Recommend a compound bow for me.


Red Skull Member
May 31, 2020
Member Number
I’m looking to get a compound bow to play with this winter. Hopefully be ready to kill white tail deer next fall. Bow season is much longer than any black powder or shotgun season here so it will work better with my hectic work schedule.

Anyways, I haven’t owned a bow in about 25 years. Local dealers sell Hoyt, Matthews, Bowtech, and another Iowa brand that starts with an X. I’m looking at a draw length of 28.5” and a draw weight between 50 and 60 lbs. maybe up to 55/65.

What brands should I stay away from?
what features are nice to have vs. absolutely necessary?
what price range will get me out of the junk stuff?
is it worth it to buy new for the warranty?
go to dealer and try some out if they have a range.
i dont care for used bows but that is me.
all those are good bows. .get something in your price point.
I can't comment too much, but I bought a Bowtech Carbon ICON this year. Nice bow. Nice package. Uses a peep sight. I don't have any other experience with any bows, though.
go to dealer and try some out if they have a range.
i dont care for used bows but that is me.
all those are good bows. .get something in your price point.

This. Go shoot a bunch of brands and buy what works best for you.

Any of the newer bows will be a vast improvement over a 25 year old bow. I’m in my current one for around $600, but I bought it used. My last bow was a mission craze (around $500 new), shot great for a entry level beginner bow. Expect to spend $1K+ for a new flagship bow.
I got my diamond bow as a model year closeout from the local shop, it's a good time of year to look for those sorts of deals.
Try them all. Challenge your muscles so you can draw 65+ for next hunting season. I have always shot Hoyt, but will be buying an Elite this year.
Elite archery ftw! Hoyt still makes a nice bow put they don`t push the envelope of innovation anymore, basically they made a name for themselves and now they ride on it, I was dead set on another Hoyt this year after a few years off with a fucked up shoulder and the local pro shop guy had me shoot a couple Elites and the difference was night and day, plus there`s ton of built in adjustment you can do yourself without a bow press if you`re looking for maximum tunability, saving a few hundred dollars doesn`t hurt either.
Elite archery ftw! Hoyt still makes a nice bow put they don`t push the envelope of innovation anymore, basically they made a name for themselves and now they ride on it, I was dead set on another Hoyt this year after a few years off with a fucked up shoulder and the local pro shop guy had me shoot a couple Elites and the difference was night and day, plus there`s ton of built in adjustment you can do yourself without a bow press if you`re looking for maximum tunability, saving a few hundred dollars doesn`t hurt either.

What made the elite shoot so much better?
it seems user adjustability is a valuable feature then? Are those adjustments just draw length and draw weight? Any other adjustments? What about let off %?
Letoff up to 90% and adjustable depending on bow, in addition to length and weight adjustments you can adjust cam alignment and swap modules, I chose an Elite over a Hoyt because of how smooth the bow was overall, the difference was night and day for me and I`m definitely not some random hater because my 4 bows previously were all Hoyt`s.
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