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ROTD (Rant of the Day)


The Dude
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Surely everyone has at least one a day.

I’ll go first...

Last Friday a customer returned a drawing (Anchor Bolt Plan) from approval for a project I am working. I forwarded said drawing to my detailer with instructions to revise per mark ups and release for fabrication. Immediately following that I replied to the customer’s email asking when anchor bolts and embedded steel is needed on site (this is an out of state project so extra attention is needed to make sure we schedule accordingly).

Today I get an email from the same guy asking when anchor bolts will be delivered. He still has not told me when they are needed.

how do you politely say “I asked you when you needed them and you haven’t told me yet, dipshit.”?

what’s your ROTD?
To put my grievances into perspective, I'm running a job being overseen by 5 different USACE QA fucks.

They informed us the other day that they want an in-person meeting for every construction milestone.

So to put a French drain under 20 ft of sidewalk:
Meeting: sidewalk demo
Meeting: excavation
meeting: French drain install
meeting: infill
Meeting: sidewalk pouring

Do these retards not have anything to do???

What’s the expected duration of the project sounds to me like the meetings will take longer than the actual work.
State of VT sent out a shit ton of 1099 g's for the LWA unemployment (wife works in vt) to a shit ton of peeps with the wrong info, hers came with someone else's name and ss# GREAT! VT did send a FB message saying they are going to recall all of them, hopefully some scum bucket doesn't get ahold of her ss# and screw her over. VT state could fuck up a wet dream!
State of VT sent out a shit ton of 1099 g's for the LWA unemployment (wife works in vt) to a shit ton of peeps with the wrong info, hers came with someone else's name and ss# GREAT! VT did send a FB message saying they are going to recall all of them, hopefully some scum bucket doesn't get ahold of her ss# and screw her over. VT state could fuck up a wet dream!

Leave it to the .gov to fuck something simple up.
I was taking a dump in a porta shifter today and heard the dreaded ‘beep beep beep’. It’s amazing how often the cleaner guy comes when I’m dropping a deuce. Nobody likes getting rushed when they’re pooping.
Surely everyone has at least one a day.

I’ll go first...

Last Friday a customer returned a drawing (Anchor Bolt Plan) from approval for a project I am working. I forwarded said drawing to my detailer with instructions to revise per mark ups and release for fabrication. Immediately following that I replied to the customer’s email asking when anchor bolts and embedded steel is needed on site (this is an out of state project so extra attention is needed to make sure we schedule accordingly).

Today I get an email from the same guy asking when anchor bolts will be delivered. He still has not told me when they are needed.

how do you politely say “I asked you when you needed them and you haven’t told me yet, dipshit.”?

what’s your ROTD?

You leave out ‘dipshit’ and push send. maybe ‘as soon as you tell me when you need them so I can start making them.’

my rant would be stuff like this every day. I’ve learned someone always has it worse than me and I’m happy I even HAVE A job after 2020. So I let shit like this go because I’m a doorstep for most people and being pissed off just makes me more of a door step.
Been home in PA for a few days because of the whole dying thing, they must hire the plow drivers from the retard school up the road because the town i`m in is a disaster with this recent storm, plus the people in charge of moms development barely took a pass through the parking lot so i`ve been shoveling and making grocery store runs all day for the geezers because i`m not a complete piece of shit.

Think i`m just mad neither of the office guys showed up so I have to wait till tomorrow to punch someone in the dick sucker.
To put my grievances into perspective, I'm running a job being overseen by 5 different USACE QA fucks.

They informed us the other day that they want an in-person meeting for every construction milestone.

So to put a French drain under 20 ft of sidewalk:
Meeting: sidewalk demo
Meeting: excavation
meeting: French drain install
meeting: infill
Meeting: sidewalk pouring

Do these retards not have anything to do???

I was taking a dump in a porta shifter today and heard the dreaded ‘beep beep beep’. It’s amazing how often the cleaner guy comes when I’m dropping a deuce. Nobody likes getting rushed when they’re pooping.

I took a ride in one once while shitting...:laughing: Luckily the dumb fuck that took off before making sure no one was in it didn't go too fast or far. I came bursting out of the thing right on front of the superintendent, the ass chewing that poor guy got! :lmao:
I prefer to go immediately after they pump them out.

I prefer to go in the one next to the GC's trailer with the heater in it.

I always wanted to get a solar powered light to put in there. It can get dark in there. I are afraid of the dark. :homer:

not really
I took a ride in one once while shitting...:laughing: Luckily the dumb fuck that took off before making sure no one was in it didn't go too fast or far. I came bursting out of the thing right on front of the superintendent, the ass chewing that poor guy got! :lmao:

Mexican Space Shuttle EGRESS!:lmao:
Fucking GOOGLE and IOT! I have a half dozen IOT devices to control non-critical lighting with Google home. Fucking shit has been down almost all day; only way to control my shit is with my phone or tablet. There is no fucking way in hell would I install a hard wired IOT light switch or dimmer in my home! :stirthepot:
This thread is taking me back to my days in Korea. We would contract porta potties when we deployed for field exercises (Air Force life).

watching the Koreans slide the tub of shit and piss out from the back of the unit and dump it into a barrel in the back of their little pick up truck is forever engrained in my head. No doubt those barrels got used for fertilizer later that day.
This. Bad stuff smells better the colder it is.

You guys highly over estimate how much that heater is doing. It's makes a nice little warm updraft (of fresh air) that keeps your nuts above freeze. Beyond that there isn't much difference over the non heated ones. Having way to much experience with frozen porta shitters, I can tell you this is and upgrade.

What would be an even better upgrade would be a portable AC unit for the July-august Dallas jobs.
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