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Retarded Idea of the Day!

May 19, 2020
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Today at work I was razzing a guy who axed off the tip of his left index finger with an axe (careful with those fiskars). We then came up with a fantastic retarded idea:

What if you took a neodymium magnet and surgically installed it at the tip of your cut=off finger. Imagine being the one mechanic that can put that fucking nut on way down in the engine bay where nobody else can. :lmao:

So, what retarded idea did you have today?
While it might be useful once in a while, all I can envision is picking up something off my garage floor and then that finger forever being covered in grinder dust or small file/saw chips.
While it might be useful once in a while, all I can envision is picking up something off my garage floor and then that finger forever being covered in grinder dust or small file/saw chips.

And accidentally erasing credit card &hotel room key card stripes...
I think the best thing to do is being missed entirely. Random tools and fake finger tips would be a fun party trick.
Fetching your keys from your (read not your) woman's box.
Women have a higher iron content in their vajayjay once a month. If a guys willy was super magnetic...

This wont and well.
supposedly you can feel the vibration in the magnet from AC current flow in wires

ETA: but also you can get them smashed to dust and win fun prizes like nice magnetic particles in bad places like your bloodstream
I smash my fingers a lot so that nixed the idea to get that done for me
This seems dumb enough for this thread.

I've stood up into stuff and scraped my glasses off enough times that I want nothing to do with these.

The magnet in the finger idea is genius.

The glasses, not so much.
This seems dumb enough for this thread.

I've stood up into stuff and scraped my glasses off enough times that I want nothing to do with these.

I've been hit in the head with a chunk of concrete while wearing bolle sports glasses and a piece of the frame got stuck in my head so I've kinda already had those.
Maybe retarded, maybe not:

Have electoral votes for State-level elections (for Governor, etc.). Each county = 1 state electoral vote.
Tazer football. We just heard that college football is going to be a thing again. We were discussing that and things escalated quickly. We decided it would be cool to have 'Tazer football'. It's just like regular football, but social distancing would require the players to have tazers with ten foot leads.
Tazer football. We just heard that college football is going to be a thing again. We were discussing that and things escalated quickly. We decided it would be cool to have 'Tazer football'. It's just like regular football, but social distancing would require the players to have tazers with ten foot leads.

I would win that game.
Tazer football. We just heard that college football is going to be a thing again. We were discussing that and things escalated quickly. We decided it would be cool to have 'Tazer football'. It's just like regular football, but social distancing would require the players to have tazers with ten foot leads.

I might watch that.

Sometimes I've wished all vehicles on the road had open communication systems. "Hey Mudslinger! Why do you keep drifting onto the shoulder?":flipoff2:
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