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Rethinking conspire theories?


white collar hillbilly
May 28, 2020
Member Number
**Conspiracy** iOS spellcheck is horrible

Just curious...

after 2020... clear media redirection, questionable election, moving targets of a virus, social engineering, msm burying stories about 46 and family.....

is anyone questioning “official” stories about previous events? Kennedy, 9-11, Nixon, Vegas, 1/6/21, etc?
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If I don’t see it first hand, I’m going to question it

I do not trust the media, especially after this past four years
So... was there any doubt? I'm thinking "super fuck" was always in someone's mind.

if you don't believe every word he says, watch it at bedtime tomorrow and reflect on your day, by the end of the week you'll get it

The world is run by about 150 people who have no real allegiance to any country or people other than their tiny group.
Always have, always will. Fuck the haters. :flipoff2:


People with power use it, then cover it up.

Sometimes they cover it up with something more outrageous. Some spy shit crashes, they say it was a weather balloon, and spread that it was a UFO.

The intelligence community wants to go mainstream, they help some goatherders crash some planes, say it was terrorists, spread that it was holographic nanothermite.
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Don't know about conspiracies, but I think there are people that take full advantage of world events.
It’s still just Occam’s razor. If the conspiracy makes more sense than the standard narrative, I’ll put more faith in it. That hasn’t really been really tested much here, as the media et.al. has simply gone to “just tell them the opposite a billion times” rather than any real effort at obfuscation. The Hunter Biden thing was still never denied, the media has just put “false” on every headline regarding it.

That’s the one thing that has really annoyed me recently, the complete disposal of journalistic efforts. Just put the aforementioned “false” on the headline, and it’s all good: judgement of those sorts just simply didn’t used to be in the purview of the media: they used to just put “trump said” and let the reader figure out his own opinion as to the veracity of the information. . Your opinion is supposed to be handed to you and not deviated from now.
I dont believe a damn thing in the "news" anymore. I think it's more likely to be false than true. Even local news. They have their own local agenda and then when they cover national news they just regurgitate whatever BS they get from corporate.

The commies are already in control. The last 4 years of stonewalling from every corporation and .gov department should tell you that.
i believe the conspiracy that 99% of conspiracies are pure bullshit allowing the 1% of real conspiracies to be lumped in with the rest and it all written off as bullshit

Pretty accurate. The problem IMO is that way too many people think the opposite..................... that 99% of conspiracies are true and 1% are bullshit.
I've watched relatively crazy things play out in front of my eyes, and then listened to the media and government conspire to tell me lies about it. So, yeah, it's not in-depth logic to consider events of the past went down similarly.
Pretty accurate. The problem IMO is that way too many people think the opposite..................... that 99% of conspiracies are true and 1% are bullshit.

Considering what we are feed and them being caught so many times....exactly how is a person supposed to determine what's true and what's a lie?

Back to believing nothing you hear and only half what you see? I guess even our grandparents had to deal with the bullshit.
Robert Kennedy had Marylin Monroe killed. Is it a conspiracy if only two people knew about it?
And here I thought shit was coming off the rails when BLM was burning cities to the ground with support from local gov officials (and how much of that was political maneuvering?). That was a warm up to what has been post-election events.
I used to think I was swimming in the deep end of conspiracies about our guberment. After 2020 I realized I wasn’t even wet let alone at the pool

Most people that I talked to about hem thought I was a nutter. Now many of those people are asking me whats next. I tell them imagine the most full retart unimaginable event that a B rated holly wood movie would have and you may be close.
And here I thought shit was coming off the rails when BLM was burning cities to the ground with support from local gov officials (and how much of that was political maneuvering?). That was a warm up to what has been post-election events.

It was also a way to control the narrative and keep the pressure off the government officials as our cities are on fire.

Dont be fooled. This was a clear example of how the citizens are very expendable to the government. They will send you to war, allow fellow citizens to burn you cities to the ground. They will label groups that they disagree with in order to dehumanize them and allow their other citizens to turn on them. VPOTUS elect was providing bail money for the rioters for a hot minute if I remember correct, could have been “squad”
members for all I can keep track at his point.

Main point is you should question everything you government and media tells you. Its one of the most patriotic things you can do as a citizen.
I just can't get over some of the hypocrisy. Trump is facing impeachment from the left over the capital protests/riots. Leftist gov officials literally rallied with and opened doors to gov buildings for BLM protestors/rioters with hardly a peep of criticism from the media or fellow gov officials. Wasn't Pelosi dressed in African garb and taking a knee while cities burned by BLM? And she's leading the charge in impeaching a guy for supporting a riot? And the media just follows suit.
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Speaking of conspiracy theories--I would encourage everyone to drop Facebook and Whatsapp immediately. I know that's been beaten to death on IBB, but it needs to be said as often as possible.
So just saw on the news the FBI is getting the National Gaurd troops. Holy fawk. We are doomed.
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