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Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down Bay Bridge

Any guesses on who is funding these useful idiots?

Can we just decide as a society blocking the roads to protest is grounds to get run the fuck over? It's the stupidest fucking way to protest. You're not convincing people to join your cause by fucking traffic up.
They kind of did that here after a few people got killed trying to block the freeway. Now if they try and block the freeway the state patrol will immediately mobilize and remove them.
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.
Cell phones keep people from doing a lot of shit. That's why all these road blocking protests work, no one is beating the shit out of these people when they're going to be filmed from 20 different angles. Even if you don't have charges pressed against you it opens you up to civil suits.
They kind of did that here after a few people got killed trying to block the freeway. Now if they try and block the freeway the state patrol will immediately mobilize and remove them.
Yeah, there's one or two states where you're legally protected for driving through the crowd of you perceive it as a threat.
They kind of did that here after a few people got killed trying to block the freeway. Now if they try and block the freeway the state patrol will immediately mobilize and remove them.
CHP and Sheriffs are starting to pack them into Sheriff's busses, and towing cars. I was really hoping for some resistance :stirthepot:
Can we just decide as a society blocking the roads to protest is grounds to get run the fuck over? It's the stupidest fucking way to protest. You're not convincing people to join your cause by fucking traffic up.
Maybe its not about convincing people to join your cause.

How big of a statement is it to say, "I can hop into traffic, fuck up traffic for an entire day, cost numerous people untold amounts of money due to lost production, late arrival, etc...and npt get arrested for it. And I can do it as often as I want. And if you try to do anything about it, you are going to jail."

Thats a pretty strong flex, no?
Things are getting very weird in this country. I don't even understand how these people think. This whole thing on tic/tok about reading bin ladens letter and the same kids saying bin laden was right?

social media was the beginning of the end
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.
Cause this here
Cell phones keep people from doing a lot of shit. That's why all these road blocking protests work, no one is beating the shit out of these people when they're going to be filmed from 20 different angles. Even if you don't have charges pressed against you it opens you up to civil suits.
I think its the only thing saving these fucks from in the moment vigilante justice
Go block a railroad somewhere fucktards.
This, commercial or govt shit.
Maybe its not about convincing people to join your cause.

How big of a statement is it to say, "I can hop into traffic, fuck up traffic for an entire day, cost numerous people untold amounts of money due to lost production, late arrival, etc...and npt get arrested for it. And I can do it as often as I want. And if you try to do anything about it, you are going to jail."

Thats a pretty strong flex, no?
Go block a railroad somewhere fucktards.

The wagonburners did that up here a few years back. Ended up with the cops being sent out to protect em and the railroads having to park trains while they "protested".

It's fucked.
You're not convincing people to join your cause by fucking traffic up.
Who is ultimately funding them?

Same people that run things from the shadows.

What's the current message the Puppet Masters are pushing with their mainstream media propaganda machine?

Division, division, division.

Don't you think that the further division caused by these idiots blocking traffic isn't also intentional?
Maybe its not about convincing people to join your cause.

How big of a statement is it to say, "I can hop into traffic, fuck up traffic for an entire day, cost numerous people untold amounts of money due to lost production, late arrival, etc...and npt get arrested for it. And I can do it as often as I want. And if you try to do anything about it, you are going to jail."

Thats a pretty strong flex, no?

A generation raised to believe that the act of protesting is a saintly act. Regardless of the what the protest is for, just participating in a protest is somehow a good thing for society. Add to that schools mostly presenting american history in a bad light and anyone who has more than you is evil rich. Suddenly you have young people out protesting to feel better about themselves but cannot answer basic questions about why they are protesting. Crowds of vapid people advertising thier ignorance.
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.
Because they don't do this shit in a questionable part of Trenton or Gary. They do that shit in places like Boston and SF or some other city full of rich-ass fuckwits who lick the boot too hard to ride the shoulder and are too afraid to put a scratch on their Lexus driving over these fuckwits.

I will say that if this ever happens during my commute time (which it won't because I don't go through downtown nor do I commute at normal people hours) I'm a prime canidate for running people over because ever since I encountered Sofried's brothers in taxpayer funded stupidity in west VA I ride the shoulder as soon as it becomes clear traffic ain't moving.

How big of a statement is it to say, "I can hop into traffic, fuck up traffic for an entire day, cost numerous people untold amounts of money due to lost production, late arrival, etc...and npt get arrested for it. And I can do it as often as I want. And if you try to do anything about it, you are going to jail."
Cops and firefighters do this shit every day and the dumbass boot licking old men around here give them a free pass. Never-mind that a tow truck driver or some shit could do what they do without the interruption to traffic

Things are getting very weird in this country. I don't even understand how these people think. This whole thing on tic/tok about reading bin ladens letter and the same kids saying bin laden was right?


These people don't exist in any meaningful number. They're a rounding error that evil people have handed a microphone to because they need to keep everyone divided to consolidate power. Same story as the trannys.
Yeah, there's one or two states where you're legally protected for driving through the crowd of you perceive it as a threat.
Likely not that simply. You can't simply kill people because you think they are are threat. They have to actually be a threat.

What I think I would do.... I'd drive as slow as possible. If the windows break or anyone gets physically touched in my vehicle, that's when the throttle goes down.

Here is an interesting perspective.

How much weight can a TJ in 4:1 low gear push you think? Or do I keep it in high so I can escape if I push through? Just working through strategies. Biggest thing is I don't know if it's heavy enough to push good.
I put locking hubs on the front though and getting out to lock in probably shows intent if someone gets hurt.:homer::lmao:

Luckily my guys were working in town yesterday but I very well could have had a truck or two stuck in this shit.
Who is ultimately funding them?

Same people that run things from the shadows.

What's the current message the Puppet Masters are pushing with their mainstream media propaganda machine?

Division, division, division.

Don't you think that the further division caused by these idiots blocking traffic isn't also intentional?
A country divided is much easier to control. Can you imagine how little power the .gov would have if everybody got along?
Things are getting very weird in this country. I don't even understand how these people think. This whole thing on tic/tok about reading bin ladens letter and the same kids saying bin laden was right?

It's our enemies brain washing our citizens using tiktok and social media. We're fucked.
I dont get how the traffic at the head of the line puts up with that shit.
Cause any driver that hits them will be the next George Zimmerman

And have to go into hiding to keep from getting killed for offending Muslims
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