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Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down Bay Bridge

Also, randomly, I just had to take a detour in an industrial area because they were protesting some government training facility next to a jobsite.

I was really hoping to check out some hot Arabian chicks:laughing:
FIFY cut off the head of the snake...
Not a snake, a hydra, cut one head off and two grow in its place. We have to figure out a way to kill the beast all at once.

We knew this in the early days of the United State, yet somehow, we let it take control of our nation anyway.

Cell phones keep people from doing a lot of shit. That's why all these road blocking protests work, no one is beating the shit out of these people when they're going to be filmed from 20 different angles. Even if you don't have charges pressed against you it opens you up to civil suits.
And that is unfortunate, cause I want to give these clowns a dose of reality, plus I like the idea of blasting thru with no fucks given.
I'm guessing not one of those 80 people arrested are sitting in a jail cell right now. If we better enforced our laws and had appropriate punishments this crap would be happening less often.
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.
I don’t want to go to jail or be sued civilly for some Mr T. Hell, you know if you’re acting in self defense they’ll still charge you with manslaughter, all degrees of murder and jay walking and let the courts solve it. Look at the conviction rates in our country
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.

If it were me, I would slowly push forward. If they attack the car, time to floor it. Fear for my life and all. In Fl, the gov. Made it law you don’t have to stop.
Gotta wait til they break windows before you chance bouncing over human speedbumps.

Goes against my preferences, but I dont want to explore a jailcell if I absolutely can avoid it.
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