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Shit like this is why cops suck and have a bad reputation


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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I get that there’s the whole “bad apple makes them all look bad” but really? Take this story for example, how many pigs not only helped commit crime for another pig but other pigs that were there did nothing or said shit about it happening. They’re no better then the mob imo.

although, law enforcement has always been corrupt since centuries ago. But still, they wonder why they’re being attacked like they are today. I’m not for all this rioting and violence but I’m no fucking way near pro cop at all. They need to start calling out bad cops and stop tolerating shit like this to go on or they’ll always be nothing more then licensed thugs themselves

Good cops need to stop letting bad cops get away with shit period.
So...only applicable to cops, or should all people start calling out those that dont conform to laws?

Should I start calling 911 to report speeding?
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You’re simplifying a very complex issue.
Its a cultural thing. You become indoctrinated through the training and the workplace behaviours that are encouraged. To go against them would be to make your life shittier than it already would be being a cop.

Changing cultures is is both difficult and takes time (generations), but it is possible.

Like how we keep telling you to stop being such an alarmist, Fox-news swilling dipshit who tilts at windmills and flings poop at the walls, yet you still persist. It takes time to affect change.
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Now let's do the same for doctors, ok? They kill patients and negligently over Rx opiods.
Then we can go after teachers, too. We see them in the news all the time having sex with their students.
Hmm, when was the last time a fire fighter was an arsonist...

Sooner or later we'll get to those crazy 4x4 guys, because someone once saw a guy drive a truck over a bush.

Just stop it already.
It must be nirvana to live in a world that is perfect because of 0 humans living in it to fuck it up.
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