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RIP Larry Flynt

Any one the does or enjoys satirical humor owes a dept to him. He was a champion of the first amendment. People like to talk about how Hugh Hefner was so great, he was a creeper in pajamas. Larry was the man.

I :heart: satire.

I'm not a huge fan of the guy, but I understand and respect what he did and went through. The guy walked the walk until some puritanical asshole shot him, then he rolled on like a boss. Slurring his speech and everything. :flipoff2:
Where did you get the $1.25?

Rich bastard..

My dad was Navy; so all my buddies dads were Navy.

Sailors like smut mags.

Sailor's sons find said mags and polish the brass as a result of successful find. :flipoff2::laughing:

IIRC you could still collect pop bottles and return for a nickle back then

In the '70s; that's precisely what funded the 'polishing lotion'. :lmao: :grinpimp:
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Cartoons even. Chester the Molester Ed Head what I remember.

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14yrs old. No Internet yet so the only porn we had was whatever you found in your dad’s stash or your friends found in theirs. I was helping my dad clean out my grandma’s storage shed after my grandpa died. There was probably around 15 full cardboard boxes of Hustlers. They were all from my uncle when he had lived there. I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder at having to throw them all away. One of the saddest days of my life.
14yrs old. No Internet yet so the only porn we had was whatever you found in your dad’s stash or your friends found in theirs. I was helping my dad clean out my grandma’s storage shed after my grandpa died. There was probably around 15 full cardboard boxes of Hustlers. They were all from my uncle when he had lived there. I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder at having to throw them all away. One of the saddest days of my life.

I had an alcoholic on my paper route in the 70s, he had every issue of Playboy on shelves in his living room, looked like a library. When he died his brother had a dumpster dropped in front of the house, and he dumped every issue in it
He was a champion of the first amendment.

Evangelist Jerry Falwell sued over a pic about him & his mom "doing it" in an outhouse & won $200k(?). Larry fought back all the way to Supreme court & won his case.

~A white supremacist shot Larry over some interracial photos (LoL on the Jefferson reference).

RIP Larry-
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