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Riding Shotgun


May 19, 2020
Member Number
Filer, Id.
This is an OTR trucker that posts up videos from inside his truck as he's making deliveries. Hardly a great conversationalist, but he takes a lot of the secondary highways instead of the interstates. Good way to see what lots of the non-interstate routes look like. It's primarily in the western states.
This is an OTR trucker that posts up videos from inside his truck as he's making deliveries. Hardly a great conversationalist, but he takes a lot of the secondary highways instead of the interstates. Good way to see what lots of the non-interstate routes look like. It's primarily in the western states.
Did you forget something?
No, I figured you'd be smart enough to go to "YouTube" and sirch for "Riding Shotgun". Guess I figured wrong. :flipoff2:

And I figured you would be smart enough to add a link to whatever you wanted to talk about.Guess I figured wrong.:flipoff2:
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