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Real estate crisis coming?

I couldn’t deal with that. Being Lazy is my number one pet peeve. Whining how you life sucks but not actively trying to fix it sets me off.

My wife’s parents worked like hell. Her dad was always trying the next get rich quick scheme that never worked out for him. Cash cropping, giseng farming, the current iteration is having a small fleet of otr trucks. All being funded by her mom working at a paper mill making damn near 100k a year.

If your FIL isn't grossing min 5k/wk per truck, he's doing it wrong.
This kind of blows my mind. I'm glad it worked for all of you but those numbers are so short These days I feel like girls hide there Cray and are independent enough you have to find it out before they divorce you to get half your shit. I feel like my friends who kept dating their women from college another 5 yrs then marked might have been on point. Last 3, one went crazy at month 2, one went crazy at month 4, one went crazy at month 7.

At what point is it me not them? :laughing: I feel like a financial partner and friend should not be this hard to find. Good news I get a smudge pot and 48" finger break as presents to myself for ending this one.
The quality of women in America has dropped greatly.
I have zero problems finding ass, there's women making terrible choices all around me. But if I want a wife, I'll probably start visiting some dirt poor old fashioned countries, because there's women making terrible choices all around me. :laughing:
They are out there but they are hard to find.

I got really lucky with my wife. We dated for 10years before we pulled the pin. She grew up dirt poor mostly from bad decisions made by her parents. She vowed never to live like that again.

She buys nothing, saves as much as she can, put over 10% of her wages into her 401k starting at the age of 18. There is zero fighting about money in our household. She is in charge of our retirement planning.

I am super lucky to have found a partner like her to spend my life with.
I'm the same. Auto pilot and my credit score is excellent. I'm lucky.
The quality of women in America has dropped greatly.
I have zero problems finding ass, there's women making terrible choices all around me. But if I want a wife, I'll probably start visiting some dirt poor old fashioned countries, because there's women making terrible choices all around me. :laughing:
Agreed. Getting ass would is not that hard due to the number of people making shitty decisions. But those ones are almost all instantly excluded from being dateable. So when it comes to relationships with a long term goal i feel like you spend all your time rejecting candidates.

Its why I halfway think the find your spouse back in college crowd had it right. Get them when they were still impressionable and hadn't made too many shitty decisions. Once your 30 it seems like most of the market is either divorced, crazy, massive baggage, or just plain unattractive.

What is up with all the women making terrible choices? I dont understand how not fucking up your life is that hard :homer:
This kind of blows my mind. I'm glad it worked for all of you but those numbers are so short These days I feel like girls hide there Cray and are independent enough you have to find it out before they divorce you to get half your shit. I feel like my friends who kept dating their women from college another 5 yrs then marked might have been on point. Last 3, one went crazy at month 2, one went crazy at month 4, one went crazy at month 7.
In my case, she was working full time at a dairy taking care of cows, we stacked a lot of square bales, shoveled manure and did other such chores together on her parents farm that summer so we had worked together which was big on getting to know each other. We actually only went on one date before I asked her to marry me.

Don't get me wrong, there are ups, downs and there is craziness in spades at times, but we both work together to make it work and we are generally on the same page for important things.

Aaron Z
What is up with all the women making terrible choices? I dont understand how not fucking up your life is that hard :homer:
You ever notice how most people's bad life decisions come from entitlement. They expect to be able to fuck around not having career and working jobs that go nowhere, buying shit they can't afford because they want it now, etc. all of which is compounded by having people bail you out so you never learn from your mistakes.

Now imagine how much more prevalent those behavioral patterns are from people who have a vagina, are halfway decent looking and are generally predisposed to be emotional train wrecks. It's a miracle any of them exit their teenage years able to function in society at all.
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Im pretty retarded in regards to real estate. So is now a good time to buy for the cheap rates despite things being super high? Or is it better to hold off for things to crash? My current house is paid for. I could get a lot for it but nowhere to go. My current line of thinking is to hang onto my house and rent it out and use that money for a new mortgage later.
You ever notice how most people's bad life decisions come from entitlement.

so true.

Im pretty retarded in regards to real estate. So is now a good time to buy for the cheap rates despite things being super high? Or is it better to hold off for things to crash? My current house is paid for. I could get a lot for it but nowhere to go. My current line of thinking is to hang onto my house and rent it out and use that money for a new mortgage later.

million dollar question. they pumped so much money that a crash may just be things dropping a bit before skyrocketing to the moon. thats my prediction. 10% lower is my guess, I dont see them goibg more, because literally everything is going up.
Agreed. Getting ass would is not that hard due to the number of people making shitty decisions. But those ones are almost all instantly excluded from being dateable. So when it comes to relationships with a long term goal i feel like you spend all your time rejecting candidates.

Its why I halfway think the find your spouse back in college crowd had it right. Get them when they were still impressionable and hadn't made too many shitty decisions. Once your 30 it seems like most of the market is either divorced, crazy, massive baggage, or just plain unattractive.

What is up with all the women making terrible choices? I dont understand how not fucking up your life is that hard :homer:
You may be right about picking in college, but if you were my son, I would advise that you are on the right track in your situation. Do the things you enjoy and keep your eyes open for ladies doing that as well. Chat them up even if they aren't "attractive." Keep them in the friend zone until you meet their friends and invite the attractive ones to the events you enjoy. "Hey you should come do this with us" is pretty easy. Then watch her for crazy as you get to know her. The chart of hotness to crazy is a real thing. I knew my wife and went on a few dates for 9 months before we were exclusive for a year and then married. She wasn't financially savvy at all, but I figured out she was teachable and a hard worker. We have done very well for 23 or our 25 years. The first couple of years were tough. I didn't realize she had trust issues where her security is concerned. We worked through it.

Keep doing what you are doing and it will work out. It goes without saying never let a prospect know there is a spreadsheet.:homer:
You ever notice how most people's bad life decisions come from entitlement. They expect to be able to fuck around not having career and working jobs that go nowhere, buying shit they can't afford because they want it now, etc. all of which is compounded by having people bail you out so you never learn from your mistakes.

Now imagine how much more prevalent those behavioral patterns are from people who have a vagina, are halfway decent looking and are generally predisposed to be emotional train wrecks. It's a miracle any of them exit their formative years able to function in society at all.
how the fuck you know my ex? :laughing:
You may be right about picking in college, but if you were my son, I would advise that you are on the right track in your situation. Do the things you enjoy and keep your eyes open for ladies doing that as well. Chat them up even if they aren't "attractive." Keep them in the friend zone until you meet their friends and invite the attractive ones to the events you enjoy. "Hey you should come do this with us" is pretty easy. Then watch her for crazy as you get to know her. The chart of hotness to crazy is a real thing. I knew my wife and went on a few dates for 9 months before we were exclusive for a year and then married. She wasn't financially savvy at all, but I figured out she was teachable and a hard worker. We have done very well for 23 or our 25 years. The first couple of years were tough. I didn't realize she had trust issues where her security is concerned. We worked through it.

Keep doing what you are doing and it will work out. It goes without saying never let a prospect know there is a spreadsheet.:homer:
Screw that.

Tell him to find an ugly skinny chick with over-achieving parents who fucks like a rabbit.

They all look the same in the dark and boobs don't cook or run errands.

Any woman who spend age 15-25 with any sort of good looks is going to be fucked in the head.

Of course I'm an idiot and did found one that's a massive fucking project with 1/4 of those. Literally everything I bring home is a fucking project. Fuck. Maybe she'll lose weight someday.
Of course I'm an idiot and did found one that's a massive fucking project with 1/4 of those. Literally everything I bring home is a fucking project. Fuck. Maybe she'll lose weight someday.

weight or looks dont matter after you get old. but having a good person does.
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I was wondering if zillow, redfin, opendoor, ect were driving up demand artificially by buying up a bunch of houses in hot markets hoping to flip them. Looks like it isnt working out well for zillow and their stock is dropping fast today. Still hoping this doesnt effect prices in my area.

I was wondering if zillow, redfin, opendoor, ect were driving up demand artificially by buying up a bunch of houses in hot markets hoping to flip them. Looks like it isnt working out well for zillow and their stock is dropping fast today. Still hoping this doesnt effect prices in my area.

Zillow had a flawed business model, the CEO was watching too much house flipper TV. Each house is unique, and you had better know your numbers before you buy and start remodeling. Zillow might be good at predicting house prices, but remodeling for a fixed budget is not easy. If you're not capable doing the work yourself you should stay home and invest in goldfish farming. I know my remodeling budget and sales price before I think about what I'm willing to pay for a house. When this market cycle turns there is going to be a lot of bankrupt builders and flippers as always.
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