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SEMA Cancelled for 2020

I really wish people would stop saying "because COVID"... Especially businesses who are hurting or using COVID as a reason for masks, etc when they should be saying "because of authoritarian government and liability"....
Our yearly trade show is just prior to SEMA at the convention center. It got canceled too. I'm bummed that I don't get to go to Vegas this year, and next year it's in Atlanta. Also, they are still keeping the $16K that we put down on our booth space and any other money that we had to pay. Wonder if they are doing that for SEMA vendors too? If so that could hurt a lot of shops.
I've never been to SEMA, but I'm getting pretty sick of crap being cancelled. Our big show is PBIOS and it was cancelled last week. Not like the oilfield is exactly booming right now, but we pull a lot of business from that show.

Was first there at the 1980 show.

Full refunds for SEMA Show exhibitor booth deposits and attendee registration fees will be issued.

Our yearly trade show is just prior to SEMA at the convention center. It got canceled too. I'm bummed that I don't get to go to Vegas this year, and next year it's in Atlanta. Also, they are still keeping the $16K that we put down on our booth space and any other money that we had to pay. Wonder if they are doing that for SEMA vendors too? If so that could hurt a lot of shops.
Honestly surprised they waited this long to cancel it. Our big training/convention (10k+ attendees) in vegas was canceled months ago.
On the news last night one of the SEMA reps said they still planned on holding it here this year.:laughing:
Now how will I find out about the ridiculous truck trends that nobody with an i.q. above room temp would spend money on? :kicksrocks:
Well every reality car show just died, what are they going to build for now?
I can’t believe people are still falling for all this bullshit. What’s the mortality rate, like .003%?
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