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Slow Joe said the riots and violence are

Joe is definitely slow. Everything's been Trump's fault for almost 4 years now. And we all know it.:rolleyes:
How many people truly believe all this bullshit lies anyway? Seems to me that if conservatives are being blamed for the riots then they should just get in the mix. Being blamed anyway so what the hell.
All liberals believe it. People think cheeto jesus is a cult, yet Democrats will blindly follow anyone just because its their annointed one.
yea I saw some of his speech. Not one word about antifa or anarchists. If you listen to joe all of the looting is being done by white supremacists and militias. Totally delusional content. Blames everything on trump and only answers with platitudes and vague answers that can mean anything.
Their entire platform is stood up one on thing. :rolleyes:
All liberals believe it. People think cheeto jesus is a cult, yet Democrats will blindly follow anyone just because its their annointed one.

Not all of them, but a large portion of them swallow the propaganda they're fed without tasting it :frown:

The projection they buy into blows my mind:
  • practicing racism is OK to fight alleged racism?
  • practicing fascism is OK to fight alleged fascism?
  • "all lives matter" is racist because black lives matter?
  • rioting and arson are OK because "people are scared"?
  • atrocious behavior is OK because "fighting bad people"?
Seriously, I try to keep an open mind and understand, but nobody can explain it worth a fawk :confused:
I'd understand such punk-ass crap from immature teens, but are the adults trying to be "cool"?
notice the difference between the way the antifa/protester who shot someone and the kyle shooting are being portrayed in the news, If you can even find the patriot prayer guy shooting. SAD so f'n sad that they just can't tell the truth.
My FB friends list unfollowed a LOT of people. The are eating every little liberal opportunity up and if you don't agree then you're wrong.
I hope everyone remembers that line for the next dem president. It was not obama's america... It was bushes fault.

Amazing how things change in a few years.

Actually how they remain the same. It's always the other guys fault. Little 2 y/o finger pointing bullshit. :rolleyes:
This is Trump's America. Duh

Just for you.

I'm thoroughly convinced that the Democrat Party/the riots/the looting; have created Trump-voters out of a small, yet significant percentage, of Democrat-voters. :smokin:

I like that , "Democrat party riots / rioters" thanks that's how I'm going refer to them now. :smokin:
. . . /the riots/the looting . . .

Those are "peaceful protests" and "undocumented reparations acquisition" you privileged, micro-aggressing, whitesplaining, hateful, racist, closed-minded, intolerant cis-gender homophobic fascist :flipoff:

^^^ just guessing at a "moderate" Marxist response - how'd I do? :laughing:
Reading hard for Mongo.

What percentage of blacks are killed by white cops?
what percentage of blacks are killed by other blacks?

Google it and Lets test your reading and comprehension skills to see if you understand which is the “significant percentage”

We already tested your tax skill and knowledge and all saw how that played out:lmao::lmao::lmao:
What percentage of blacks are killed by white cops?
what percentage of blacks are killed by other blacks? Oooo! Oooooo! I know! I know!!

Google it and Lets test your reading and comprehension skills to see if you understand which is the “significant percentage”

We already tested your tax skill and knowledge and all saw how that played out:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Approx. 95% of all blacks killed (homicide); were killed by fellow blacks.
Approx. 95% of all blacks killed (homicide); were killed by fellow blacks.

But let’s see if our resident retard can tell us which is the significant issue. Single digits or 95%.

I’m willing to bet he says single digits because, well, he’s a moron. :lmao::lmao:
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