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Side hustle ideas??


'Splain this to me again
Oct 13, 2020
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I am looking for some ideas for side work in my welding/fab shop. I work in an office for a major transportation company but afternoons and weekends I like to kick around and build stuff. Business has been really slow and I'm finding myself with a lot of free time that I would really like to spend scratching out some extra work. Any tips on drumming up business? I can do pretty much anything, stick, TIG, Mig, aluminum, whatever.
Careful what you wish for.

I found myself doing so much side work at one point that there was no time for the things I wanted to do.
artsy shit for etsy...i'm serious

Wife makes more than I do. Once the $600 or $2000 or $whatever hits, she's doing a mass liquidation. About $12,000 worth of material. :grinpimp:
Shooting targets that fit in flat rate boxes, not sure if that's the kind of stuff in your wheelhouse or not, but seems like others that have done it did well.
and like above, if your creative at all, rustic/artsy stuff.

a friend had a line on used horseshoes, he made all kinds of dumb stuff, toilet paper holders. wine holders, paper towel racks,
sell meth

been thinking about setting up to make those shitty skid steer over-tire tracks made of flatbar welded to chain
Lol as stated be careful with your side hustle. My little brothers side hustle has turned into a 10-20k a week in sales. He sells what I call trinkets for the hunter.
Lol as stated be careful with your side hustle. My little brothers side hustle has turned into a 10-20k a week in sales. He sells what I call trinkets for the hunter.

Game calls? Thats one hell of a side hustle. Or did he take that full time and get an employee.
Game calls? Thats one hell of a side hustle. Or did he take that full time and get an employee.

No employees. A local job shop does the power coating and vinyl. He boxes and ships during the evenings. Still works with my dad full time. For how much longer that is still to be determined.
No employees. A local job shop does the power coating and vinyl. He boxes and ships during the evenings. Still works with my dad full time. For how much longer that is still to be determined.

Damn! Good for him. Straight killing it. I need that kind of side hustle :laughing:
The shooting targets are very much in my wheelhouse. Shooting is very much a passion for me. My biggest barrier right now is marketing.
The shooting targets are very much in my wheelhouse. Shooting is very much a passion for me. My biggest barrier right now is marketing.

Start here, if your good at it word of mouth will take care of itself.

Make sure you buy a star if your gonna pimp your shit.:flipoff2:
I would second the artsy shit. Bottle trees made of bent rebar sell quickly. Shooting targets should be a good market also.
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