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Scammers almost got me


PBB transfer
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Oakley CA
whew i was one click away :eek:

Fagbook had a couple ads for pit viper sunglasses half off

me, being the cheap bastard that i am, thinks to myself hell yeah!

click the link, looks like pit vipers retro style website, and yep everything is on sale

cool, browse thru and start to notice they dont have all the models they used to have, oh well firesale, things change, whatever

add two things to the cart, enter my info, place order, separate screen appears and says "please enter your one time credit card code"

i get a legit text from my credit card company with the code, (thinking to myself) okay this has happened before, but why now?

inspect the page a bit more and theres an abreviation followed by 2,765.00

no dollar sign, but very clearly a dollar amount in my mind

i noped the fawk outa there

im an idiot:homer: cant believe i even went that far, fawk you fagbook for even showing me scams and fawk me for being a homer

anyways any nigerian princes here that want to give me there fortune? :laughing:
My wife fell for that shit with Oakleys. Luckily They only charged her for the crappy sunglasses. The fakest Oakley's I have ever seen did arrive in the mail.
Fake scammer adds on fagbook, no way. I thought they policed all the speech and adds :homer:
I bought a couple pairs of Pit Vipers off ebay before the rona hit. They were ~$35 each and appear legit, they did take forever on the slow boat though.
I have never worn sunglasses in my life.

I hate that raccoon.

FB sucks.

I’ve always been leery of those ads on Facebook. My wife will tell me she buys stuff and I immediately ask if it’s legit. Luckily she thoroughly checks everything before ordering.
I had to google Pit Viper sunglasses.

People pay for those?

Every time I have seen anyone wearing them, I assumed they were being paid because no one would put those on otherwise.

When I was in the Army they issued BCG's (Birth Control Glasses) They were named as such because there was no way you would ever get laid wearing them. Those glasses (Pit Viper) took that to the extreme.

I mean those are the glasses your wife buys you, when she doesn't trust you, because she KNOWS no female would come within a mile of you with those things on your face.
whew i was one click away :eek:

Fagbook had a couple ads for pit viper sunglasses half off


If you were ever ready to spend more than $25 for sunglasses, you need to go back to fagbook and never come back.
Never heard of them either so I looked them up.

Probably the gheyest looking things I have ever seen.

I wouldn't buy those for 100% off and would allow my retinas to burn out of my skull before I put those ghey things on this pristine body!
If you were ever ready to spend more than $25 for sunglasses, you need to go back to fagbook and never come back.

I wear glasses :edit: don't close your phone mid reply :laughing:

I wear sunglasses about 7hrs a day everyday and my last pair lasted me about 5 years, I get my money's worth
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I had never heard of that brand.

Is this the right website?

Is the OP a Pro wrestler if not I have no idea wtf is going on with him wanting those.
pit viper.png
I had never heard of that brand.

Is this the right website?

Is the OP a Pro wrestler if not I have no idea wtf is going on with him wanting those.

I entered to win that Limo.

It's a 1996 Fleetwood, and it looks like it's in good shape. I could make some bank driving people around on bar nights.
Fecesbook is FULL of Bait and Switch Chinese sites. I will NOT buy anything off Fecesbook. Even from individuals.
So those are those stupid-ass glasses like EVERYONE on youtube is wearing?

I mean....i guess im a cock gobbling douchecanoe .....I want a pair pretty badly, but the price is way too much. I just want the ability to look like an enormous tool sometimes :laughing::laughing::flipoff2:

I would pay 40$.
Just bought a phone case from an advertiser on fag book.....Sent me a bogus tracking number, I replied to them about cancelling, they quickly replied back with a tracking number from fucking china.... the slow boat. :homer:....But it's at least tracking. It's in NY right now. It will be interesting to see what I get. :laughing: Never doing that shit again.
speaking of sunglasses, Costa is sending me 2 new free pairs.

I sent in 2 pair because the little rubber piece came off around the nosepiece and underside on both. I could not figure out the adhesive, so I sent both pair hoping they would fix them for $15.

corona hits and somehow they lost my glasses. I call and email and couldn't get any info for about 3 weeks and finally get one saying to call with XXXXXX ref. number and that they will let me order 2 new pair of whatever I wanted.
Just bought a phone case from an advertiser on fag book.....Sent me a bogus tracking number, I replied to them about cancelling, they quickly replied back with a tracking number from fucking china.... the slow boat. :homer:....But it's at least tracking. It's in NY right now. It will be interesting to see what I get. :laughing: Never doing that shit again.

just go straight to Alibaba for that stuff :laughing:

if it's going to be Chinese junk, might as well go direct :lmao: there is another one of those sites, can't remember what it was called right now but my wife probably knows. every now and then she supports the commie bastards and buys $10 worth of trinkets that show up like surprise presents days to months later
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