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Either going to mount IROK's on some beadlocks or go to the bar and drink martinis.


Mandatory work all weekend, standing by watching the state mandate load blocks to be dumped for heat.......
the heat is hot, but the money is pretty good
In for a few, we have BIL birthday party in a couple hours.

Worked on a home remodel earlier, wiring and cutting holes for light fixtures. A few hours tomorrow doing similar is possible.

it is another triple digit day outside, so hiding inside since I came back home.
In, did some yard work and worked on fixing the fence, it got hot and humid so I said fuck it. Currently looking at cooking vids on youtube and downing the OG Coors.
In, my grand accomplishment for the day was painting and installing the exhaust for my kid's dirtbike. Was supposed to go trade side work/consulting for another bike project but I ended up stuck at home, sounds like the bike is still showing up later today and I just owe some time.
In, stayed inside all day its too hot outside. About to go out and ride the fourwheeler around the southwest southwest with the kids before its their bedtime.

I plan on waking up in the middle of the night to work on the crawler when it is a little cooler and the kids are asleep. We will see.
Still sitting at work loading computers so hopefully we can start college classes in person and remote on Wednesday
Writing up a proposal for a nice sized job, watching the free ufc prelims, ready to get good and drunk soon
In, worked on the bronco EFI install until it got to hot. Have work shit to do due the the fucking union sending shit in at 4pm on Friday. Kinda hoping all the fire warnings they're talking about come to fruition. :mad3:
Bought a small farm couple weeks back. Been working on it daily . Wrapped some phone wire up in the bushhog ,said fuck it till tomorrow.
In. Got back from the beach late last night after being in "monster beach house with no responsibilities" utopia. After letting the kids eat/drink anything they want for 5 days it is easily apparent that diet directly effects behavior. :laughing:
In. Finished getting horses settled in... Still need to place cover on one shelter; but that should be an easy one hour job. Fucking temperature hit 110 in my hood; it looks like it will north of 108 for the next 10 days. I can't remember when we had any rain.
Kinda in. Moving my kid to San Luis Obispo to start college. He is going into a welding program at Cuesta college. He also has an interview lined up this week with a pretty major 4x4 company...so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Fucking kid bought himself a 1994 C4 Corvette yesterday to have a vehicle down here, because he didnt want to have to drive his 41 Willys to school...

Oh....and this place is crawling with smokin hawt chicks.

Dont think the kid knows how good he has it
Been at the hospital all day with my Uncle. Old man is having a rough year. Bladder cancer and now no strength in his legs and he keeps falling. Was supposed to start his chemo this week but has an infection and is pissing blood so that got postponed till he can get that sorted out with meds. Waited all day at the hospital to get a mri and see wtf is going on with his legs. 2020 can just go ahead and fuck off. Had a birthday dinner for SIL and just got home. Laundry time and running the roomba. GF gets off at 10 so probably too tired to hide the salami.
In. Cleaned and organized a bit today. Worked the puppy. Less angry than yesterday but not by much.

sorry to hear about your uncle twales I hope they can get him back to better health. Fuck cancer

Getting things ready to move the youngest to college on Monday

My militarily OCD on packing for a move is getting the better of me. I need to remind myself that she will be two hours away, has access to a car, and plenty of stores near her to buy anything she forgot :homer:

Did some work stuff this AM before it got too hot. Wife and I dropped the kid off at the in-laws so we could do some over due grocery shopping. Now watching roadkill as she gets the kid to sleep.
Cleaned up a work bench in the shop. Continued to work on my service bed install on my 1976 f150 till it got to hot 100+. Bought some por15 from a local joint. Been waiting 3 weeks from amazon.
Been at the hospital all day with my Uncle. Old man is having a rough year. Bladder cancer and now no strength in his legs and he keeps falling. Was supposed to start his chemo this week but has an infection and is pissing blood so that got postponed till he can get that sorted out with meds. Waited all day at the hospital to get a mri and see wtf is going on with his legs. 2020 can just go ahead and fuck off. Had a birthday dinner for SIL and just got home. Laundry time and running the roomba. GF gets off at 10 so probably too tired to hide the salami.

sorry to hear that he is suffering, hopefully he can be comfortable, prayers are with him.
Hanging out outside at 350 am watching a crazy lightning storm and listening to the fire dispatch. Rooster831 sounds like a fire over by your place, everything good?

1/2 acre in heavy brush near skyline. Sounds like they are staying back waiting for ground crews.

and another 10+ acre fire off pine something rd.
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Hanging out outside at 350 am watching a crazy lightning storm and listening to the fire dispatch. Rooster831 sounds like a fire over by your place, everything good?

1/2 acre in heavy brush near skyline. Sounds like they are staying back waiting for ground crews.

Doing the same. We have what looks to be 2 fires in the local hills, they are releasing resources from one to go help with the other. At least it started raining pretty good. EAS just went off on the TV.
I got up at 2:30am and worked on the crawler. Finished wiring up my 2 speed ferd Taowerus fan. That sumbitch blows like Camela. For half the price of the flexolite I had on before and moves 3x as much air. On high I can feel it sucking air through the rad/condenser/steering cooler from at least a foot away with force. Now its almost 8am and the kids are starting to wake up. Damn I love working on the crawler at night listening to the Coast to Coast AM.
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