now. Parent's had us over for dinner with the people we stay with in Cabo every other year or so. Dad went overboard with food. Lobster tails, sauteed zucchini in a romanesco sauce, sauteed spinach, roasted potatoes with onions and peppers, mixed veggie salad. He had me grill the filet minion which turned out PERFECT. And for desert his home made cream puffs. We all ate until we were almost sick. Now home drinking an old fashioned ready to go into a food coma:smokin:
In...I have been playing with my old TIG toy.. Padding junk and running lap joints.. I am retired and not a welder by any means; just want to have fun!
Relaxing after working on shit around the house. This will be my last weekend sleeping in this house.
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