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primers wtf Canada


land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
primers and ammo are sold out or at crazy prices....us stores....but looking online, Canadian stores have them in stock.....wtf......kinda fishy to me.

can any Canadian brothern confirm this.
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Biden didn’t tell them he was gonna ban their shit.
our guns were already banned by our shit head leader awhile ago. i can only assume stores have it in stock and we're not buying it at the same rate as you guys south of the border.
Well can we not get one of our northern friends to buy it all up and bring them down here?? I'll pitch in for gas or maple syrup whatever it takes.
Biden's primer production ban doesn't affect Canada. They're just not allowed to sell to USA distributors any more.
There has to be traffic across the border, how does one appear necessary to cross?
It's the same thing with canning jars, right now Canadians on you tube are showing cases on the shelf and worried that they are running out. Here in the US if you can find them (I am talking about on line) they want double the price!
has Canada opened the borders yet, can smuggle the back over the boarder viva snowmobile

get on a boat, cross lake erie, I meets you in sandusky harbor.

I assure you ain't nobody monitoring the lake, it's a joke. you're supposed to self report at a video kiosk to CBP.....
get on a boat, cross lake erie, I meets you in sandusky harbor.

I assure you ain't nobody monitoring the lake, it's a joke. you're supposed to self report at a video kiosk to CBP.....

can you make lake Ontario, it is just 30 minutes north of me?
FOC www.firearmsoutletcanada.com seems to have some good sales if you ever manage to get across. I just packed up all mine since we listed the house. didnt realize how much i had. side note:

What is considered "enough" amo? bare in mind we are barley allowed to even shoot our shit let alone us it for protection.
FOC www.firearmsoutletcanada.com seems to have some good sales if you ever manage to get across. I just packed up all mine since we listed the house. didnt realize how much i had. side note:

What is considered "enough" amo? bare in mind we are barley allowed to even shoot our shit let alone us it for protection.

enough ammo is never enough.
due to .gov.
What is considered "enough" amo? bare in mind we are barley allowed to even shoot our shit let alone us it for protection.

Fucking canucks. What the fuck kind of stupid question is that? Enough and ammo should never be in the same sentence, except this one because its a learning moment.
well, i never did say i have "enough" just wondering what some people consider enough. either way i can always just order some more from our fine Canadian stores and it will be delivered in 2 days....🤣
NFPA 495 section 14 says 20lbs of powder and 10k primers is enough for a residence. :lmao:
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