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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
back from trip, great ride home.
installed night sights on glock 19.
loaded 100 rounds of 12 gage for tomorrow.
going relax tonight.
Worked in back yard this morning.
Got side tracked playing CS GO on my son's new 'puter this afternoon...( I havent played CS all but a few times since my kids were born ( oldest will be 16 next month, son just turned 13 ). He was all like " Dad, tou can still play? " Lol.

Two Tricerahops down and will make dinner in a bit.

Happy Saturday guys!
Got up at 5am worked on the jeep. Put a new front diff cover on and its too thick for my steering ram to pass by. Decided I didn’t like my steering ram mount anyway and torched it off. Started building a new one. About 2:30 went to the parts store for some bolts realized they are lazy assholes and closed on Saturday for communist holiday. Went to see my kids at their moms for a few minutes. Came home went to sleep at 3:30 now Im awake to go finish the steering on the jeep. I plan to work on it all night and work on my trailer when it gets light out. Then run to Wichita and hope someplace is open I cannget bolts for. Or not fuck big stores saying we have to wear masks.

Sleep schedules are for little bitchs.
In. did the groceries and Costco thing today and took it pretty easy afterwards. GF has ribs, wings, nachos and fries on the go. I am getting into the OG Coors and gonna watch "The Dirt" on Netflix, maybe some SOA after that if I can keep my eyes open.
In. Was going to pop into the bar I go to for a couple, but couldn't find a parking spot anywhere near it. Grabbed a 12 pack of Sam Adams Oktoberfest instead and went home.

Just as well being a holiday weekend. ABC dickheads are probably out everywhere enforcing the mask bullshit anyway.
In. did the groceries and Costco thing today and took it pretty easy afterwards. GF has ribs, wings, nachos and fries on the go. I am getting into the OG Coors and gonna watch "The Dirt" on Netflix, maybe some SOA after that if I can keep my eyes open.

The dirt is a super good movie.
In, grocery shopping this morning. Watching Gotham hanging out with my daughter and wife gonna burn a tritip when the sun goes down.
Got most of transfer case replacement done. Hung out with grandchildren. Been watching "Remo Williams" best movie ever.
I have a 1 week old baby so I spent most of the day cleaning up projectile shit and piss, then listening to crying... I rode my tractor for like half an hour to cut some grass and probably be up all night listening to more crying...
No idea where the day went a'tall.
Slept in, went out to breakfast, grocery shopping, came home and just worked on little things around here. Went on our favorite back road drive to the next town over, did some crop and game scouting and stopped in at a small mom and pop restaurant for supper.

Now just sitting around with the husband and the hound. Scout (hound) was gnawing on a chew toy and then just randomly stopped, I saw something white laying on the ground and picked up a part of her tooth. Hoping it's just a chip and not something she'll need pulled - she doesn't seem bothered by it but don't want it bothering her. Freaking kids anyways! :)
I have a 1 week old baby so I spent most of the day cleaning up projectile shit and piss, then listening to crying... I rode my tractor for like half an hour to cut some grass and probably be up all night listening to more crying...

Sat around most the day, did some fiberglass project prep and started restoring saying three wheeler plastic tonight.
I have a 1 week old baby so I spent most of the day cleaning up projectile shit and piss, then listening to crying... I rode my tractor for like half an hour to cut some grass and probably be up all night listening to more crying...

It gets better, but it will feel like FOREVER.

Bestest day ever was when #2 went poop in the toilet :grinpimp:

Congrats on the kiddo!
I have a 1 week old baby so I spent most of the day cleaning up projectile shit and piss, then listening to crying... I rode my tractor for like half an hour to cut some grass and probably be up all night listening to more crying...

You're doing it wrong.

:laughing: :flipoff2:
in.... Fucking pissed at homeless bitch that doesn't know how to care for horses! I am fucking ripped and ready to rip the fucking bitches head off! :mad3:
Wife and I had a fire last night, neighbor came down on his quad with his daughter. Rode around for a while and taught daughter how to drive a standard. No pics of daughter, she is 15 you fucks.
44” cone crusher for the Panzerfauchker. :flipoff2:

Wife and I had a fire last night, neighbor came down on his quad with his daughter. Rode around for a while and taught daughter how to drive a standard. No pics of daughter, she is 15 you fucks.
44” cone crusher for the Panzerfauchker. :flipoff2:

Ok. More pics of the blonde behind the fire pit then:flipoff2:
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