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Riots Mob action January 15 and 16 2021


Rusty Spoons
May 22, 2020
Member Number
So where is all the carnage and mayhem on this cold winter day ? Is everyone SIP because of the Wuhan ?

No news from the State capitol of the new Nation State, Sacramento. Portland ? Washington DC ? Detroit ? Usual riot sanctuaries ?
Mhe. IMO all this shit is way overblown. We've had far worse riots and protests during my life than what's happened recently. Over sensationalized media bullshit.

What's the worst? Not Kent State, the shooting was a shock but other than that incident, the Kent State protests weren't even that big.

Chicago '68 is about the worst damage the White kids did.

King riots of 1967 and 1968 were about the worst riots in the US since the labor disturbances 1900-1940, and before that, the Draft Riots in 1862-1865, but you were marching with Longstreet back then weren'cha Gary?
Mhe. IMO all this shit is way overblown. We've had far worse riots and protests during my life than what's happened recently. Over sensationalized media bullshit.

Yeah. Pretty much what I was alluding to. But one of our iRates in New Mexico isn't happy :flipoff2:
The mobs and riots and militia gatherings was all FBI False Flag events. Not a single person I know was considering going to anything like that lol.

absolutely, it's all part of the role that the party in power was going to use to shut down all demonstrations once trump was out of office. pure voter intimidation.

of course, don't call their bluff because they will shoot you in the fucking face over it :laughing:
absolutely, it's all part of the role that the party in power was going to use to shut down all demonstrations once trump was out of office. pure voter intimidation.

of course, don't call their bluff because they will shoot you in the fucking face over it :laughing:

Or neck...:rolleyes:
wonder where all this was during the summer of riots? Are we not defunding the police now? I can't keep up
wonder where all this was during the summer of riots? Are we not defunding the police now? I can't keep up

trump was in office, they were always going to shut down dissent quickly and violenty "if" biden won.

100% gurantee you that if trump had "won" there would be daily protests still and mass amounts of congress "what kind of racist country do we live in? burn it down!"
trump was in office, they were always going to shut down dissent quickly and violenty "if" biden won.

100% gurantee you that if trump had "won" there would be daily protests still and mass amounts of congress "what kind of racist country do we live in? burn it down!"

And if the tables were turned the dems would be screaming if the government was deploying even half the security we're seeing because they feared BLM/antifa riots at the inauguration. Could you imagine the uproar?
And if the tables were turned the dems would be screaming if the government was deploying even half the security we're seeing because they feared BLM/antifa riots at the inauguration. Could you imagine the uproar?

there is no if, there is no imagine.

i remember that shit :laughing: anybody that doesn't believe you, pull up ANY article from May-October 2020.

it's like everybody is pretending that shit didn't happen
there is no if, there is no imagine.

i remember that shit :laughing: anybody that doesn't believe you, pull up ANY article from May-October 2020.

it's like everybody is pretending that shit didn't happen

They lost their minds when Trump used them. It was "Madness", "Kent State: and "Troops against peaceful protesters". Now that we have the largest troop concentration in DC since our founding all I am hearing is "But this time is different!" :rolleyes:

NC has it's State Building complex in Raleigh closed from Saturday through Wednesday in anticipation of Right Wing violence. It's not going to happen. The point has already been made. If anything I expected BLM to march or smash like they did on Juneteenth. I guess their handlers have told them to knock it off...
BLM and ANT-ifa riots haven't stopped, their just not being reported anymoe. 28 arrested and 11 police hurt just last night in NY.
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