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Rant thread

datchu Mark?

For the math challenged liar from Illannoyed, it comes out to about 8 posts/day.

24 years, 71,000 posts.

Not that kissincuzineddie would know, but the other sites are working just awesomely again.
may be hard to get a response now that all the PS Karens have settled back where they belong, but worth a shot.

Are you a moderator on Plow site and have you been banning all the old members since the takeover? It's like you're banning people and then coming here to talk to them still because you miss them.

PS went to shit when new mods took over and the Karens got them in their back pocket. Bans are given for no reason on a daily basis according to many previous members of the site.

I personally will not go back to PS, not the way it is after the VS takoever, it's a Karen takeover!
Your whole post sounds like you are are bitter.

If you had even half a clue, you would know that I am not a moderator at plow site, never have been never will be.

So, Eddie why are you even here commenting?
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